Between the Wars Unit Syllabus W

Between the Wars
Oct./Nov. 2015
World Hist. II
Mr. Aiello
Between the Wars
Unit Syllabus
World History II
Overview of Curriculum/Thematic introduction to the course
Enduring understandings for all 8 units
United States
EU #1
The United States gradually has become a global power.
EU #2
Technological changes, demographic changes, and the changing role of government
have shaped American society.
World History
EU #3
The principle of self-determination has shaped world history.
EU #4
Increasing global interconnectedness has produced conflict and cooperation.
Essential Questions:
1. What were the long-term effects of World War I?
2. How did traditional and modern values clash in the 1920s?
3. What was the impact of the 1920s consumer economy on American society?
4. What were the causes and effects of the Great Depression in the United States?
5. How did the Great Depression change the role of government in various countries?
Oct. 19
Read A.H. Chapter 15, section 1.
Oct. 20
Read A.H. Chapter 15: 2 & 3.
Oct. 21
Read the Scopes Trial handout.
Oct. 22
Read A.H. Chapter 16: 2
Oct. 23
Complete the Chapters 15 & 16 Reteaching activities.
Read pages 6 – 9 of “Pt. II: The Troubled Infancy of the Weimar
Republic” and answer questions 1 – 3.
Oct. 26
Read pages 9 - 11 of “Pt. II: The Troubled Infancy of the Weimar
Republic” and answer questions 4 - 7.
Oct. 27
Read A.H. Chapter 17: 1.
Oct. 28
Read A.H. Chapter 17: 2.
Between the Wars
Oct./Nov. 2015
World Hist. II
Mr. Aiello
Oct. 29
Complete the packet entitled “What Should Be Done to Cure the
Oct. 30
Happy Halloween!!!
Complete Essential Questions 1, 2 & 3!! Get your binder in order for a
binder check on Monday!!
Nov. 2
Read and prepare for the Debate on Thursday.
Nov. 3
Read A.H. Ch. 17: 3.
Nov. 4
Read A.H. Ch. 18: 1.
Nov. 5
Read and complete the questions for “NSDAP and Totalitarian Rule.”
Nov. 6
Read A.H. Ch. 18: 2.
Nov. 9
Read A.H. Ch. 18: 3.
Nov. 10
Read A.H. Ch. 18: 4.
Nov. 11
Complete the Chapters 17 & 18 Reteaching activities.
Nov. 12
Complete Essential Questions 4 & 5!! Get your binder in order for the
binder check. Study for the Test tomorrow!!
Between the Wars
Oct./Nov. 2015
World Hist. II
Mr. Aiello
Reading Questions
Monday, Oct. 19 - A.H. Chapter 15, section 1.
1. Define nativism.
2. Why were Sacco and Vanzetti arrested?
3. Who was William J. Simmons?
4. How did the U.S. attempt to control immigration in the 1920s?
5. Describe the “New Morality”.
6. What happened in the Scopes Trial?
Tuesday, Oct. 20 – A.H. Chapter 15: 2 & 3
1. How did American artists and writers challenge traditional ideas?
2. How did the prosperity of the 1920s lead to an increase in sports?
3. What was the first “talking” picture?
4. How did the mass media do more than just entertain?
5. What was the Harlem Renaissance?
6. What was the Great Migration?
7. Who was Marcus Garvey?
Wednesday, Oct. 21 – The Scopes Trial handout
1. How did this trial symbolize the clash of the old and the new of this time period?
Thursday, Oct. 22 – A.H. Cg. 16: 2
1. Define: mass production; welfare capitalism.
2. Explain how the automobile had such a huge impact on American society in the 1920s.
3. What is a consumer society?
4. Why didn’t farmers share in the prosperity of the 1920s?
Friday, Oct. 23 – Ch. 15 & 16 Reteaching Activities, Questions 1 – 3 on The Troubled Infancy of
the Weimar Republic
Monday, Oct. 26 – Questions 4 – 7 on The Troubled Infancy of the Weimar Republic
Tuesday, Oct. 27 – A.H. Ch. 17: 1
1. Define: stock market; bull market; margin; margin call; speculation; installment
2. Why was the 1928 presidential election symbolic of the extremes of the 1920s?
3. Why did the stock market crash cause banks to fail?
Wednesday, Oct. 28 – A.H. Ch. 17: 2
1. Define: Hoovervilles; Dust Bowl
2. How did artists and other creative persons reflect the Great Depression in their work?
3. Why was the construction of the Hoover Dam so significant?
Thursday, Oct. 29 – “What Should be Done to Cure the Depression?”
Friday, Oct. 30 – Answer E.Q.s 1 – 3 and get your binder complete and organized!
Monday, Nov. 2 – Prepare for the 1932 Reichstag Elections Debate
Between the Wars
Oct./Nov. 2015
World Hist. II
Mr. Aiello
Tuesday, Nov. 3 - A.H. Ch. 17: 3
1. Define: public works; relief; foreclosure
2. Evaluate President Hoover’s efforts to stop the decline of the economy.
3. What happened to the “Bonus Army”? Why?
Wednesday, Nov. 4 - A.H. Ch. 18: 1
1. Define: gold standard
2. How did Roosevelt’s life experiences prepare him to lead the country at this troubled time?
Thursday, Nov. 5 – NSDAP and Totalitarian Rule
Friday, Nov. 6 - A.H. Ch. 18: 2
1. Define: Hundred Days; “fireside chats”
2. Why did FDR start his attempts at fixing the American economy with the banks and the stock
Monday, Nov. 9 - A.H. Ch. 18: 3
1. Define: deficit spending; WPA
2. Summarize the main criticisms or alternatives of the following: Huey Long; Father
Coughlin; Dr. Francis Townsend.
3. Why was the WPA such a significant New Deal program?
Tuesday, Nov. 10 - A.H. Ch. 18: 4
1. Define: Keynesian economics; broker state; safety net
2. Explain the relationship of the Supreme Court to FDR and the New Deal.
3. What groups made up the New Deal Coalition?
4. How did the New Deal change attitudes toward government?
Wednesday, Nov. 11 – Chapters 17 & 18 Reteaching Activities
Thursday, Nov. 12 – Essential Questions 4 & 5, Binder