These Weeks News & Events 12-02-2016 HR, Alexandra Schouten, Evelijn Gerstel Koen Kuijken / Edwin Valentijn (RUG) NWO Groot Dutch science data centre for the Euclid mission Euclid is the next cosmology mission of the European Space Agency, ESA. It will study the dark energy and dark matter. This project will establish a Dutch Science Data Centre with which astronomers in the Netherlands can access the data from this satellite, and participate in the scientific analysis . Leiden Team Koen, Jarle, Rychard, Ivo, Huub Henk Hoekstra VICI 2016 “Massive objects in the universe disturb the paths of light rays which results in correlations in the orientations of distant galaxies. This signal can be used to study the nature of dark matter and dark energy. The purpose of the proposed research is to improve the measurement and interpretation of this gravitational lensing signal” Simon Portegies Zwart NWO middelgroot exacte wetenschappen Simon is not around today, we will ask him to celebrate with us on a next seminar He will build Little Green Man II More good news • Matt Kenworthy FAPESP (“NWO of Sao Paulo”) - NWO subsidy for one PhD : “Adaptive Optics development for Extremely Large Telescopes” • Postdoc Madusha Gunawardhana EU marie curie individual fellowship 2 years (with Jarle Brinchmann) • New secretary Marjan Balkestein from 1 April 2016 UNAWE IAU Astronomy for Development receives prestigious Edinburgh Medal. George Miley was the architect of the OAD and member of the steering committee, Pedro Russo was the chair for the task force on Children and Schools, Ewine is President-Elect. "We have detected gravitational waves. We did it," said David Reitze, executive director of LIGO, the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory 8 February 2016 441 Dies Leiden University Dies Lecture by Geert de Snoo, Professor of Conservation Biology, and Dean of our Science Faculty. The lecture was entitled Successful nature conservation. Last dies for our Pedel W. van Beelen. UPCOMING • Monday 15 February DEADLINE registration of 2015 publications in LUCRIS!! • April 2016 Kaiser Spring Lectures ( • 22 April 2016 Oort Lecture: "The Limits of Cosmology" by Joe Silk • Monday 26 September 2016 Inaugural Lecture Bernhard Brandl NWO 3 March Discussion Exact Sciences “Are we alone?” Zondag 24 april Naturalis A movie by Charlotte Lemmens/Vincent Icke, starring Ignas, Harold, Ewine This Evening Tim de Zeeuw Mike Wilby Charlotte Moss Charity Borrel Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) Please bring your spare change!