CHS PTO Meeting Minutes November 7, 2011

CHS PTO Meeting
November 7, 2011
CHS Library
7:00 to 8:00 PM
1. Welcome and Introductions
Twenty-seven people attended the November CHS PTO meeting:
Lori Elliott, Lisa Avery, Susan Ryffel, Sylvia Massad, Ryan Luhning,
Linda Garavalia, Donna O’Neal, Darcy Durham, Mike Nelke,
Maitrayee Bhattacharyya, Peggy Bowe, Christy Breckenridge, Claire
Schenk, Gayle Zollmann, Patty Paster, Ruthellen Osherow, Karen
Stern, Tango Walker, Joyce Stubblefield, Kathleen Matheny, Tony
Leung, Tina Wagner, Edy Davis, Jeffrey Davis, KeKe Walker, Sue
Hodapp, and Lucy Hoblitzelle.
2. Approval of Minutes
Minutes from the October 2011 meeting were approved. As a
reminder, Lisa Avery mentioned that minutes are available on the
PTO website.
3. Treasurer’s Report
Bethany Sleckman could not attend the meeting. Lori Elliott
reviewed numerous updates to the budget. The budget is available
on the website as well. A motion to approve the budget was made
and approved.
4. Committee Reports
 Parent Connections
Darcy Durham reported that the freshman event was attended
by about 50 people, despite conflicting with the World Series!
The class will be adding an event for parents in the 2nd
semester. Karen Stern reported that about 40 to 50 people
attended the sophomore event. The committee is considering
adding a phone blast to current email notification. She also
reported that the Halloween Dance was a success, again
despite the conflict with the World Series. Claire Schenk and
Linda Garavalia reported that the junior event is planned for
November 12th, and that they are expecting around 50
attendees. Kathleen Matheny and Donna O’Neal reported that
the senior committee is planning a February cocktail party.
 Centennial Plaza
Sue Hodapp reported that construction of the plaza is nearly
complete, and that lit signage is being installed at the entrance
off of Mark Twain Drive. Once approval for seven donor
plaques is received, they will set a date for the dedication. It
will be scheduled during a school day lunch period so that
students can attend, and will include cookies and hot
chocolate. Any need for additional brinks will be handled as
demand dictates. Costs dictate that a minimum of 10 bricks be
engraved at a time. Lori Elliott will look into advertising for
additional bricks.
 Staff Appreciation
Gayle Zollmann reported that the cider / give-away event was
well attended. Staff event in December will include cheese,
crackers and fruit. The committee is looking for local items to
be donated for 12 gift baskets to be given away on Earth Day.
 After Prom
Lori Elliott reported for the committee. The Prom date is set
for April 21st, After-Prom is from 10 p.m. to 3 a.m. at
Tropicana Bowl. The committee needs all requests for
assistance in by January 2011. Tango Walker asked about the
possibility of a lock-in. She will follow up with the committee.
5. PAAS Representative
The PTO Council has asked that each PTO add a PAAS (Parents of
African American Students) Representative to their boards. Lisa and
Lori welcomed Edy Davis as the PAAS representative to the CHS PTO
Board. (Contact information for Edy:, 314-9431057.) Tango Walker, a member of the PAAS Steering Committee
offered her thanks to Edy, and provided the PTO with an update on
events and efforts that PAAS is undertaking. Specifically she asked
the PTO for any support (volunteers, donations, etc.) for an
upcoming dance to be held in the CHS Commons on December 17,
2011. The primary goal of the PTO / PAAS collaboration is to help
build more of a community feeling among parents and students. Lisa
Avery affirmed the PTO commitment, and reiterated that this is just
the first step toward working together.
6. Communications Update
Peggy Bowe reported that volunteers for PTO events could now sign
up online. She suggested trying the online approach for Staff
Appreciation and After-Prom. Any advertisements should continue
to go through the PTO Presidents for approval. She also mentioned
that a new email system for the district would be implemented
during winter break. Parents will be provided the option to opt out
of the system.
7. Principal’s Report
Ryan Luhning attended a reported for Louise. The new auditorium
opened in time for the fall choir concert, and the fall play. The play,
ìTaming of the Shrewî was sold out. The Halloween Dance went well.
The CHS Scholar Quiz team qualified for Nationals, and the CHS Globe
recently won 9 awards for its reporting. Fall sports ended with Nicole
Indovino finishing 17th in state in cross country, boys cross country
finished 8th in state, and the girls tennis team had a third-place finish
in doubles with Caroline Greenberg and Carly Cassity. Winter sports
have started. Testing continues with the Freshman ERB and
Sophomore PLAN. On November 17 CHS will host its first WOW
(Words Of Wisdom) event. The speaker will be Donna Rogers Beard.
Discussion followed regarding a recent Globe article about heroin
use, and about plans for the 2012 school calendar.
8. The meeting adjourned at approximately 8:15, the next meeting is on
Monday, January 9th, 2012 in the Clayton High School library.