Student comments on the Distance Learning Advisory Committee Student Survey... December 2004

Student comments on the Distance Learning Advisory Committee Student Survey Pilot
December 2004
Question 7: Why did you decide to take an online course? Those who selected Other made
these comments:
almost all the above
If I took the class, letters c, d and e would all apply (c. commute, d. schedule, e.
I'm a busy individual and I needed Developmental Psych for the nursing program
No childcare available for my 11 month old so I couldn't take these in a traditional
Question 16. Which other courses would you like to see offered via distance learning?
More business related courses
More elective courses
all math classes
HIST 1010, 1020; HIST 2010, 2020; ENGL 1010, 1020
math, literature, english, creative writing, any office admin.
psychology of death and bereavement, other psychology, sociology, literature, algebra
abnormal psych
math courses, sociology, psychology, or other elective credits for most degrees
would never take a telecourse again
psychology, intro to health, math
most courses could be handled online
more business courses
computer courses
economics, law
Money, banking
All courses! some of us who work find it hard to get certain classes closer to home and in the time
range to get there on time.
Economics, literature
math courses, psych courses, anything that can be taught from a book
Mathlab courses would be convenient. Most of my other courses involve hands-on work
more history courses
Foreign Language and Math
all of them
Child development and Algebra
Every course .. there are many universities that offer a full degree from the convenience of your
home. More single mothers, business owners, etc would then be able to continue their entire
degree from home. This would be an excellent option for those that cannot make it to a classroom
at a certain time each week. Also, I find lecture settings difficult. As I am a visual and hands-on
learner, the online courses were a lot easier for me and more enjoyable because I could do my
assignments at my own pace to a certain extent.
all computer related courses
anything possible
non-Western history, economics
Sciences and English literary courses
some major requirements. How about a math, we have math lab where we teach ourselves,
granted there's an instructor available but SAM could be online help
dosage and calculations
other programming courses
Question 17. What could CCRI/ the instructor do to make it easier for you to take a course
via DL?
eliminate group projects
offer more courses
me as a student took this course because I am a mother and I have a house to sustain and a job.
If the instructor had more communication with the student via phone or email, it might have
motivated students like me a little more.
computer classes, math classes. A combination of classroom lecture with video conference
It really couldn't have been much easier to take this course via distance learning. I was able to
make the best use of my available free time to complete my assignments at my own pace.
I had one instructor that was absolutely useless! Having taken four distant learning courses, I rely
on corresponding with my instructor for help and guidance. I saved all my e-mails to and from this
instructor, because the responses provided no help and it took days to answer my requests. This
was the first time I experienced a genuine lack of interest by a professor.
hold one or two classes in person
nothing. I enjoyed my online courses
nothing, it was fine
have a syllabus available before the start of the course to verify expectations
I think a telecourse instructor needs an understanding of the reason why people take telecourses.
I have a family, a home and a job. I did this in an attempt to make my life a little easier not to get
into a verbal war with P. Macaruso. I think that the instructor should realize that we (the students)
are paying for a service and that it is not the other way around.
Tell students that the tests on WebCT were more focused on the online content and not the text.
I'm not sure all of my instructors have been great communicators regarding any problem I had
not much. Everything seems to be working fine the way it is
offer final exams online
have more online courses
give more feedback during the course
Maybe give tests in between the begining and midterm period. This particular course only had a
midterm and a final with fifteen chapters on each exam. I thought that was a little bit of an
overload for one exam.
Put math classes and other classes online besides the ones you offer now.
Provided all of the necessary information in a way which was easy to understand.
Put more variety in the online classes.
This was very convenient. I was able to wrap course time around my family's and my job's
Provided more course choices
have all distant learning classes be online
use some graphics and pictures
its fine
The instructor could be available in real-time after 5:00pm for those who have full-time jobs during
the day. You sometimes need one-on-one immediate feedback.
One of my courses was a bit difficult and I was disappointed to see the bulletin board not being
used by the students. The instructor used it to assign new assignments and remind of exams but
beyond that, there was really no communication between teacher and students as you would
have in a classroom. If they had a chat session you could attend where everything is live that
would be helpful. Also, emails do not always get answered and the ones that do may take a day
or more. There were some difficulties with that but I still kept pushing forward regardless and I
think I did pretty well. I find out my grades tomorrow.
good communication
I thought this was pretty easy this way
Use more multimedia such as streaming video or demonstrations. Also, in the case of Excel, the
test/quiz material did not test whether you knew how to use Excel. It tested irrelevant things like
do you know what menu to use for ____.
send exams home to do
I think it was easy enough
if the instructor could be online at night after 6 p.m.
Question 18. What interferes with your taking a course via distance learning?
other classes that need to be taken on campus
problems with course sites/tests
lack of choice
Work, timing, due dates and motherhood
Tv, videos, lecture CDs
I love the online courses. The TV courses are not convenient to watch and the quality of the
broadcast is bad. It is hard to hear what is being said and if it is turned up too loud it starts to
My instructor and his negative attitude
nothing except maybe a power outage
other commitments, work, other activities
personal schedule
If there is only a midterm and a final and no other chance to bring the grade up if one of the exam
grades are poor.
some of them I cant take because the teachers make the tests during the day. I ma a night
student and need more choice in night classes and online classes.
Do not have access to to the tv courses at all.
Occasional troubles with home DSL. (Minimal)
telecourses - no cable
small selection of courses to choose
my job
reminding yourself to do your own work without a teacher to remind you in person
Only the lack of same-day troubleshooting with the professor.
nothing - I have no way of attending a classroom course so this is my only option
making the time to do the work
work schedule
Question 19. Instructor availability. Those who selected other made these comments:
 message board
 message board
 All instructors were available, one just didn't give a crap.
 cell phone
 frequent messages on WebCT
 all were ready available
 met in person to discuss final
 WebCT
 meeting in person
 webct
Question 22. How did you hear about the DL course you are taking?
CCRI web search
did not hear about it. I felt the need for input and only wish CCRI would expand in this area.
through CCRI Pipeline
course bulletin
course bulletin
Pipeline course search
course bulletin
through a friend
course listing from Pipeline
course bulletin
My boss's wife teaches at CCRI part-time and through him, mentioned them to me
CCRI web search
course bulletin
another student recommended it
CCRI web search
faculty member – Mrs. Corsetti
course bulletin
CCRI web search
CCRI Pipeline - I was applying for classes last semester and ran across them
course listing from Pipeline
CCRI Pipeline
some I know took it
a grad from CCRI
course bulletin
found it offered online when I was signing up for the course