For the next few weeks, we will research, examine, prepare and teach a lesson about
contemporary American history (1970-present). Our final project will be a lesson on one of
the decades. The lesson will be a minimum of 20 minutes long. Each decade in this time
period was marked by unique cultural characteristics that influenced the everyday lives of
many Americans.
Homework: You will be responsible for interviewing a family member/friend about the
characteristics of one of the decade your group will teach. You can use this interview
information to help plan and create your lesson:
Name of person interviewed: _________________________________________
Relationship to me: _________________________________________________
Interview Questions:
 What were the popular styles/genres of music?
What was your favorite style/genre of music?
Who were the popular singers/bands?
Who were your favorite singers/bands?
What was your favorite song?
What was a song you heard over and over on the radio?
Television & Movies
 What were the popular t.v. shows?
What was your favorite t.v. show?
Can you remember the theme music/song from a t.v. show?
What was a popular Saturday morning cartoon?
What were the popular movies?
What was your favorite movie?
Who were the famous movie stars?
Did you have a crush on a movie star?
 What were the popular styles of clothing?
How did you dress?
How did people style their hair?
What is one big fashion trend that you today would be looked at as silly?
Do you have any pictures of yourself from this decade? Can I see them?
 What type of slang did you use?
Technology & Innovations
 Can you remember any important inventions/technology that influenced you?
 What styles of dances were popular?
 What did you do for fun?
Where did you hang out with your friends?
What did kids do on weekends for fun?
 What types of cars did people drive?
Can you demonstrate a popular dance?
Did you have a car?
Where were you when?
 What events happened during this decade that stand out to you?
Do you remember where you were when this event occurred?
Study collections