SK8105 FIELD PRACTICUM LEARNING PLAN INSTRUCTIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Save a copy of the Learning Plan on your computer. Student completes the Learning Plan in collaboration with the Field Instructor. Print a copy of the completed Learning Plan. Field Instructor and student sign the printed copy of the completed Learning Plan. Student submits the completed and signed Learning Plan to the Faculty Consultant. Faculty Consultant reviews the Learning Plan and provides feedback to the student as necessary. Faculty Consultant signs the Learning Plan and keeps a copy. Please review and discuss the MSW Field Education Manual, Course Outline, in preparing this Learning Plan. While the development of the Learning Plan is a collaborative effort between the student and Field Instructor, it is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the Learning Plan is completed and submitted to the Faculty Consultant. PLACEMENT INFORMATION Type of Information Response Student’s name Faculty Consultant’s name Placement setting Field Instructor’s name Field Instructor’s telephone number Field Instructor’s email address Placement start date RYERSON UNIVERSITY | SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK PAGE 1 OF 6 SK8105 FIELD PRACTICUM LEARNING PLAN (REV. JANUARY 2016) Type of Information Response Anticipated placement end date Days and hours of placement Supervision schedule (what days, how often) Primary location (address) where placement activities and supervision will take place Describe the agreed upon mechanism for keeping track of hours LEARNING GOALS For each of the goals listed below, please identify the specific learning objectives the student has for meeting the goal, examples of the tasks and activities that will be undertaken to achieve the goal, and the method(s) which will be used to evaluate to what degree the student has achieved the goal. 1. Learning goal: To acquire new knowledge necessary for advanced practice Requested Information Response Learning objectives (please specify as many as needed) Tasks Evaluation method 2. Learning goal: To develop new practice/intervention skills necessary for advanced practice RYERSON UNIVERSITY | SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK PAGE 2 OF 6 SK8105 FIELD PRACTICUM LEARNING PLAN (REV. JANUARY 2016) Requested Information Response Learning objectives (please specify as many as needed) Tasks Evaluation method 3. Learning goal: To develop skills and knowledge to engage in anti-oppressive practices, including the integration of anti-oppressive theory and values in everyday social work practices, as well as the skills for analyzes from an anti-oppressive perspective Requested Information Response Learning objectives (please specify as many as needed) Tasks Evaluation method 4. Learning goal: To develop advanced knowledge and skills necessary for working within a context of diversity Requested Information Response Learning objectives (please specify as many as needed) Tasks Evaluation method 5. Learning goal: To develop skills and knowledge necessary to engage in critical reflection and to critique social work processes and practices RYERSON UNIVERSITY | SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK PAGE 3 OF 6 SK8105 FIELD PRACTICUM LEARNING PLAN (REV. JANUARY 2016) Requested Information Response Learning objectives (please specify as many as needed) Tasks Evaluation method 6. Learning goal: To understand, uphold and critique the C.A.S.W. Code of Ethics Requested Information Response Learning objectives (please specify as many as needed) Tasks Evaluation method 7. Learning goal: To develop knowledge about local and global social policies and human rights and political frameworks impacting social work practices Requested Information Response Learning objectives (please specify as many as needed) Tasks Evaluation method 8. Learning goal: To develop skills in leadership (e.g., taking initiative, mobilizing people, demonstrating independence and responsibility, sharing a vision) RYERSON UNIVERSITY | SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK PAGE 4 OF 6 SK8105 FIELD PRACTICUM LEARNING PLAN (REV. JANUARY 2016) Requested Information Response Learning objectives (please specify as many as needed) Tasks Evaluation method 9. Learning goal: To develop knowledge of the organizational context within which practice happens, as well as the ability to work effectively within the specific organizational context Requested Information Response Learning objectives (please specify as many as needed) Tasks Evaluation method 10. Any additional learning objectives Requested Information Response Learning objectives (please specify as many as needed) Tasks Evaluation method RYERSON UNIVERSITY | SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK PAGE 5 OF 6 SK8105 FIELD PRACTICUM LEARNING PLAN (REV. JANUARY 2016) SIGNATURES Role Signature Date (MM/DD/YYYY) Student Field Instructor Faculty Consultant RYERSON UNIVERSITY | SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK PAGE 6 OF 6 SK8105 FIELD PRACTICUM LEARNING PLAN (REV. JANUARY 2016)