Conditioning & Cognition Unit Syllabus

Conditioning & Cognition Syllabus
Nov, 2015
Mr. Aiello
Conditioning & Cognition Unit Syllabus
Course Objectives
The objectives of the course are for the students to:
• acquire a working knowledge of major psychological theories and core concepts
• develop an understanding and appreciation of what makes psychology a science
• develop basic skills in conducting psychological research
• understand the relevance of psychology to their lives
• increase their critical thinking, especially in regards to scientific research about behavior
• continue to develop their oral and written communication skills
Cognitive psychology is concerned with the processes involved in the transformation, reduction,
elaboration, storage, recovery, and use of sensory input. This unit will help you to understand how
you do everyday things such as learn, think, remember, solve problems, write and talk. Many
activities and problems will provide you with opportunities to put the studied ideas into practice.
This unit will also give you the resources to improve the quality of your life and your sense of
control over it.
For this unit, you will not be required to turn in your written answers to the essential questions. We
will have alternative assignments to replace the EQs. However, I am keeping these questions on
here for your reference. You are still responsible for knowing the answers to these questions. If you
want to answer them and talk about them with me, that would be wonderful, but it is not expected.
For the Chapter 6 vocabulary, there will be a handout with which terms you will need to do separate
from an assignment. You will do all of the vocabulary terms (and Key Contributors) for Chapter 7.
Essential Questions
1. Explain the principle of US + CS = CR.
2. Explain how classical conditioning is applied to real-life situations.
3. Explain how operant conditioning is different from classical conditioning.
4. Explain how operant conditioning is applied to real-life situations.
5. Explain observational learning and the importance of models.
6. How does encoding affect memory?
7. Explain why memory is not perfect?
8. Why is there such controversy over repressed and recovered memories?
9. Why is concept formation so important in understanding how humans solve problems?
10. How do different heuristics help humans solve problems?
11. How does language influence thought, and how do thoughts influence language?
Oct. 30
Read Myers Module 26.
Nov. 2
Work on your Portfolio for Classical Conditioning.
Conditioning & Cognition Syllabus
Nov, 2015
Nov. 3
Mr. Aiello
Read Myers Module 27.
Wednesday, Nov. 4
Do the Psychsim Activity “Operant Conditioning.” Work on your Portfolio
for Operant Conditioning – Positive Reinforcement and Schedules.
Nov. 5
Read Myers Module 28. Do the Psychsim Activity “Maze Learning.”
Work on your Portfolio for Negative Reinforcement and Punishment.
Nov. 9
Read Myers Mod. 29.
Nov. 10
Read Myers Mod. 30. Work on your Portfolio for Observational Learning.
Wednesday, Nov. 11
Complete your Portfolio of Learning and turn it in on Thursday!
Nov. 12
Read Myers Mod. 31.
Nov. 13
Read Myers Mod. 32.
Nov. 16
Read Myers Mod. 33.
Nov. 17
Complete two or three of the Psychsim Activities for Chapter 7.
Wednesday, Nov. 18
Read and take notes from your article on Eyewitness Memory.
Nov. 19
Read Myers Mod. 34.
Nov. 20
Read Myers Mod. 35.
Nov. 23
Read Myers Mod. 36.
Nov. 24
Read the article “What will Improve a Student’s Memory?”
Have a safe and restful Thanksgiving!!
Nov. 30
Study for the Unit Test tomorrow!! Complete the Vocabulary and Key
Contributors for Chapter 7! Don’t forget to take the Myers chapter quiz for
chapter 7. Complete at least 4 of the Psychsim Activities for Chapter 7.