Using JML Runtime Assertion Checking to Automate Metamorphic Testing in

Using JML Runtime Assertion Checking
to Automate Metamorphic Testing in
Applications without Test Oracles
Christian Murphy, Kuang Shen, Gail Kaiser
Columbia University
Problem Statement
Some applications (e.g. machine learning,
simulation) do not have test oracles that indicate
whether the output is correct for arbitrary input
Oracles may exist for a limited subset of the input
domain, and gross errors (e.g. crashes) can be
detected with certain inputs or other techniques
However, it is difficult to detect subtle
(computational) errors for arbitrary inputs
Chris Murphy – Columbia University
Even when there is no oracle in the general
case (i.e. knowing the relationship between a
particular input and its output), it may be
possible to know relationships between sets
of inputs and their corresponding outputs
One such approach that takes advantage of
this is “Metamorphic Testing” [Chen ’98]
Chris Murphy – Columbia University
Metamorphic Testing
An approach for creating follow-up test cases
based on those that have not revealed any defects
If input x produces output f(x), then the function’s
“metamorphic properties” are used to guide a
transformation function t, which is applied to
produce a new test case, t(x)
We can then predict the expected value of
f(t(x)) based on the value of f(x) obtained
from the actual Chris
Murphy – Columbia University
Metamorphic Testing Example
Consider a function std_dev(A[ ])
If we permute the elements in A, the result
should stay the same
 If we multiply each element in A by 2, the
result should be doubled
These properties can be used to create a
“pseudo-oracle” for the function
Chris Murphy – Columbia University
Metamorphic Testing without an Oracle
When a test oracle exists, we can know
whether f(t(x)) is correct
we have an oracle for f(x)
 So if f(t(x)) is as expected, then it is correct
 Because
When there is no test oracle, f(x) acts as a
“pseudo-oracle” for f(t(x))
f(t(x)) is as expected, it is not necessarily
 However, if f(t(x)) is not as expected, either
f(x) or f(t(x)) (or both) is wrong
 If
Chris Murphy – Columbia University
Our Solution
To address the problem of applications that have
no test oracle, we use Metamorphic Testing at
the function level
To specify the metamorphic properties, we use
extensions to the Java Modeling Language (JML)
and a pre-processor called Corduroy
To automate the process and address the need for
initial input values, we check the properties at
Chris Murphy – Columbia University
Related Work
Applying Metamorphic Testing to “non-testable
programs” (applications without test oracles)
 Chen
IST’02, Chen ISSTA’02, Chan JWSR’07
Checking algebraic specifications at runtime
 Sankar
ISSTA’91, Nunes ICFEM’06
Checking program invariants at runtime
 Flanagan
FME’01, Hangal ICSE’02
Chris Murphy – Columbia University
JML Basics
Behavioral interface specification language that
embraces the Design by Contract approach
Developers can specify:
 preconditions
 postconditions (“ensures”)
 arbitrary assertions
Specifications can be checked dynamically using
JML Runtime Assertion Checking tools
Chris Murphy – Columbia University
Specify functions’ metamorphic
properties using extension to JML
Methods that check
metamorphic properties
Pure JML specifications
that invoke test methods
Chris Murphy – Columbia University
Metamorphic Properties in JML
@ensures \result <= 1 &&
\result >= -1;
@meta sine(x + 2 * PI) == \result
@meta -1 * sine(-x) == \result
public double sine (double x) {
Chris Murphy – Columbia University
Extension to JML: Array Functions
@ensures \result >= 0;
@meta std_dev(\shuffle(A)) ==
@meta std_dev(\multiply(A, 2)) ==
\result * 2
public double std_dev(double[] A) {
Chris Murphy – Columbia University
Extensions to JML
Array/Collection Functions
 Shuffle/permute
the order of the elements
 Multiply each element by a constant
 Add a constant to each element
 Include a new element
 Exclude an element
Addressing non-determinism
 Check
in range of possible values
 Check in a set of possible values
Chris Murphy – Columbia University
Chris Murphy – Columbia University
2)) ==
\result * 2
public double average(double[] A) {
protected boolean __metaTest_average
(double[] A, double result) {
return JMLDouble.approximatelyEqualTo
(average(Corduroy.multiply(A, 2)),
result * 2);
Chris Murphy – Columbia University
Case Studies
We investigated the WEKA and RapidMiner
toolkits for Machine Learning in Java
For WEKA, we tested four apps:
 Naïve
Bayes, Support Vector Machines (SVM),
C4.5 Decision Tree, and k-Nearest Neighbors
For RapidMiner, we tested one app:
 Naïve
Chris Murphy – Columbia University
Experimental Setup
For each of the five apps, we specified 4-6
metamorphic properties of selected methods
(based on our knowledge of the expected
behavior of the overall application)
Testing was conducted using data sets from
UCI Machine Learning Repository
Goal was to determine whether the
properties held as expected
Chris Murphy – Columbia University
Discovered defects in WEKA k-NN and
WEKA Naïve Bayes related to modifying the
machine learning “model”
 This
was the result of a variable not being
updated appropriately
Discovered a defect in RapidMiner Naïve
Bayes related to determining confidence
 There
was an error in the calculation
Chris Murphy – Columbia University
Specifying and checking the properties was
simplified by use of the tool, but still requires
some knowledge of the app to determine the
properties in the first place
The approach works well for functions that
take input and produce output, but in some
case requires more complex properties than
can be expressed in JML
Chris Murphy – Columbia University
Future Work
Reducing testing time by checking
properties in parallel
Implementations for other languages
More empirical studies to determine
effectiveness and applicability to other
Chris Murphy – Columbia University
We have presented a testing approach that uses
metamorphic testing of individual functions in
applications that do not have test oracles
These are specified via an extension to the JML
specification language
We have also presented an implementation
framework called Corduroy, which converts the
specification of metamorphic properties into test
Chris Murphy – Columbia University
Using JML Runtime Assertion Checking
to Automate Metamorphic Testing in
Applications without Test Oracles
Chris Murphy
Categories of Metamorphic Properties
Additive: Increase (or decrease) numerical values
by a constant
Multiplicative: Multiply numerical values by a
Permutative: Randomly permute the order of
elements in a set
Invertive: Reverse the order of elements in a set
Inclusive: Add a new element to a set
Exclusive: Remove an element from a set
ML apps such as ranking, classification, and
anomaly detection exhibit these properties
[Murphy SEKE’08]
Chris Murphy – Columbia University
Specifying More Complex Properties
@meta test_myFunc(x, \result)
public double myFunc (int x) {
private boolean test_myFunc
(int x, double result)
Chris Murphy – Columbia University
Addressing Side Effects
// holds result of last call to “average”
private double value;
@assignable value;
@meta average(\multiply(A, 2)) == value * 2
public void average(double[] A) {
value = ...
// no return value
Chris Murphy – Columbia University
Addressing Side Effects
protected boolean __metaTest_average
(double[] A)
double __value = value; // backup
try {
return JMLDouble.approximatelyEqualTo
(average(Corduroy.multiply(A, 2)),
value * 2);
finally {
value = __value; // restore
Chris Murphy – Columbia University