Steve Vieira, Donna Mesolella, Kay Johnson, Cody Haughton, Mike Kelly,... Anthony Dzikiewicz - Guest Institutional Technology Advisory Committee

Institutional Technology Advisory Committee
Notes from Meeting March 20, 2013
Members in Attendance
Steve Vieira, Donna Mesolella, Kay Johnson, Cody Haughton, Mike Kelly, Ruth Sullivan, Carl Toft
Anthony Dzikiewicz - Guest
Meeting content
Mike Kelly asked if we could post the next meeting date on the bottom of each agenda moving forward. That will be
done with the next meeting agenda.
Steve stated that he would be at a conference when the next meeting is to be held and asked what the choice was for
the committee; cancel or hold it a week late. The unanimous decision was to cancel April’s meeting and instead meet in
A question was asked as to whether there were summer meetings and Steve stated that that was decision for the
committee but in the past meetings were held only in the event of a circumstance which needed a decision by the
The new projects rated at the last meeting have been placed in the project list as rated. No new projects have been
announced or requested and so IT will continue through the list. The list has been updated with the information
provided by deb Aiken in our last meeting.
The two sets of proposals suggested by the collective committees have been moved to the next President’s council
agenda at which Steve should be in attendance. That meeting should occur on May 15th.
Steve and Anthony provided information the new SourceOne Email Archiving system. SourceOne offers lots of
possibilities to the CCRI family. Several features will be noted below.
SourceOne is a workflow of several steps for handling and archiving email including setting retention schedules
Step one of the workflow is establishing a start date for when SourceOne will be implemented.
Step two of the workflow is determining how long an email message remains in Exchange before it is copied into
the archive. A copy remains in Exchange but a duplicate copy is loaded into the archive automatically after a
predetermined number of days of sitting in Exchange. The copy that is made of the original email message is drastically
reduced in size due to the SourceOne algorithm for compression. Steve explained that this copy cannot be deleted out
of the archive and is intended to provide legal discovery opportunities leading to the Email Retention Policy for the
College. A timeframe needs to be determined by the advisory committees as to what timeframe email can remain in
Exchange before it gets copied to the archive. Steve will be sending out an email this weekend to start collecting the
Step three is stripping attachments and the body of email messages from Exchange email messages and storing
them in the archive utility after a period of time (also which needs to be determined by the advisory committees). By
stripping older attachments and bodies of older email messages from Exchange, email messages would remain in
Exchange but only as “stubs”. The stubs would have a To, From, Subject and Date but only links where the attachments
and body would normally be found. Clicking on the links would bring forward the attachment or body based upon which
link was selected. When using anything outside the Outlook client, like an iPad or iPhone to read the email, a popup
would request that you login again using your CCRI username and password. By creating these stubs, old email is
reduced greatly in size.
Step four of the workflow is deleting email messages out of Exchange altogether at a timeframe decided by the
advisory committees.
Step five of the workflow involves deleting email out of the SourceOne archive altogether again at a time to be
determined by the advisory committees.
Steve also explained that for those email messages that are never to be deleted, a personal archive folder exists
into which email messages could be moved by each individual. This is NOT an automated feature and so it is up to the
individual email user to move those messages they absolutely must have to that folder on a regular basis before they are
deleted from Exchange or before they are “stubbed”. This feature was also explained as being able to be a shared folder
in a particular department like Human Resources where shared email messages need to reside for long lengths of time.
The SourceOne system is incredibly flexible in its ability to be configured and so the discussion was followed by
several good questions surrounding specific individual thoughts and ideas of how email is used and stored.
IT will be communicating frequently in a major way to ensure that everyone understands how SourceOne works
and its possibilities.
Meeting was adjourned at 2:00 PM.