CCRI Governance Appendix II Governance Council Committee Meetings Agenda / Minutes

CCRI Governance Appendix II
Governance Council Committee Meetings
Agenda / Minutes
EREHSC – Emergency Response/Environmental Health & Safety Committee
September 18, 2014
Date of Agenda Posting:
Friday, September 26, 2014
Meeting Date:
11:30 am
Meeting Start Time:
Meeting Actual Start Time: 11:35 am
President’s Conference Room, Knight Campus
Meeting Location:
Annmarie McMahon
Meeting Secretary :
Member Attendance
Emergency Response/Environmental Health & Safety Committee
Committee Member Name
Leslie Florio
Technical Staff Asst.,
Art Dept.
Joseph Arsenault
Professor, Emergency
Director, Marketing,
Communications &
Dean of Students,
Student Success
Coordinator, Disability
Services for Students
College Police
Registered Nurse
Replaces Bob
Antonson for
balance of 2 year
1 year
By Position
2 years
2 years
2 years
By position
2 years
2 years
1 year
Rich Coren
Michael Cunningham
Helen Ducharme
Norman Mageau
Angela Marshall
Maureen McGarry
Annmarie McMahon
Michael McNally
DSM 3/2013
Dean, of Health &
Rehabilitative Sciences
Assistant Business
Technology Support
Specialist II
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Bill Palmieri
Student Government process
Student Government process
Assistant Building
Grounds Officer
Associate Professor,
Chris Turgeon
Faculty - Lincoln
Faculty – Newport
Faculty - Providence
James Salisbury
Ramona Skelly
Other Attendees
David Patten
Andrew Bates
VP, Business Affairs
CCRI Student
1 year
1 year
1 year
Agenda Item 1
Notes on Discussion
Discussion – Fall 2014 Meeting
Committee members agreed that meetings will
be held on the 2nd Friday of each month for the
Fall 2014 semester. Meetings will be held on
10/10, 11/14 and 12/12 at 11am. Locations
will be announced when finalized.
Agenda Item 2
Notes on Discussion
 Discussion – Agenda Standing Items
In order to provide a structure for bringing
forward information to the committee, the
Chairman suggested a structure for standing
agenda items. These areas would include:
 Threat Assessment
 Public Safety/Security
 Facilities
 Health
Appropriate committee members will provide a
brief report on each of these topics at each
monthly meeting. If the responsible member is
unable to attend, a written report should be
provided so that it can be shared with the
remaining committee members.
The goal of these updates is to provide a
greater level of situational awareness to
members of the college community. The
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committee will be focusing on trends and
policy issues in these areas.
The committee was informed that the College
with be contracting with Margolis Healy &
Associates for services related to emergency
management coordination. There is potential
for this consultant to video conference in for
the Emergency Response committee meetings.
Accommodations would need to be made in
advance. This would provide the committee
with the opportunity to understand the
consultant’s role in emergency management
planning and to ask related questions.
Agenda Item 3
Discussion – Traffic
Notes on Discussion
The discussion of facilities being a standing
agenda item led into the discussion regarding
traffic issues on campus, specifically the
crosswalk from the faculty parking lot on the
Knight campus.
VP Patten addressed upcoming safety
improvements that will be made. In the short
term, safety improvements will be made as part
of the first phase of the Knight campus renewal
project. It is anticipated that this work will
begin in late December 2014 and be completed
by approximately May 2015.
Issues of speeding and other safety concerns
were brought up. A question was asked about
any potential plans for safety measures on the
back entrance road. VP Patten noted that these
would be part of the larger campus renewal
Agenda Item 4
Discussion – Warwick Campus Roll
Down Cages
DSM 3/2013
Notes on Discussion
An issue was raised about the roll down cages
on the 2nd and 3rd floors on the Knight campus.
There have been instances when the cages are
down and faculty/staff do not have proper
egress from the areas. The conference room
doors are locked. The only egress is at the end
of the corridor. This is a potential fire safety
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The conference room doors are supposed to be
unlocked when the cages are down. This does
not always occur. Exit signs are not properly
posted in these areas.
The solution would be to have the locks
changed on the interior conference room doors
to remove the locks. This would allow egress
from the areas in the event of an emergency.
On behalf of the committee, Leslie Florio
volunteered to enter a work order to Physical
Plant. Norm Mageau will be the contact
person to facilitate the changes.
Agenda Item 5
 Discussion – Governance Committee
Agenda Item 6
 Discussion – Membership
New Business
Notes on Discussion
At a recent Governance committee meeting,
VP Lamontagne discussed his vision for the
governance structure. The Emergency
Response/Environmental Health and Safety
Committee will be an advisory group reporting
through VP Patten. Any recommended
policies would be brought from the committee
to the President’s council by VP Patten.
Notes on Discussion
The agenda included a listing of all committee
members and the length of the terms. At this
time, there are four vacant positions. The
vacant student position is in the process of
being filled. There are three vacant faculty
positions that would need to be filled by
election. Those with one year terms continue
to serve until their positions are re-elected or
appointed. It was noted that this is a wider
issues than for just this one committee. VP
Patten will be discussing this issue with VP
Lamontagne and AVP Schertz in order to get
committees with proper membership.
A number of issues were brought up at the
meeting that were not on the agenda. No
actions were taken.
(1) Concerns were raised regarding the use of
e-cigarettes on campus and the college’s policy
in this area. At this point, state law does not
address this issue. The College follows state
law. This topic will be included as an agenda
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item for the next meeting.
(2) The question was raised if the Committee
should have a mission statement. A statement
of focus will provide the framework for which
the committee will operate. Chairman
Arsenault will provide a draft for the next
meeting. This will be placed on the agenda.
(3) The Chairman would like to have a
standing agenda item “For the Good of the
Organization”. This will provide the
opportunity for members to bring forward
topics that would then be included on the next
meeting agenda if appropriate. There can be
no action taken on issues raised in this forum
since it was not an official agenda item.
(4) Dean McGarry talked about a recent
meeting on Community Health Policy where
the dissemination of information regarding
Ebola was discussed. Dr. Fine from the Dept.
of health and others will be developing an
action plan to determine how to best provide
information on the outbreak in Africa and the
impacts on the Liberian community and others
in Rhode Island. This will be place on the next
agenda for an update.
(5) Dean Cunningham noted that there is a 2day seminar in November focusing on the
violence risk and threat assessment. The
College will be sending a number of
representatives to attend.
Meeting Action Items
Assigned To
Prepare meeting minutes for
9/26/14 meeting
Prepare agenda for 10/10/14
7 business days after conclusion
of meeting
7 days prior to scheduled
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Decisions Made
Decision 1
Discussion – Fall 2014 Meeting
Meetings will be held at 11 am on the 2nd
Friday of each month for the Fall 2014
Decision 2
Discussion – Agenda Standing Items
Beginning with the October 10th meeting,
appropriate committee members will be
providing brief reports on the four specific
areas noted in the discussion for item 2.
Decision 3
Discussion – Traffic
No actions were taken.
Decision 4
Discussion – Warwick Campus Roll
Down Cages
A work order for the lock changes will be
entered in the system. No other actions were
Decision 5
Discussion – Governance Committee
No actions were taken.
Decision 6
Discussion – Membership
VP Patten will follow up on the filling of
committee vacancies.
Meeting End
Meeting Schedule End:
Meeting Actual End:
12:30 p.m.
12:30 pm
Next Meeting Date:
Next Meeting Time:
Next Meeting Location:
Friday, October 10, 2014
11 am
President’s Conference Room, Knight Campus
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