Imperialism, the Great War and the Russian Revolution, Unit Syllabus

Imperialism, Great War, and Russian Rev.
Sep/Oct 2012
World Hist. II
Mr. Aiello
Imperialism, the Great War and the Russian Revolution,
Unit Syllabus
The West (Europe and the U.S.) used the 1800s to conquer much of the rest of the world, a
concept called imperialism. We will briefly look at some examples of this movement, laying the
groundwork for the post-World War II nationalism movements for indepenence, and the role that
plays in the current world. The First World War and the Russian Revolution have usually been
seen as the seminal events of the modern age, for how they truly showed the changes brought
about by the new technology, political ideologies, and economic ideas. We will use a variety of
methods to quickly explore some of the highlights of this important era.
World History II
Overview of Curriculum/Thematic introduction to the course
Enduring understandings for all 8 units
United States
EU#1: The United States gradually has become a global superpower.
EU#2: Technological changes, demographic changes, and the changing role of
government have shaped American society.
World History
EU#3: The principle of self-determination has shaped world history.
EU#4: Increasing global interconnectedness has produced conflict and cooperation.
Essential Questions:
1) What were the causes and effects of the “new imperialism”?
2) What were the arguments for and against America becoming an imperial power?
3) What were the causes and effects of WWI?
4) Why was WWI more destructive and widespread than previous wars?
5) What were the causes and effects of the Russian Revolution?
Sep. 11
Sep. 14
Homeplay Assignment
Read A.R. (blue) Chapter 12:1
1) Explain 2 important reasons why the U.S. sought overseas territory?
2) How did the U.S. gain possession of Hawaii?
3) What is Pan-Americanism?
Read W. H. (green) 23:1
1) Explain 2 important reasons for the new imperialism of the 1800s?
2) What are the key differences between direct and indirect rule?
3) Why did a new brand of revolutionary leaders arise in the colonies?
Imperialism, Great War, and Russian Rev.
Sep/Oct 2012
Sep. 15
World Hist. II
Mr. Aiello
Read W.H. 23:3.
1) How was the “sepoy mutiny” an example of the clash of two
different cultures?
2) In what ways did the Indians benefit from British rule?
3) What were the initial goals of the Indian National Congress?
Wenesdday, Sep. 16
Read W.H. 24:1.
1) What internal problems contributed to the decline and fall of the
Manchu dynasty in China?
2) What is the Open Door policy?
Sep. 17
Read W.H. 24:3.
1) Why was Japan ripe for change at the beginning of the nineteenth
2) What were the key differences between the Liberals and the
Progressives in the Japanese political system of the 1880s?
3) Explain an example of the internal struggle between the
transformation of Japan into a modern society while keeping some
of its historic values.
Sep. 18
Read W.H. 24:4.
1) Why did Japan feel the need to expand and become an imperialisti
2) Explain the zaibatsu economic model used by Japan.
3) Why did “Shedehara diplomacy” not really work in the long run?
Sep. 21
Complete reading/answering “Part I: The SPAM War.”
Sep. 22
Prepare for the debate on Wednesday.
Wednesday, Sep. 23
Read/answer the questions for “Epilogue – Imperialism’s Bitter Fruit.”
Sep. 24
Complete the handout “Building a United States Empire.”
Sep. 25
Read W.H. pp. 710 – 715 and W.H 25:1
1) What problems did the existence of German minorities in many
European nations create?
2) How did alliances, designed to prevent war, play a role in bringing
about war?
3) Why did the first two Balkan wars not solve the problems of the
4) Define and explain the role that the following terms played in
bringing about the War: brinksmanship, conscription, militarism,
Imperialism, Great War, and Russian Rev.
Sep/Oct 2012
World Hist. II
Mr. Aiello
Binder Check on Monday!! Answer Essential Questions 1 & 2!!
Sep. 28
Read W.H. 25:2.
1) What was the Schlieffen Plan? (look back at page 805 for more
2) Define and explain the following terms: trench warfare, war of
attrition, total war, planned economies
3) How and why did the European war spread to include nations from
outside Europe (Ottoman Empire, the Middle East, the United
4) Why do times of war often speed the process of achieving greater
rights for women?
Sep. 29
Complete the Propaganda Project for the Great War.
Wednesday, Sep. 30
Read the handout “Shell Shock” and “The Trenches.”
Oct. 1
Read A.R. 14:1.
1) Why did President Wilson send troops to Mexico?
2) Define and explain the following terms and the role they played in
the U. S. entering the War: propaganda, contraband, Sussex Pledge
3) How did the Zimmerman telegram influence the decision of the U.S.
to go to war against Germany?
Oct. 2
Read A.R. 14:2.
1) How did Congress ensure that the military had enough troops to
fight the War?
2) Why did so many African-Americans and Mexicans move north
during the War?
3) How did government efforts to ensure support for the War conflict
with democratic ideals?
Oct. 5
Read W.H. 25:3
1) Briefly explain three (3) reasons why the Tsar was such a poor
leader during this time.
2) How did a woman’s march for bread turn into a general strike and
then Tsar Nicholas eventually stepping down from the throne?
3) What was the fatal mistake of the Provisional government under
4) What promises did Lenin and the Bolsheviks make to the people to
gather support for their violent revolution?
5) What is “war communism” and how did it help the Reds defeat the
Whites in the Russian civil war?
6) What happened inside of Germany that helped bring about the end
of the War?
Imperialism, Great War, and Russian Rev.
Sep/Oct 2012
Oct. 6
Wednesday, Oct. 7
World Hist. II
Mr. Aiello
Read W.H. 25:4
1) What did each leader (Clemenceau, Lloyd George, & Wilson) want
from the peace treaty?
2) Why was Article 231 of the Treaty of Versailles with Germany the
most controversial?
3) How did the Allies try to incorporate the principle of selfdetermination? Why did it not work in Eastern Europe nor in the
former Ottoman Empire?
Read and complete the questions for the “Paris Peace Conference”
Thursday through Sunday: Enjoy the Homecoming Activities!!
Oct. 12
Complete the Essential Questions 3 - 5! Bring your organized and
complete Binder!
Study for the Unit Test tomorrow!!