World History II- Meyers Name_________________________

World History II- Meyers
Unit 5: The Cold War
Enduring Understandings for American and World History
EU#1: The United States gradually became a global superpower during the 20th century.
EU#2: American society and culture has changed throughout the 20th century.
EU #3: Challenges to pre-existing social, economic, and political systems shaped 20th century W. History.
EU #4: Conflict and cooperation between peoples and nations shaped 20th century World History.
Essential Questions for Unit 5
1. What caused the Cold War?
2. How did the United States and the U.S.S.R. fight the Cold War?
3. What were the impacts of the Cold War on the U.S., U.S.S.R., and other countries around the world?
4. How did the Cold War end?
Unit Project: RP- Book!
Unit Exam: Tuesday, 2-11
Tuesday, 1-7
Snow Day!
Wednesday, 1-8
Introduce RP
Thursday, 1-9
Lab Day- Topic Selection
Topic Form Part 1 and 2
Friday, 1-10
Lab Day- Topic Selection
Topic Form Part 3
Monday, 1-13
Lab Day- Book Selection, Topic Form Due
Tuesday, 1-14
Setting Up Google Notes / Reading Day
Wednesday, 1-15
Introduce the Cold War, #1 Due
Reading #1 Pages __________
Reading #2 Pages __________
Thursday, 1-16
Cold War Work Day- 4 Choices
Reading #2, Finish Cold War Choices
Friday, 1-17
Cold War 4 Choices- Discussion, #2 Due
Reading #3 Pages __________
Monday, 1-20
MLK Day- No School!
*Tuesday, 1-21
Origins of the Cold War- Lecture, #3 Due
Reading #4 Pages __________
*Wednesday, 1-22
Video: Iron Curtain
Reading #4
*Thursday, 1-23
Brinkmanship and Black Ops #4 Due
Reading #5 Pages __________
*Friday, 1-24
The Cold War on the Homefronts
Reading #5
Monday, 1-27
Reading Day, #5 Due
Reading #6 Pages __________
Tuesday, 1-28
Kennedy and M.A.D., #6 Due
Reading #7 Pages __________
Wednesday, 1-29
Kennedy and Mutually Assured Destruction
Reading #7
Thursday, 1-30
Proxy Wars- Vietnam, #7 Due
Reading #8 Pages __________
Friday, 1-31
Proxy Wars- Vietnam
Reading #8
Monday, 2-3
Reading Day, #8 Due
Reading #9 Pages __________
Tuesday, 2-4
Wednesday, 2-5
Thursday, 2-6
Friday, 2-7
Monday, 2-10
Tuesday, 2-11
*Meyers in D.C.
Proxy Wars- Afghanistan, #9 Due
Nixon and Detente
Reagan and the Fall of the Wall
Review Game
Go Over Exam, Next Phase of RP, #10 Due
Reading #10 Pages __________
Study for Exam!
Study for Exam!
Study for Exam!
Reading #10