University of Michigan-Flint CODE OF THE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION AND HUMAN SERVICES Art. I. The School of Education and Human Services Sec. 1. Purpose The School of Education and Human Services shall operate as an undergraduate and graduate unit, offering those programs of study adopted and approved by its governing faculty and when applicable those programs approved by The University Board of Regents. Sec. 2. Definitions a. The term faculty shall include members of the teaching and research staff together with the Chancellor; the Provost; the directors of various teaching, research, and library units; research associates; curators, and persons with similar duties. (See Sec. 5.01(1) Regents’ Bylaws). When used in connection with the School of Education and Human Services, the term faculty shall include current eligible members of its Governing Faculty. b. The term professorial faculty shall include professors, associate professors, and assistant professors. (See Sec. 5.01. (2) Regents’ Bylaws). c. The term Governing Faculty, when used in connection with the School of Education and Human Services shall include those members of the School of Education and Human Services faculty who are professors, associate professors, assistant professors. Instructors and lecturers who have held appointments of 50% or greater for one or more years may also become members of the governing faculty if recommended by the department faculty and approved by the majority of the professorial faculty of the School of Education and Human Services. (See Sec. 5.01. (3) Regents’ Bylaws). d. The term teaching staff shall include professors, associate professors, assistant professors, instructors, lecturers, clinical faculty and teaching fellows. (See Sec. 5.01. (4) Regents’ Bylaws). e. The terms teaching fellow, teaching assistant, student assistant, technical assistant, laboratory assistant, assistant, graduate student research assistant, and undergraduate student research assistant shall be used to designate those who participate in the processes of teaching and research but do not possess faculty rank. Students in these classifications shall have student status. (See Sec. 5.01. (5) Regents’ Bylaws). CODE OF THE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION AND HUMAN SERVICES PAGE 2 f. The term university year as used in connection with appointments of members of the faculty and other personnel contains any two semesters, or their equivalent in the calendar, as defined for the year in question. Faculty members are expected to participate in orientation, registration, and commencement. (See Sec. 5.0l. (6) Regents’ Bylaws). g. The term full-time as used in connection with membership on the Executive Committee shall refer to a person holding a 100% appointments and not on paid or unpaid officially approved leave. (See Sec. 5.01. (7) Regents Bylaws) h. Voting privileges at Governing Faculty meetings are as follows: Instructors and lecturers with appointments of 50% or greater have voting privileges if they have been granted governing faculty status upon recommendation of the home department and approval by the majority of SEHS faculty. Members of the governing faculty who hold appointments as clinical faculty, instructors, and lecturers have voting privileges on all matters except those related to promotion and tenure. In addition, they may not serve on the School’s Executive Committee. (ii) School of Education and Human Services Governing Faculty members who hold administrative faculty appointments shall retain voting privileges within SEHS. School of Education and Human Services Governing Faculty members who hold administrative staff appointments shall not retain voting privileges within SEHS. Sec. 3. The Governing Faculty The Governing Faculty shall be in charge of the affairs of the School of Education and Human Services, except as delegated to the Executive Committee. (See Sec. 5.02. Regents’ Bylaws) Sec. 4. The Dean and the Executive Committee The Dean of the School of Education and Human Services shall be appointed by the Board of Regents on recommendation by the President to act as executive officer of the instructional unit. The Dean of the School of Education and Human Services shall be assisted by the Executive Committee of which the Dean shall be ex officio the Chair. The Executive Committee, in addition to assisting with administrative functions, shall be charged with investigating and formulating educational and instructional policies for consideration by the faculty and shall act for the faculty in matters of budgets, promotions, and appointments. (See sec. 5.06. Regents’ Bylaws) The Dean shall inform the faculty, and its committees of their responsibilities under the Code and Standing Rules a. Membership of the Executive Committee CODE OF THE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION AND HUMAN SERVICES PAGE 3 The Executive Committee shall consist of the Dean of the School of Education and Human Services and four full-time members of the Governing Faculty, each to be appointed for a three-year term by the Regents on recommendation of the President. The members of the committee should be broadly representative to include members from each department in the school and shall not be eligible for reappointment until after the lapse of one year. Instructors, and lecturers may not serve on the School’s Executive Committee. b. Procedures for Determination of Faculty Preference for Appointments to the Executive Committee: At least one week before the April meeting of the faculty, the Nominating Committee shall present to the faculty a list of persons as nominees for the Executive Committee. The Committee shall nominate at least two individuals for each vacancy and be guided by the general principle that the panel of preference should be broadly representative of the various components of the School of Education and Human Services. Additional nominations may be made from the floor. From the resulting list of candidates, the faculty shall select by mail ballot a panel of faculty preference to be submitted through the Dean, Provost and Chancellor to the Regents for appointment to the Executive Committee. Each voting member may make no more choices than there are posts to be filled and shall return the ballot in a sealed and signed envelope within five days to the Secretary of the Faculty. The Secretary, aided by tellers, shall tally these preference votes. In the event of a tie vote, the electoral rank order shall be determined by a further vote to break the tie. If a member of the Executive Committee resigns appointment before the end of the regular term, whether this resignation be permanent or temporary, the faculty preference for replacement shall be determined as follows: If the resignation is submitted between the January faculty meeting and the annual Nominating Committee report in February, the replacement preference shall be determined as a part of the regular procedure. If the resignation is submitted at any other time, the Nominating Committee shall present to the faculty a new list of persons for the replacement. The restrictions, procedures, and guidelines stated in the preceding paragraphs shall apply. c. Schedule of Meetings The Executive Committee may convene as often as it deems necessary but not less than once a month. The Executive committee is expected to be available during Spring/Summer semesters. For times when a member is unavailable a replacement will be contacted from the list provided by the Nominating Committee The responsibility for calling a meeting rests with the Dean, but meetings may be called by any member of the committee. Any member of the Governing Faculty may request a meeting of the Executive Committee at any time. d. Attendance and Participation in Meetings by Faculty CODE OF THE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION AND HUMAN SERVICES PAGE 4 All meetings shall be open to all faculty members wishing to attend except in those cases where the Executive Committee goes into executive session. The schedule of meetings by the Executive Committee will be made available to SEHS faculty. Any member of the School of Education and Human Services faculty may submit to the Dean items for the agenda of the Executive Committee. Within a reasonable time from the date of submission, the Executive Committee shall discuss the item. e. Publication of the Agenda and Minutes of the Executive Committee The agenda for all meetings shall be made available at least two school days prior to the day that the meeting is to take place. Minutes of the Executive Committee shall be kept. The Dean shall retain, and make available to any member of the School of Education and Human Services Faculty on request the minutes of all meetings of the Executive Committee except those of executive sessions, subject to state law and applicable University policies. Sec. 5. The Secretary to the Faculty The faculty shall elect before the end of the Winter semester a member of the Governing Faculty to serve as Secretary to the Faculty for a term of two years. The Secretary may be elected for successive terms. The Secretary shall act as the Electoral Officer to conduct elections and may select tellers to assist in this process. At the close of each academic year, the Secretary shall collect, compile and distribute to all members of the faculty and to such other persons as the Executive Committee may direct, all standing rules of the faculty which have been enacted or revised in the last preceding year. The Secretary in conjunction with the SEHS Dean’s office shall distribute to the faculty the notices of meetings of the Governing Faculty, the agendas, and supporting documents normally at least a week, and in no case less than forty-eight hours, before the established meeting time. The Governing Faculty may suspend this rule when, in its opinion, an emergency has arisen which will not permit delay in the calling of a meeting. The Secretary in conjunction with the SEHS Dean’s office shall receive items to be placed on the agenda of the meetings of the Governing Faculty from standing committees, members of the faculty, and members of the administration. Proposals submitted by students may be placed on the agenda through the appropriate standing committee. Art. II.Meetings of the Governing Faculty Sec. 1. General Authority The Governing Faculty at regularly called meetings shall constitute the legislative authority for the School of Education and Human Services as delegated by the Board of CODE OF THE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION AND HUMAN SERVICES PAGE 5 Regents, for promulgating and reviewing of necessary rules and regulations for the government and administration of the School of Education and Human Services and for the election of its committees. It shall adopt the rules for its own government and procedure and shall maintain a record of faculty action duly entered in minutes kept for that purpose. (See Sec. 5.04. Regents’ Bylaws) The faculty shall from time to time recommend to the Board for approval through the office of Provost and Chancellor such regulations as are included within the bylaws and which are pertinent to its structure and major operating procedures such as departmental organization, requirements for admission and graduation, and other educational matters, the determination of which is within the capacity of the faculty. Subject to the ultimate authority of the Board of Regents, the faculty is also vested with plenary powers to make rules and regulations concerning other matters such as grading regulations, class attendance, committee organization and related internal matters. All such regulations shall be recorded in the minutes of the Governing Faculty of the School of Education and Human Services. Each faculty shall provide suitable instruction for the students enrolled and shall recommend to the Board students under its jurisdiction who qualify for University degrees. It shall, subject to the Board, possess such other powers as are necessary to the performance of its duties. Sec. 2. Notice of Meetings Written notice of meetings of the Governing Faculty shall be sent through the Office of the Dean to all members of the School of Education and Human Services faculty, the Provost, and such other persons as designated by the Governing Faculty, in time to be delivered normally at least a week, and in no case less than forty-eight hours, before the hour set for such meetings. This rule may be suspended by a vote of the faculty when deems it appropriate. Sec. 3. Meetings The Governing Faculty shall meet once each month, from September through May. The day of the week shall be determined at the beginning of each semester. The Dean of the School of Education and Human Services shall be the chair ex-officio of the meetings of the Governing Faculty. Sec. 4. Special Meetings A special meeting of the faculty may be called by the Executive Committee or by the Dean. Sec 5. Quorum CODE OF THE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION AND HUMAN SERVICES PAGE 6 A quorum is constituted by a simple majority of the Governing Faculty, including at least 50% of the members of the Governing Faculty and must include at least one representative from each department, excluding those on leave. A quorum is necessary to conduct business, but a smaller number may receive reports and special orders, discuss any matter properly before them, and adjourn the meeting to another day provided, however, that no motion shall be in order to amend, repeal, or adopt a standing rule of the faculty, or to adopt, repeal, or modify any legislative policy, nor shall any election be held, nor any expression on School of Education and Human Services policies be recorded, in the absence of a quorum. A call to determine the presence of a quorum may be made at any time by any member of the Governing Faculty. Sec. 6. Observers and Invited Participants at Meetings of the Governing Faculty Any member of the University of Michigan-Flint community (faculty, currently enrolled students, alumni, staff, and administrative officers) who is not a member of the governing Faculty of the School of Education and Human Services has the privilege of observer status, without vote, at meetings of the Governing Faculty. Observers and invited participants shall have the privilege of the floor when recognized by the Chair. The Governing Faculty, by majority vote of those present at any meeting, may determine that any item on the agenda shall immediately be considered in executive session. Only members of the Governing Faculty shall be present in executive session. Sec. 7. Rules of Parliamentary Procedure In the absence of a specific provision to the contrary, the rules of parliamentary procedure shall be Robert’s Rules of Order. Sec. 8. Agenda At least forty-eight hours before each regularly scheduled faculty meeting, the Secretary of the Faculty of the School of Education and Human Services shall circulate to the faculty an agenda for the meeting, in which all the items received by the Secretary at least seven days prior to the meeting shall be listed. Items which are later circulated to the Faculty as provided in the Faculty Code shall be added as supplements to the agenda in the order in which they are received by the Secretary. The Secretary at the beginning of each faculty meeting shall present this agenda to the faculty. Art. III Standing Committees Standing Committees of the faculty shall be the Academic Standards Committee, the Curriculum Committee, the Nominating Committee and, for the period of the spring and summer terms, the Spring and Summer Interim Committees. Sec. 1. Membership of the Standing Committees All members of the Governing Faculty shall be eligible for committee service as faculty members. Each department in the School of Education and Human Services should be represented on standing committees. CODE OF THE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION AND HUMAN SERVICES PAGE 7 The term of office for members of the Spring and Summer Interim Committees shall be for the duration of the appropriate term following their election; for all other committees it shall be two years and arranged so that a vacancy occurs each year; A faculty person may not serve on the same committee more than one full term of office without a lapse of at least one year, except on the Spring and Summer Interim Committees. Faculty members may without prejudice withdraw their names as candidates for committee membership or resign membership on committees. The Dean of the School of Education and Human Services or the Dean’s designate shall be a member ex officio of all committees except the Nominating Committee. Sec. 2. Function of the Committees In matters delegated by the faculty, committees may act for the faculty. Ex officio members of committees may participate in all functions of their committees, excluding voting, except such persons may not serve as chairs of committees. Committees shall report regularly to the faculty on the results of their deliberations and upon the actions they have taken for the faculty. At any time, faculty committees, by vote, may invite visitors to a particular meeting in order to consider matters of interest. Sec. 3. Academic Standards Committee The Academic Standards Committee shall consist of three faculty members, all of whom are voting members, and, ex officio, without vote, the University Registrar, the Director of the University Academic Advising Center, and the department advisors for Education and Social Work. It shall be concerned with the maintenance of academic standards in undergraduate and graduate programs of the school. .It shall act for the faculty in reviewing academic deficiencies and take appropriate action thereon; it may grant exceptions to University-wide academic regulations, standing rules, and academic requirements. It shall have the authority to investigate and to act for the faculty in all cases of cheating, plagiarism, and other forms of academic dishonesty. The committee shall consider a request that any of its members be disqualified from consideration of any individual case on the basis of conflict of interest. The committee shall act for the faculty as the final point of appeal on all matters within its jurisdiction except that a decision of the committee may be appealed by a member of the faculty to the Governing Faculty. The committee shall also perform such other functions as delegated by the faculty Sec. 4. Curriculum Committee The Committee shall consist of three faculty members, all of whom are voting members, and the Dean of the School ex officio or the Dean’s delegate, and the designated department advisor for Education and Social Work. The Curriculum Committee shall study the operations of the academic requirements adopted by the Governing Faculty; CODE OF THE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION AND HUMAN SERVICES PAGE 8 originate proposals which would further the educational objectives of the School; receive, consider, and make recommendations to the Governing Faculty in regard to changes in the curriculum, including changes in general graduation requirements and distribution requirements, introduction of any new academic programs, and changes involving matters lying outside the jurisdiction of any single department. The committee shall be responsible for curriculum change revisions to be made in the UM-F Catalog. The committee shall consult with other curriculum committees as needed. Sec. 5. Nominating Committee The SEHS Nominating Committee shall consist of three members including faculty from each department in the School of Education and Human Services. At the February meeting of the governing faculty, the Nominating Committee shall present nominees for vacancies on the Executive Committee, faculty standing committees, and for the position of Secretary to the faculty. In addition, it will work with the University-wide Nominating Committee to identify representatives from SEHS to the Faculty Council and faculty standing committees. If a vacancy occurs outside the annual election cycle, the Nominating Committee will nominate an individual to fill that vacancy and present the nomination at the next governing faculty meeting. Usually a vacancy will be filled for the remainder of the regular term of office; however, during a leave, the faculty member is automatically relieved of committee positions and an interim replacement shall be proposed by the Nominating Committee. At least one individual shall be nominated for each vacancy on faculty standing committees and for the position of Secretary to the Faculty. At least two nominees shall be presented for each vacancy on the Executive Committee. Additional nominations may be made from the floor by any faculty member for any specific vacancy. A ballot will be prepared by the Nominating Committee containing the names of nominees listed alphabetically for each committee or position. Each voting member may make no more choices than there are posts to be filled. All voting shall be decided by mail ballot with the Secretary of the Faculty serving as the Electoral Officer. The election ballot shall be circulated by the Secretary of the Faculty and returned to the Secretary in a signed and sealed envelope within one week of the faculty meeting. To be elected, a candidate must receive the largest number of votes. In the event of a tie vote, the electoral rank order shall be determined by a further vote to break the tie. In the case of the Executive Committee, the names of nominees will be listed in descending order of votes received, and submitted through the Dean, Provost, and Chancellor to the Board of Regents who will make the appointments. It is the responsibility of the Chair of the Nominating Committee to identify vacancies to be filled, to circulate a list of nominees at least one week prior to the governing faculty meeting at which the election will be held, and to present the slate of nominees at the governing faculty meeting. Sec. 6. Spring and Summer Interim Committees The Spring and Summer Interim Committees shall each consist of three faculty members. The term of the Spring Interim Committee shall begin on the first day of the Spring Term and end on the last day of the Spring Term. The term of the Summer CODE OF THE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION AND HUMAN SERVICES PAGE 9 Interim Committee shall begin on the first day of the Summer Term and continue until the first day of the Fall Semester. The Spring and Summer Interim Committees may act for the faculty of the School of Education and Human Services and for all its committees, except the Executive Committee, whenever the faculty or committees are not scheduled to meet. Sec. 7. Committee Organization The Chair and the Secretary of each committee shall be chosen from the Governing Faculty members on said committee at the first meeting of the Governing Faculty in the Fall semester meeting called within the first three weeks of the Fall Semester. The responsibility for calling this organizational meeting rests upon the faculty member who was most recently chair, or if none, the most senior member fof the committee. With the exception of the Spring and Summer Interim Committees, the term of office for members of standing committees shall be three years. The term of the office for the Spring and Summer Interim Committees shall be for the appropriate term. The term of the office of the chairs and the secretaries, except for the Spring and Summer Interim Committees, shall be one academic year. Art.IV. Suspension or Modification of Code Sec. 1 . Emergency Suspension of Rules Timelines and procedures established by the Code may be suspended by a quorum of the Governing Faculty. Sec. 2 . Periodic Review of Code Periodically, but not more than every five years from the date of adoption of this Code, the Dean shall constitute an ad hoc committee to review the Code and make recommendations for revision to the governing faculty. Approved by the Governing Faculty of the School of Education and Human Services on January 17, 2001 Revised by the Governing Faculty of the School of Education and Human Services on December 4, 2002 Revised by the Governing Faculty of the School of Education and Human Services on October 27, 2004 Revised