College of Social Sciences Researcher Development Programme (CoSS RDP) New Initiative - Staff Application for Funding Funding is available to support the development of activities or resources that will be of benefit to postgraduate or postdoctoral researchers across the University. Funding criteria 1. Projects should be focussed on helping early-career researchers (i.e. PGRs and Postdocs) to develop skills outside of their core research area. This could involve developing skills in: Public engagement or outreach Business engagement, enterprise and knowledge exchange Employability Developing future research leaders 2. Bids should clearly demonstrate how they relate to the Vitae Researcher Development Framework (RDF) Domains B-D. 3. Activities should complement those already in existence within the University 4. This fund cannot be used for conference attendance or to organise a conference or seminar series that is purely research-related. It can, however, be used to fund workshops at a conference which have a specific focus on one of the elements outlined above. 5. Activities should be of benefit to groups of researchers, rather than to one particular individual. Priority will be given to bids that are relevant to researchers across more than one School/College and support interdisciplinary collaboration. We are looking for projects with scale and scale-ability. It is intended that this funding should be used as ‘pump-priming’ for new projects. Therefore bids should include a plan for how such activity can be sustained in the future or how project outcomes will be disseminated to benefit other groups of researchers within the University. 6. A clear plan should be provided for how you will monitor the impact of your event on the various stakeholders and how you will measure whether you have achieved the stated aim of your initiative. Application Assessment The Graduate School will score bids out of 20, on the basis of the following criteria: Skills development benefits for early-career researchers Legacy or sustainability plan – how will other researchers benefit from this initiative in the future? / 10 /5 Clear plan for evaluation of success and impact Value for money /3 /2 Application process Before submission, you may find it useful to discuss your bids with Dickon Copsey (, the RDP Coordinator, who can talk you through the funding criteria or put you in touch with others in the University who have similar ideas. Alan McConnell ( can also give you advice on costings and securing approved suppliers. Please ensure that your bid is written in clear English that is suitable for someone from outside of your own specialist subject area. Title of project Proposer Name(s) Staff member responsible for organisation/administration: (Please ensure staff member is aware of their responsibilities in this regard) Funding sought £ Target Audience (whether the project is aimed at a particular career stage or year group or at researchers from a specific subject area) Brief description of the project Include aims, key deliverables and how this initiative will be of benefit to the personal, professional and career development of researchers. Please be specific about how many researchers will benefit and what they will get out of it. (max 600 words) Funding Criteria Explain how your proposed project is relevant to the funding criteria outlined in section 1 of the front page of this document. All applications should align clearly with the Vitae Researcher Development Framework (RDF) Domains B-D. Monitoring and Evaluation Describe how you will evaluate the success and impact of this project. Timeframe and sustainability plan What is the intended timeframe for the project, including key dates? How will your initiative become sustainable in future to ensure long-term benefit for researchers at the University of Glasgow? College of Social Sciences Researcher Development Programme (CoSS RDP) New Initiative – Costing, Staff Application for Funding Some tips for costing your bid: Check catering costs on the University website. Find out whether you will be charged for venue hire or janitorial cover. Make a good estimate of travel costs for any speakers/presenters (and ensure they are aware that you are expecting them to stick within a certain budget for travel and use public transport wherever possible). Accommodation bookings must be made via the University of Glasgow Conference & Visitors Services Office. If there are changes to your budget, please discuss these with Alan McConnell in advance of making any arrangements. All spending must be in line with the University of Glasgow procurement guidance. BREAKDOWN OF FUNDING REQUESTED. PLEASE PROVIDE PARTICIPANT NAMES WHEN POSSIBLE DETAILS ESTIMATED COST e.g. Speaker 1 Mr J Smith Travel Expenses £25 e.g. Speaker 1 Mr J Smith Fee* £250 e.g. Catering costs £100 e.g. Printing costs £50 e.g. Janitorial costs £30 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST £455 *NOTE: ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE PAYMENT OF SPEAKERS/FACILITATORS ARE CURRENTLY UNDER REVIEW BY HR. THE PROCESS WILL BE PASSED ON TO APPLICANTS FOR FUNDING ASAP. PLEASE COMPLETE AND RETURN THIS DOCUMENT TO ALAN.MCCONNELL@GLASGOW.AC.UK