Central Office Administrator Client Survey INTRODUCTION One of the things that we value in the School District of Clayton is feedback about how we do our work. Client surveys are an essential component of gathering this feedback, which we know contributes to our professional growth. I would appreciate it if you would please take the time to provide your impression of Devin Davis, our Chief Information Officer. You have my personal assurance that all responses will remain completely anonymous. It would be helpful if you could complete this survey before Friday, March 16. Please click on the link below to take the survey. Thank you for taking the time to participate in a process that will provide each of the District's administrators with essential feedback about how we do our work. We will use these survey results in a positive way to ensure that our central office administrators are best serving the needs of the District. Sincerely, Don Senti Superintendent The category that best describes me is: Administrative Council Support Staff Parent PRC Member Teacher Leader Teacher Other, Please Specify Administrator Evaluation Response Key for Questions 1 to 30 1 (not at all) 2 3 4 5 6 7 (extremely) 8 (don’t know) It is my impression that the ADMINISTRATOR: (Questions 1-25 standardized for all administrators) Vision 1. 2. 3. Articulates beliefs and vision to colleagues Behaves in accordance with beliefs and vision Establishes priorities aligned to beliefs and vision Culture 4. Values diversity and its contribution to the educational community 5. Values and engages in ongoing learning for self 6. Values and encourages professional development and ongoing learning for others in the District 7. Values and recognizes the contributions of others 8. Fosters shared beliefs and a sense of community and cooperation Management 9. Addresses problems and concerns in a timely manner 10. Involves others in problem solving 11. Seeks consensus in resolving issues 12. Promotes use of technology to maximize efficiency and support operations of the District and to promote student success 13. Organizes office to be responsive and work effectively with other components of the District 14. Is knowledgeable about District procedures, policies, relevant laws, financial factors and appropriately applies to work 15. Is aware of details and undercurrents in the running of the District and uses this information to address current and potential problems 16. Monitors effect of District practices and their impact on the work of the District Communication and Collaboration with Colleagues 17. Develops and seeks to sustain positive relationships with the District staff members 18. Seeks input and feedback from colleagues throughout the District 19. Strives to maintain relationship with members of the broader community who may impact or are interested in the schools 20. Seeks to know what is going on within schools and departments 21. Communicates effectively Ethical Behavior 22. Acts with integrity and demonstrates a personal code of ethics 23. Uses influence of office and role constructively and productively in the service of all students and staff 24. Maintains confidentiality in relationships and communications with students and staff 25. Treats people fairly, equitably, and with dignity Custom Questions (Each survey include five questions customized by each administrator) 26. Is a person I can trust 27. Promotes the use of technology 28. Is knowledgeable regarding technology and its future trends 29. Represents the District in a positive manner 30. Is able to convey complex material in an understandable manner Department Overall Evaluation Please take a moment to evaluate the _____________ Department as a whole and not any one individual within the department. Your responses will be kept anonymous and used to improve the services provided by Clayton’s Central Office staff. Response Key for Questions 31 to 40 1 (seldom) 2 (occasionally) 3 (frequently) 4 (always/almost always) 5 (don’t know) 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. The ___________ Department’s services are available when needed. The ___________ Department’s services are effective when provided. Needed follow-up of services provided by the ___________ Department is done in a timely manner. The ___________ Department’s services are provided in an cooperative manner. Communication from ___________ Department staff is clear and easily understood. The ___________ Department's staff gives me time to respond to their requests for information. Contact with the ___________ Department results in a sense of shared responsibility for the success of my school/job/department/etc. The ___________ Department’s services are continuously improving. Effective problem solving skills are used by ___________ Department staff to help resolve issues. I would consider the ___________ Department's staff as being knowledgeable or as being experts in their areas of responsibility. Open-Ended Questions 41. 42. I think the best service provided by the ___________ Department is: Please list any additional comments that you feel could make a positive impact on the services provided by the ___________ Department. Thank you for your input.