SOUTH PLAINS COLLEGE Institutional Effectiveness Committee April 8, 2011 9:00 a.m. – Sundown Room MINUTES Members Present: Rafael Aguilera, Christi Anderson, Cary Banks, Rob Blair, Sharon Bogener, Debra Britton, Deborrah Caddell, Julie Gerstenberger, Todd Gregg, Phyllis Kennon, Wayne Langehennig, Patrick Logue, Sue Ann Lopez, Mollie Melton, Cathy Mitchell, Yancy Nunez, Robert Plant, Charlene Perez, Gary Poffenbarger, Kimbra Quinn, Lynda Reid, Randy Robertson, Lance Scott, Amanda Sims, Jim Walker, Jack Warldow, Myrna Whitehead and Stephen John. Members Absent: Urisonya Flunder, Kathy Townsend, and Dawn Valles. The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. Minutes of the January 28, 2011, distributed earlier by email, were approved by consensus. The following agenda items were taken up. Supervisors Network – LeadSPC Rafael Aguilera reported that a professional development workshop for supervisory personnel has been scheduled for April 29. The workshop will focus on StrengthQuest, an inventory system of personal strengths. Jay Kilough, director of the Career Center at Texas Tech University and a certified StrengthQuest facilitator, will direct the workshop. StrengthQuest identifies an individual’s top five strengths and provides information on how best to use strengths to improve one’s personal and professional life. The session will be held from 9 a.m. – 12 noon in SS102. Email notices will be sent to all supervisory personnel. Kimbra Quinn reported on the work the subcommittee has done researching how we might incorporate Noel-Levitz Connections training on various levels at the College. Cost is a big factor in moving this project forward, especially in light of expected budget cuts. The subcommittee has discussed the purchase of a class set of training books. A facilitator will still need to be identified who would have the time to deliver the training. It was suggested that the subcommittee help identify what resources would be needed to kick-off a Connections customer service training program, including costs of materials, training personnel and training schedule. Stephen John offered to present this proposal to the Administrative Council for consideration since customer service training is a strategy in the college’s Institutional Plan for 2009-2013. SACS Compliance Audit and QEP Timeline Yancy Nuñez reported on the recent consultation meeting with Dr. Donald Crump, former SACS Director and College Liaison. Our response to the SACS review of the Fifth Year Report focuses on two compliance standards: 1) faculty credentials and 2) learning outcome assessment. Nuñez said that the faculty credentials have been addressed, but he will have to recouch the assessment information in the report, put it in a different format and point of view. The Arts and Sciences Division has been reporting learning outcomes from a course level and IE Committee Meeting, 4/8/11 1 we need to widen the focus to program outcomes for the Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, Associate of Arts in Teaching, Associate of Applied Arts and Associate of Applied Science degrees. Dr. Crump also provided an information session on developing a Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) with a selected group of SPC employees during his visit to campus. Nuñez said a QEP Leadership team will be appointed this summer to begin work on defining a topic of study. Additionally, a SACS Compliance Committee will also be formed to begin the task of developing the off-site compliance report that will be due for review in early fall 2013. The identification of the QEP focus area must be the result of broad-based participation from faculty, staff and students. The following timeline for preparing for SACS reaccreditation was presented. QEP Leadership Team in place by Aug. 2011 QEP Focus Area identified by March 2012 QEP Implementation Plan completed Summer 2013 Site Visit and QEP Plan Review Fall 2013 QEP Approval and Pilot Activities in Spring 2014 QEP Plan Kickoff Fall 2014 QEP Follow-up Report Fall 2017 TaskStream AMS Training Update Stephen John reported that a training schedule for TaskStream AMS workspace orientation has been developed. Departmental Chairpersons will be trained April 12, 13, non-instructional workspace managers will be trained April 19-20 and instructional workspace managers (subject area faculty and program coordinators) will be trained April 22 at Levelland campus and Reese Center. The AMS workspaces have been developed and tested and are ready to receive content. The goal is to have planning and assessment content for 2010-11 in the system by August 1. Other aspects of the TaskStream AMS were discussed, as well. Future IE Committee Projects for 2011-12 The IE Committee will be asked next year to help develop an Institutional Effectiveness Handbook and to facilitate an evaluation process for the College Mission Statement. With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:00 a.m. IE Committee Meeting, 4/8/11 2