Postgraduate Travel Scholarships Report Guidance 2016

Postgraduate Travel Scholarships Report Guidance
Introduction - It is a condition of the Mac Robertson, David Fleming-Brown and Jim Gatheral Travel Scholarship
award that award holders must submit a report to the University of Glasgow within 1 month of their return.
There are two purposes of the report:
 to feed back information to the scholarship panel and the donor of the scholarship about how you used
the scholarship and how it helped your researchs.
 to publicise the scholarships on the University’s website.
Length - Average report lengths are around 4 sides of typed A4. The report should be submitted in Word
format so that it may be edited before publication if necessary.
Structure and Content – The information in the box below should be included in your report. Those who will
read your report come from a variety of different academic and non-academic backgrounds and your report
will be published on the website. It is therefore a good idea to avoid jargon in the report where possible.
Examples of previous reports can be found on the University’s website.
About you
Please provide a brief paragraph (maximum of 150 words) providing information about yourself:
 your research area
 your nationality
 which year of study you were in when you received the award;
 year you were awarded the Postgraduate Travel Scholarship and award value (include a
photograph of yourself here if you wish)
Why did you apply for the Travel Scholarship?
 a brief description (around half a page of A4 typed) of your research project
 why travel with the help of the Scholarship was important to your research
Details of your visit
 where you travelled to, for how long, what the purpose was and what you hoped to gain
from the funded visit
 an overview of what you actually researched and discovered (bear in mind any intellectual
property issues here – in depth detail is not necessary)
 people you met while on your visit
 places visited
 photographs or illustrations might be useful to provide readers with a context for your visit
Impact of the Travel Scholarship
Please provide an overview on how the scholarship has impacted on:
 the specific research you are undertaking
 your overall postgraduate research experience
 your personal experience (optional)