Impact Circle: Identifying Short-Term Priorities for Chancellor Borrego to Champion Brainstorm Worksheet

Impact Circle: Identifying Short-Term Priorities
for Chancellor Borrego to Champion
January 9, 2015
Brainstorm Worksheet
Task: As a group, determine 1-2 low hanging fruit items that are strategic, important, more simple than
the heavy lifting that will be required for the whole impact circle vision, and actionable in the coming 2-3
To get ideas flowing, here are a few suggestions from Kevin Schronce, Planner at the City of Flint, which
relate to the UM-Flint Campus Master Plan’s site improvement projects and civic projects:
 Placemaking for the UM-Flint campus (e.g. easily recognizable entryways into campus)
 Wayfinding signage around I-475 (e.g. help people find UM-Flint and other institutions)
 Activating the concrete ice rink/performance space behind the University Pavilion for DDA
 Link the Flint River Trail, which runs behind campus, to a new kayak launch (west of Saginaw,
between Saginaw and Beech Streets)
 Support conversion to LED street lights in a ½ mile around campus
 Help finance the conversion of the Hamilton Dam on campus to a more naturalized rock arch
rapids design
 Develop a Target Market Analysis (TMA), which is a housing market study that keeps in mind the
needs of different faculty/staff/student populations (e.g. international students, etc.)
What ideas do you have?