World History II- Meyers Name_______________________________

World History II- Meyers
Unit 8: Globalization and the Modern World
“The best way to predict the future is to invent it.”
-Alan Kay
Enduring Understandings for American and World History
EU#1: The United States gradually became a global superpower during the 20th century.
EU#2: American society and culture has changed throughout the 20th century.
EU #3: Social, political, and economic systems and movements shaped 20th century World History.
EU #4: Conflict and cooperation between peoples and nations shaped 20th century World History.
Essential Questions for Unit 8
1. What is globalization?
2. How did the end of the cold war accelerate globalization?
3. What are the positives and negatives of globalization?
4. What are the challenges your generation is going to face in the future?
Essential Topics: Globalization, Free Market, Fundamentalism, Terrorism, Green Revolution, Technological
Revolution, American Century
Unit Project: Text Sets and Blogging (see attached)
Friday, 5-6
Go over exam, Assign Unit 8 Project
Reading Day
Reading and Blog 1
Monday, 5-9
Tuesday, 5-10
Wednesday, 5-11
Thursday, 5-12
Friday, 5-13
Reading Day
Introduction to Globalization
Globalization 101
Globalization Readings
Globalization Readings
Reading and Blog 2
Reading and Blog 3
Monday, 5-16
Tuesday, 5-17
Wednesday, 5-18
Thursday, 5-19
Friday, 5-20
Work Day: International Trade
International Trade
International Trade
7 Revolutions
7 Revolutions
Reading and Blog 4
Reading and Blog 5
Reading and Blog 6
Monday, 5-23
Tuesday, 5-24
Wednesday, 5-25
Thursday, 5-26
Friday, 5-27
7 Revolutions
Book Fair and Celebration!
Study for Finals
Study for Finals
History Final Exam!
Read / Blog Make-Up
Study for Finals
Study for Finals
Study for Finals
Syllabus: This Will Change Everything
Friday, 5-6
Go over exam, Assign Unit 8 Project
Reading Day
10, 14, 17, 25 and
Blog 1
Monday, 5-9
Tuesday, 5-10
Reading Day
Introduction to Globalization
Wednesday, 5-11
Globalization 101
Thursday, 5-12
Globalization Readings
Friday, 5-13
Globalization Readings
30, 36, 51, 58, 63
68, 72, 91, 104 and
Blog 2
107, 111, 115, 119,
125, 128, 141, 146 and
Blog 3
149, 154, 157, 160,
Monday, 5-16
Work Day: International Trade
Tuesday, 5-17
International Trade
Wednesday, 5-18
International Trade
Thursday, 5-19
7 Revolutions
Friday, 5-20
7 Revolutions
Monday, 5-23
Tuesday, 5-24
Wednesday, 5-25
Thursday, 5-26
Friday, 5-27
7 Revolutions
Book Fair and Celebration!
Study for Finals
Study for Finals
History Final Exam!
169, 182, 186, 191 and
Blog 4
198, 206, 209, 213,
222, 231, 237, 241 and
Blog 5
246, 308, 338, 343,
361, 372, 383, 389 and
Blog 6
Read / Blog Make-Up
Study for Finals
Study for Finals
Study for Finals
Syllabus: Johnny Got His Gun
Friday, 5-6
Go over exam, Assign Unit 8 Project
Reading Day
Introduction, 1-39,
Blog 1
Monday, 5-9
Tuesday, 5-10
Wednesday, 5-11
Thursday, 5-12
Friday, 5-13
Reading Day
Introduction to Globalization
Globalization 101
Globalization Readings
Globalization Readings
57-64, Blog 2
80-100 and Blog 3
Monday, 5-16
Tuesday, 5-17
Wednesday, 5-18
Thursday, 5-19
Friday, 5-20
Work Day: International Trade
International Trade
International Trade
7 Revolutions
7 Revolutions
123-139, Blog 4
165-179, Blog 5
208-243, Blog 6
Monday, 5-23
Tuesday, 5-24
Wednesday, 5-25
Thursday, 5-26
Friday, 5-27
7 Revolutions
Book Fair and Celebration!
Study for Finals
Study for Finals
History Final Exam!
Read / Blog Make-Up
Study for Finals
Study for Finals
Study for Finals
Syllabus: Warriors Don’t Cry
Friday, 5-6
Go over exam, Assign Unit 8 Project
Reading Day
1-23, Blog 1
Monday, 5-9
Tuesday, 5-10
Wednesday, 5-11
Thursday, 5-12
Friday, 5-13
Reading Day
Introduction to Globalization
Globalization 101
Globalization Readings
Globalization Readings
47-68, Blog 2
90-106, Blog 3
Monday, 5-16
Tuesday, 5-17
Wednesday, 5-18
Thursday, 5-19
Friday, 5-20
Work Day: International Trade
International Trade
International Trade
7 Revolutions
7 Revolutions
124-150, Blog 4
174-194, Blog 5
195-226, Blog 6
Monday, 5-23
Tuesday, 5-24
Wednesday, 5-25
Thursday, 5-26
Friday, 5-27
7 Revolutions
Book Fair and Celebration!
Study for Finals
Study for Finals
History Final Exam!
Read / Blog Make-Up
Study for Finals
Study for Finals
Study for Finals
Syllabus: A Long Way Gone
Friday, 5-6
Go over exam, Assign Unit 8 Project
Reading Day
1-25 and Blog 1
Monday, 5-9
Tuesday, 5-10
Wednesday, 5-11
Thursday, 5-12
Friday, 5-13
Reading Day
Introduction to Globalization
Globalization 101
Globalization Readings
Globalization Readings
44-68 and Blog 2
89-113 and Blog 3
Monday, 5-16
Tuesday, 5-17
Wednesday, 5-18
Thursday, 5-19
Friday, 5-20
Work Day: International Trade
International Trade
International Trade
7 Revolutions
7 Revolutions
138-151 and Blog 4
179-200 and Blog 5
201-218 and Blog 6
Monday, 5-23
Tuesday, 5-24
Wednesday, 5-25
Thursday, 5-26
Friday, 5-27
7 Revolutions
Book Fair and Celebration!
Study for Finals
Study for Finals
History Final Exam!
Read / Blog Make-Up
Study for Finals
Study for Finals
Study for Finals
Unit 8 Project: Text Sets for Globalization
Purpose: This unit is designed to be a capstone unit for the course, tying together the various Enduring
Understandings and Essential Questions into key themes, such as the struggle for equality, war and conflict, and
the legacy of imperialism. The books that have been chosen for this capstone project were chosen with these
themes in mind.
One of the things I will be asking of you during this unit is to reflect on the past (what we have studied), tie it to
the present (what we will be studying in Unit 8), and contemplate the future.
A key Essential Question for this project is #4:
What are the challenges your generation is going to face in the future?
As we think about that question during class, I ask you reflect on the challenges faced by previous generations
and most importantly how those challenges were overcome. How will your generation overcome the challenges
of the 21st century?
Blogging: As you read, you will be asked to blog in order to help you process information and to challenge the
thinking of others. I will not “lead” the blog, but I will read all of them and post comments or questions as I
think appropriate. I want the blog to be “free-flowing” and not tied to specific prompts you have to address,
however, as you read I want you to think about three things, and these will be familiar to you. A suggestion for
blogging would be to reflect on these three things during every reading:
1. What are the big ideas from the reading?
2. What connections can I make to prior learning and to myself?
3. What questions do you wonder about?
An optional note-taking sheet will be provided for you to jot down thoughts prior to sitting down and writing
your blog.
*Guidelines for blogging are included at the end of this document.
Book Fair: The unit project will culminate in a “book fair” during class on Tuesday, May 24. The book fair will
be an opportunity to share with the other two groups your learning, and for you as a class to make connections
and predictions towards the future. The classroom will be set up in a carousel fashion, and each student will
walk around the room and “contribute” something to each station. More on this later. And yes, we will use this
as a day to celebrate! Yummy treats will be provided.
Big Ideas
Rules of Thumb for Blogging:
*Don't write anything you don't want a future employer or your parents to see.
*No Excuses applies.
*Keep personal info out.
*Treat blogspaces as classroom spaces. Speech that is inappropriate for the class is not appropriate for your
*Remember to show respect for differing points of view, and treat others as you would be treated.
*Blogs are a forum for student expression, but, first and foremost, a tool for learning. Make sure your post
connects with the question asked.
*When multiple people are blogging at once, postings can become nonlinear and the conversation can be
difficult to follow. If appropriate identify the specific person, question, or comment you are responding to.
*Remember signing the appropriate use policy??? These standards still apply.