INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PLANNING REPORT INSTRUCTIONS AND TIMELINE Purpose and Goals Section Departments and programs develop purpose statement and departmental goals as a result of program planning and review that takes place during the year new Institutional Plan is developed. The purpose statement must have a direct link to the College’s Institutional Mission and Institutional Goals. The departmental goals should state how the department or program intends to fulfill its purpose. These goals should be measurable. 1. Targeted Objectives: What the department/program plans to do or implement during the planning year. These objectives would have been budgeted resources (dollars, equipment or personnel) for the planning year. It is suggested that objectives be numbered for reference purposes. 2. Link to SPC Institutional Plan: How is this initiative linked to an institutional goal or objective? 3. Expected results and outcomes: Why the department/program is taking on this initiative and what it expects to accomplish or achieve from the targeted initiative. 4. Strategies and Action Items: How does the department/program plan to accomplish its initiatives? What steps or actions need to be taken in order to achieve the expected outcomes? Should also include timelines/deadlines and budget resources allocated or needed. 5. Results/Progress/Status of Outcome Measures: Departments/programs check status and progress on targeted initiative and report outcome measures for planning year. 6. Use of Results: Departments/programs report how results of assessment and progress will be used. Results are used to determine targeted initiatives for the next year. 7. Accomplishments: Departments/programs report major accomplishments and achievements made during the plan year. 8. Summary Results of Program Assessment: Departments/Programs provide a summary report of the results of assessment of courses, services or projects. 9. Summary Report of Improvements: Departments/Programs provide a summary of what actions will be taken as a result of assessment. 10. Critical Needs and Items: Departments/programs identify critical items or needs in preparation for budget planning and hearing process. Critical items or needs become targeted initiatives as resources are allocated. Update and Report Timeline September-October: Departments/programs update Sections 1, 2, 3, 4 to reflect new planning initiatives for the new year. These initiatives are determined from budgeted resources that have been approved and allocated for the plan year. There also may be initiatives that need to be “carried-over” from the previous plan year because they were still in progress or never initiated. November-January: Departments/programs identify critical needs and items that are of a budgetary concern and develop target initiatives, expected results and outcomes and estimate budget resources needed to carry these initiatives forward in the next fiscal year. Sections 1, 2, 3 should be completed as budget requests are developed. Section 4 would identify the funds necessary to start the initiative. April-May: Departments/programs (9-month) update Sections 5 through 10, reporting progress, results, or status of the targeted initiative. The results of assessment are used to identify targeted initiatives for the next year. June-July: Departments/programs (12-month) update Sections 5 through 10, reporting progress, results, or status of the targeted initiative. The results of assessment are used to identify targeted initiatives for the next year.