SOUTH PLAINS COLLEGE Institutional Effectiveness Committee April 20, 2007

Institutional Effectiveness Committee
April 20, 2007
8:30 a.m. – Founders Room
Members Present: Kara Martinez, Gail Platt, Cary Marrow, Barbara Walker, Jay Driver, Marla
Cottenoir, Justin Duffel, Teresa Salinas, Jack Wardlow, Orlo Sundre, Dane Dewbre, Dick Walsh,
Rafael Aguilera, Julie Gerstenberger, Fran Cotton, Kimbra Quinn, Lesa Wood, Rob Blair, Dennis
Churchwell, Haliegh Ballow and Stephen John
Members Absent: Stephanie Jones, Jeri Ann Dewbre, Lee Cox, Phil Anderson, Molly Melton,
Allison Perrin, David Conner, Ginger Mulloy, Darrell Grimes, Larry Nichols.
The Institutional Effectiveness Committee met at 8:30 a.m. April 20, 2007 in the Founders Room.
The following agenda items were taken up.
Status Reports and Action Items from IE Subcommittees: The following subcommittee reports
were given.
Communications Processes Subcommittee: Kimbra Quinn reported that the International
Communication Association Survey was administered from March 21-31 and about 150
employees responded to the survey. The subcommittee is in the process of analyzing the data
and preparing a report.
Assessment and Outcomes Subcommittee: Gail Platt reported that attempts to participate in a
webinar about the Community College Learning Assessment (CCLA) were not successful. As a
result, the subcommittee recommends that SPC not participate in the learning assessment for
2007-08. This will be the first year the CCLA will be available for use by colleges. It was the
consensus of the subcommittee members to wait a year to see how well received the CCLA is by
peer institutions. Gail also presented a summary report of the work the subcommittee has
accomplished in the past three years.
Supervisor Training Network Subcommittee: Rafael Aguilera reported on progress that has
been made to develop a supervisor Training Network. LeadSPC will be implemented in fall
2007 to assist new supervisors by providing tools, resources and mentoring. LeadSPC will
consist of four monthly professional development sessions and companion activities that will be
offered to small groups at least two times a year. Title V is making funds available to acquire
the Noel-Levitz Customer Service Training series that will be piloted in student services this
summer. It will be made available for all other areas in fall 2007.
Identify Projects for 2007-2008
Stephen John distributed recommended Targeted Objectives for the IE Committee for 20072008. These included the following:
1. Continue to work with instructional leadership and faculty to develop process and best
practices for assessing student learning outcomes.
2. Complete analysis of Communications Survey results, prepare and distribute report of
IEC Committee Meeting, 4/20/07
Implement LeadSPC Supervisor Training Network
Align SPC Annual Performance Report with available THECB accountability data
Development and implementation of Graduate Follow-up Process
Study Program Planning and Review Process to support development of 2008-2011
Institutional Plan.
7. Study process to conduct a SACS Accreditation Audit during 2008-2009 academic year.
Committee members were asked to review and comment on the recommended objectives.
Recognition of Committee Members:
Appreciation certificates for IE Committee service were presented to Gail Platt, Cary Marrow,
Fran Cotton, Stephanie Jones, Lee Cox, Jeri Ann Dewbre and Kara Martinez. Their terms on the
committee expire this spring. They were thanked for their many contributions and leadership
on the committee and received a round of applause for their service. Stephen asked IE
Committee members to submit names of faculty and staff to fill vacant seats on the committee.
Names will be presented to the Administrative Council for consideration.
With no further business, the meeting adjourned: 9:15 a.m.
IEC Committee Meeting, 4/20/07