c. Secretary Article I - Name

Meramec Elementary School
PTO By-Laws
Adopted September, 2009
Article I - Name
The name of this organization
shall be the Meramec Elementary School Parent
Teacher Organization (PTO).
c. Secretary The Secretary shall keep a record of
all meetings of the Organization and shall perform
such other duties as may be delegated to him/her.
Article II - Purpose The purpose of the
Organization shall be to aid the students and staff of
Meramec Elementary School by providing support
for their educational and recreational needs; and to
promote open communication and foster
relationships between the administration, staff,
parents, students and the community.
d. Treasurer The Treasurer shall receive all monies
of the Organization; shall keep an accurate record
of the receipts and expenditures; and shall pay out
funds as authorized by the Organization or the PTO
Board. The Treasurer shall present an annual
budget at the beginning of the school year, a
statement of account at every meeting and a full
report at the year-end meeting. The Treasurer shall
make a two-year commitment.
Article III - Membership and Dues
Section 1. Membership All parents and guardians
of a student attending Meramec School, and all
members of the administrative and teaching staff of
Meramec School are automatically members of the
PTO, so long as they are willing to uphold the
policies of the PTO and abide by its By-Laws.
Section 2. Dues Dues will be established by the
PTO Board.
Section 3. Financial Authority Persons representing
the PTO have no authority to enter into financial
commitments (contracts) with the exception of the
PTO president or otherwise authorized in writing by
the PTO President.
Article IV - Officers, Duties, Election
Section 1. Officers The Officers shall be the
President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, PTO
Council Representative and Principal. All
chairpersons appointed by the PTO president and
approved by the PTO Officers and designated
Teacher Representatives are also considered
members of the PTO Board.
a. President The President shall preside at all
meetings of the Organization; shall be a member
ex-officio of all committees; shall perform all other
duties usually pertaining to the office.
b. President-Elect The President-Elect shall act as
aide to the President and perform the duties of
President in his/her absence. The President-Elect will
assume a two-year commitment: the first year as
President-Elect and moving to the President’s role
for the second year.
e. The Chairpersons of all PTO committees will
execute the tasks and responsibilities of their
Section 2. Nominations and Election Elections will
be held at the second to last meeting of the school
year. The PTO Board shall select candidates for
each office and present the slate at a meeting held
one month prior to the election. At that meeting,
nominations may also be made from the floor.
Voting shall be by voice vote if a slate is presented.
If more than one person is running for an office, a
ballot vote shall be taken.
Section 3. Eligibility All members are eligible for
Section 4. Vacancies If there is a vacancy in the
office of president, the president-elect will take
over. If there is a vacancy in any other office, the
president will appoint an interim officer.
Section 5. Removal from Office Officers can be
removed from office by a two-thirds vote of those
present (assuming a quorum) at a regular meeting
where previous notice has been given.
Article V - Meetings
Section 1. Regular Meetings The PTO Board will
determine, at least one month prior to the school
year, the time and place for the regular meeting(s)
of the Organization. All meetings will be posted on
the Meramec website and will be open to all
parents and interested parties of Meramec School.
Section 2. Special Meetings Special meetings may
be called by the president.
Section 3. Quorum The quorum shall be five
members of the Organization to include at least
three officers.
PTO By-Laws
Article VI - PTO Board
Section 1. Membership The PTO Board shall consist
of the officers, principal, teacher representatives
and standing committee chairs.
Section 2. Duties The duties of the PTO Board shall
be to transact business between meetings in
preparation for the general meeting, create
standing rules and policies, create standing and
temporary committees, prepare and submit a
budget to the membership, plan and coordinate
fundraising activities, approve routine bills, and
prepare reports and recommendations to the
Section 3. Committees Committees shall be
created by the PTO Board as may be required to
promote the purpose of the Organization. The
chairperson of the committee shall recruit additional
committee members and volunteer helpers. Note:
most committees are considered to have a 2-year
term. No one should chair the same committee for
more than two consecutive years. The board may
appoint additional committees as needed.
Article VII - Finances
Section 1. A tentative budget shall be drafted in
the spring for each school year and approved by a
majority vote of the members present. A majority
vote is necessary to amend the budget.
Section 6. The treasurer shall prepare a financial
statement at the end of the year, to be reviewed by
the PTO Board and by the district as required.
Section 7. Upon dissolution of the organization,
any remaining funds should be used to pay any
outstanding commitments and, with the
membership’s approval, spent for the benefit of the
Article VIII - Parliamentary Authority Robert’s Rules
of Order Newly Revised shall govern this
Organization in all cases to which they are
applicable and in which they are consistent with
these by-laws.
Article IX - Amendments These by-laws may be
amended at any regular meeting of the
Organization by a two-thirds vote of the members
present and voting, provided that the amendment
has been submitted in writing to the membership.
Article X - Voting Any PTO Member has a voting
right. In order to vote, the PTO member must be
present at the meeting with a vote of one per
person. The majority shall rule in all cases with the
exception of amendments to the by-laws as stated
in Article IX.
Section 2. The treasurer shall keep accurate
records of any disbursements, income and financial
account information.
Section 3. The board shall approve all expenses of
the organization. Expenses should be voted on and
approved at the regularly scheduled meetings. The
following exception applies: a majority of the
executive board must approve expenses $200.00 or
above which are outside of pre-approved event
Section 4. Checks written over $2000 must have
the signatures of two officers (treasurer and one
Section 5. The fiscal year shall coordinate with the
Clayton School District Parent-Teacher Organization
PTO By-Laws
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