SOUTH PLAINS COLLEGE Institutional Effectiveness Committee October 31, 2003

Institutional Effectiveness Committee
October 31, 2003
9 a.m. – Founders Room
Members Present: Jay Driver, Phil Anderson, Julie Johnson, Larry Nichols, Denny Barnes, Rob
Blair, Stephanie Jones, Frances Cotton, Rafael Aguilera, Mark Miller, Kimbra Quinn, Rita
Quinonez, David Conner, Lee Cox, Tim Winders, Dane Dewbre, Jeri Ann Dewbre, Teresa
Green, Frances Coats, Kelvin Sharp, Dick Walsh, Jack Wardlow, Stephen John
Members Absent: Marla Cottenoir, Gail Platt, Cary Marrow, Dick Shannon
The Institutional Effectiveness Committee met 9 a.m. October 31, 2003 in the Founders Room.
Following the presentation of a humorous Halloween story about an animated coffin
(coughing) by Julie Johnson, the following agenda items were discussed.
Progress reports from IE Subcommittees: Chairs of the IE Subcommittees presented the
following progress reports.
Mission Statement Subcommittee: The subcommittee met October 15, 2003 to lay a foundation
for the charge of the subcommittee: The group agrees that the charge of the subcommittee was
not to rewrite the institutional mission, but to clarify, simplify, confirm and find new elements
that need to be added to the current mission (purpose) statement. It was discovered that a
shared understanding of the term “mission statement” is needed. Specifically, two ideas must
be clarified and disseminated: 1) a definition of what a mission statement is and 2) an
explanation of how the mission statement functions in the planning and assessment of the
college. In order to identify essential components, each subcommittee member was asked to
review and compare existing college mission statements and to review the SACS website for
best practices and see if there is a general format for mission statements. The group has set its
next meeting for Nov. 14, 2003, 10-11:30 a.m. in Room 120 of the Communications Building. IE
Committee members were invited to attend in order to help pilot a “conversation” using the
affinity diagram brainstorming technique.
Planning Processes Subcommittee: The sub-committee met twice and made recommendations
to improve the proposed IE Planning Report. The report is also designed to prioritize budget
request to be used in the Budget Hearings for programs/offices. In addition, the subcommittee
has worked on a draft to amend Figure 1, Institutional Plan, regarding the Planning and
Budgeting Calendar. The plan under consideration recommends two formal update times and
continuous informal updates. The first formal update would come in September when Items 5
& 6 of the IE Planning Report would be reviewed in relation to final budgeting concerns. The
second formal update would come in April & May for 9-month programs and June & July for
12-month programs/offices for annual evaluations of targeted initiatives. In addition,
programs/offices begin and/or continue new initiatives for the next year.
Assessment and Outcomes Subcommittee: The IE Assessment Subcommittee met September
24, 2003. The agenda included a review of the sub-committee charge, a discussion of strategies
to tackle the first four tasks of the charge, and preparations for a consultant visit (Tim Culver
from Noel-Levitz on October 23-24) including an overview of the Faces of the Future Survey
IEC Committee Meeting, 10/31/03
(ACT/AACC) and the Student Satisfaction Inventory (Noel-Levitz). The group is presently
studying the college’s current system of assessment and identified critical success factors. Rob
Blair reported that departmental chairs were polled on Oct. 7 to help identify data and
assessment needs for planning and review. That information will be studied by the
subcommittee at its next meeting. Copies of the AAHE Principles of Good Practice for
Assessing Student Learning and a list of Criteria for Program Evaluation were distributed to
committee members as information items. The next meeting of the subcommittee will be on
Wednesday, November 5.
Employee Survey Subcommittee: The subcommittee met on Oct. 6 and 20. The group studied
outside sources for conducting an employee survey and determined to continue to administer
the survey internally. Members also reviewed survey instruments from several peer institutions
to see what they are currently doing. Department heads were also surveyed to see of they had
specific questions they would like to have asked on a revised employee survey. Good responses
were received. Most were program or department specific questions. It was decided that the
survey questions should reflect the college’s seven value statements (commitments) and should
measure the organizational climate of the college in relation to these seven values. It was
determined that the current employee survey is good but needs to be updated. The
subcommittee will also investigate the development of an additional survey geared to specific
departmental needs. The group will meet again Nov. 3 and will be conducting a review of
current questions against samples from a similar Baldrige quality survey.
Action Plan Review: Subcommittees were directed to continue to make progress on
accomplishing their tasks.
Train the Trainer – Departmental and Program Planning: IE Committee members underwent
orientation training on the use of the new IE Planning Form. Additional training sessions were
scheduled for departmental chairs and student services deans and directors.
Individuals who underwent training included the following:
IE Committee Members: Jay Driver, Phil Anderson, Julie Johnson, Larry Nichols, Denny
Barnes, Rob Blair, Stephanie Jones, Frances Cotton, Rafael Aguilera, Mark Miller, Kimbra
Quinn, Rita Quinonez, David Conner, Lee Cox, Tim Winders, Dane Dewbre, Jeri Ann Dewbre,
Teresa Green, Frances Coats, Kelvin Sharp, Dick Walsh, Jack Wardlow, Stephen John
Student Affairs Personnel: Andrea Rangel, Jim Ann Batenhorst, David Jones, Claudine Oliver,
Gracie Quinonez, Lissa Sharp.
Instructional Department Personnel: Mike Felker, Jon Johnson, John Sparks, Jesse Yeh, Judy
Bryant, Bob Wilson, Al Sechrist, Richard Shannon, Bette Pitts, Darrell Grimes, Cary Banks, Lisa
Eddins for Robert Pearce, Rob Blair.
Meeting Adjourned: 10:15 a.m. Training adjourned at 11 a.m.
Next Planned Meeting: Friday, Dec. 12, 9 a.m., Founders Room
IEC Committee Meeting, 10/31/03
IEC Committee Meeting, 10/31/03