Notes on Numbers in Spanish 0- cero 1- uno 2- dos 3- tres 4- cuatro 5- cinco 6- seis 7- siete 8- ocho 9- nueve 10- diez 11- once 12- doce 13- trece 14- catorce 15- quince 16- dieciséis 17- diecisiete 18- dieciocho 19- diecinueve 20- veinte 21- veintiuno 22- veintidós 23- veintitrés 24- veinticuatro 25- veinticinco 26- veintiséis 27- veintisiete 28- veintiocho 29- veintinueve 30- treinta 31- treinta y uno 32- treinta y dos 40- cuarenta 50- cincuenta 60- sesenta 70- setenta 80- ochenta 90- noventa 100- ciento, cien 200- doscientos 300- trescientos 400- cuatrocientos 500- quinientos 600- seiscientos 700- setecientos 800- ochocientos 900- novecientos 1,000- mil 2,000- dos mil 2,500- dos mil quinientos 100,000- cien mil 1,000,000- un millón * Notice the accents on dieciséis, veintidós, veintitrés, and veintiséis- these accents are not on the other combined numbers between 17-19 and 21-29 *Numbers 16-19 can be written as three words with “y” between diez and the number. *Numbers 21-29 can be written as three words with “y” between veinte and the number. * Until 30, the numbers can be combined and written as one word. After 30, many numbers are written as more than one word (as shown with 31 and 32) *One Hundred (ciento, cien) is just cien in front of feminine or masculine nouns as well as in front of mil or millones. (Ex: cien libros, cien páginas). BUT if the number is more than one hundred, it becomes ciento (ciento veinte libros, ciento cuarenta páginas) * Hundreds beyond 100 become feminine in front of feminine nouns. (Ex: doscientas páginas, trescientas amigas)