Primary Teacher: Mr. Justin Seiwell
Email Address:
Office Phone: 314-854-6776
Where can I be found: I split my days between Room 40 (the Speech & Debate room) and
Room 43 (the journalism suite). Where I am is based on daily needs, but can usually be found in
one of those two places.
Co-Teacher: Ms. Erin Castellano
Ms. Castellano is in charge of the Globe Newsmagazine and will also be a heavy presence in our
In this class, you will:
Learn and master the art and history of video storytelling, which is the primary way in
which we build our culture (TV, movies, YouTube, etc).
Learn and master video techniques (video camera angles, framing, audio, interviewing,
sequencing, camera technology, etc.)
Learn and master editing techniques using Final Cut Pro X (a professional level video
editing software program)
Lead or assist in the creation of eight individual stories that may be aired on Greyhound
Exclusive Television, our bi-weekly program.
o Students may also create advertisements for local businesses or charities or promo
videos for different causes around the school.
2 period students will aid in the broadcast of the daily announcements. 3rd and 7th
period students will aid in the creation of “special features” (e.g. sports highlights) or
anchoring during GET episodes.
Each student will NEED:
A 16 GB (minimum) or 32 GB (recommended) SD card which can be purchased online or
at most office supply stores.
o Students are expected to bring this with them each day to class, and take it with
them at the end of each class. These get lost VERY EASILY – YOU HAVE BEEN
Access to their email account.
Access to our Google Classroom (which will be provided by Mr. Seiwell through your
Clayton email account).
By the end of the semester, all students will have created an online portfolio of their work.
Your Clayton ID
Equipment Expectations:
Cameras and tripods can be checked out through Mr. Seiwell or Ms. Castellano ONLY.
Equipment must be returned in a timely manner (typically before the end of class) so that
the next group can use them.
Extended use (e.g. overnight) needs to be scheduled in advance.
Treat the equipment VERY WELL. We use professional grade stuff, which means it’s both
expensive and delicate. We do NOT get replacement equipment if something breaks!
Class Expectations:
Be present. I expect to see you at the beginning and end of each period. You will also
be expected to prove that any time spent outside of the room was spent on video
production work. If any of these conditions aren’t meant, you’ll likely receive an absence
for the day and/or a zero.
Be on time. All students are expected to check in with Mr. Seiwell or Ms. Castellano
within the first five minutes of every class.
Be productive. Neither Ms. Castellano nor I have had a student who has legitimately
finished all their projects with more than a week remaining in the semester. There is
always something you can be doing! The list below gives you ideas for ways to use your
class time.
Make an honest effort at all times. Know what’s going on around the building or in the
community, take an interest in what others are doing, participate in class conversations,
and be supportive of both YOURSELF and EVERYONE ELSE IN THIS CLASS. If you do all of
this, you will do just fine.
Be aware. The challenge of this class is that we all have to keep a very specific schedule –
we can’t “push back” a broadcast date. Most weeks you’ll be able to shoot footage Monday
through Thursday, but know that this could be interrupted for holidays and such. DO
NOT PROCRASTINATE. We will likely have some form of class lesson or activity every
Production Rules:
All projects have to be approved by Mr. Seiwell or Ms. Castellano IN ADVANCE.
Do NOT play video games.
You may NOT download any software (but can ask a teacher to do it for you)
You may NOT use copyrighted material for broadcast without written permission from
the creator or license holder. WE DO HAVE SOME POP CULTURE MUSIC WITH
All music used in any project MUST be obtained through Soundzabound or originally
created (perhaps through Soundtrack Pro or Garageband). Parody laws do apply to us, so
talk to Seiwell if you have an idea!
Seiwell has FINAL SAY on what airs on GET and what does not. No project receiving a
grade below 85% will air.
Grade Scale:
98% A+
93% A
78% C+
73% C
Grades below 60% are considered failing.
Important Note: While there is little direct homework
in this class, you will frequently need to do your
filming during your off periods or before or after school.
Grading Policies:
Grades for projects are entered roughly once every two weeks
Projects not completed by the announced due date will receive a 0
o That 0 can be recovered so long as the project is completed PRIOR to the end of the
QUARTER! Grades for the previous quarter cannot be changed unless a student
has completed all projects for the current quarter.
o No grades will be changed once the semester officially ends.
A standard rubric is used for all video projects, but can be negotiated if you are working
on a more advanced/creative project.
Students will also earn 3 participation points per day (15 per week), which will be
deducted if a student is found to be off-task, disruptive to others, etc.
Typical Projects:
These may change slightly depending on the nature of our individual course.
8 Projects @ 100 pts. per project
800 pts (400 per quarter)
8 Project Reflections @ 50 pts. each
400 pts (200 per quarter)
Tutorial Project worth 50 pts.
50 pts. (first quarter)
Final Portfolio
50 pts. (second quarter)
Daily Participation Points @ 3 pts/day
~246 pts
Students in 2nd period may substitute diligent work in the studio for some of their video projects.
Studio Time:
Students will need to demonstrate high levels of responsibility, motivation, and trustworthiness
to utilize the studio. Whenever in the studio, always assume that the cameras and
microphones are “live” and broadcasting to the entire school.
In-Class Travel:
Students will be trusted to move throughout the CAMPUS during class time. Infractions of this
trust (noise in the hallways, leaving campus, etc.) during class time will result in reduced
freedoms, up to and including having to complete the class using only a textbook.
The GNN program demands the upmost behavior from students so that we can enjoy the
freedoms that we have. Please do NOT abuse this trust and keep the teachers happy!
Welcome to GNN! We create a fantastic bi-weekly show and I’m thrilled to have you as a
part of it! Let’s put on a good show this semester!