RYERSON EARLY LEARNING CENTRE FAMILY ORIENTATION PACKAGE 350 Victoria Street Toronto, ON M5B 2K3 Phone: 416-979-5338 Fax: 416-979-5302 RYERSON EARLY LEARNING CENTRE FAMILY ORIENTATION PACKAGE TABLE OF CONTENTS Orientation Schedule………………………………………………………………………….………..3 Information Update Form………………………………………………………………………………4 Emergency Information and Medical Care Permission………………………………….………….5 Anaphylaxis Policy and Consent…………………………………………………………….………..7 Custody Authorization……………………..……………………………………………….…………..9 Family Background Information Sheet………………………………………………………………12 Initial Interview Questionnaire……………………………………………………………………..…14 Child Care Participation / Research Authorization Consent Form……………………………….18 Photograph Consent Form…………………………………………………………………………...19 Community Walk Consent Form……………………………………………………………….…….20 Fee Payment Policy …………………………………………….…………………………….………21 Parent Agreement to Fee Payment……………………………………………………….…………22 Policies and Procedures Agreement………………………………………………………..……….23 Appendix: a. Current Fees…………………………………………………………..……………...24 2 RYERSON EARLY LEARNING CENTRE FAMILY ORIENTATION PACKAGE ORIENTATION SCHEDULE The orientation schedule is designed to be a FLEXIBLE guideline to follow in determining how to best meet the child and family’s needs in the first weeks of care. Many factors need to be considered in determining the amount of time needed for orientation: the child’s age, communication skills, emotional adjustment, developmental needs, previous experience in child care, extra support needs, etc. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO DISCUSS ANY ADJUSTMENTS TO THE SCHEDULE WITH THE CENTRE MANAGER OR YOUR CHILD’S TEACHER-PRECEPTOR. DAY 1 9:30 -11:30 DAY 2 9:30-12:30 (PS) 9:30-12:00 (TOD) Parent or caregiver stays with child. Teachers observe and interact with child, but the Parent is primarily responsible for the child. Parent leaves the playroom for part of the morning - usually short breaks of 15-30 minutes. Parents may stay to observe child behind the screen. Child stays for lunch time. A meeting with the child’s Teacher-Preceptor is scheduled during the first week. All enrollment forms must be completed and left with the Centre Manager or TeacherPreceptor before parent leaves the child in the centre. DAY 3 9:30-2:30 DAY 4 9:30-4:00 DAY 5 Regular Hours Parent may leave the centre if appropriate. Parent is on call and must be available to pick up the child earlier if the child is in distress. The parent calls the classroom periodically to discuss child’s level of comfort. Older children may stay for nap time. Parent picks up child after nap time. Parent leaves the centre but remains available to support the child if needed throughout the day. Child stays for most of the day, with an early pick-up time designated. First full day of care. * Fees are charged for 3 days during transition week. 3 RYERSON EARLY LEARNING CENTRE FAMILY ORIENTATION PACKAGE INFORMATION UPDATE FORM Child’s Name: ________________________________ D.O.B: ___________________ D / M / Y Address:_______________________________________________________________ ___________________________________ Postal Code: _______________________ Parent/Guardian:________________________________________________________ Place of Work/Study:_____________________________________________________ Home #:________________________ Cell #:_____________________________ Work #:_________________________ Email:_____________________________ Parent/Guardian:________________________________________________________ Place of Work/Study:_____________________________________________________ Home #:_________________________ Cell #:___________________________ Work #:__________________________ Email:___________________________ Emergency Contacts: (Make sure this person knows they are the contact and the responsibilities involved) 1. Name:____________________________________________________ Relationship to Child:________________________________________ Phone #:_______________________ Work #:__________________ Cell #:_________________________ 2. Name:____________________________________________________ Relationship to Child:________________________________________ Phone #:________________________ Work #: _________________ Cell #:__________________________ Doctor’s Name:__________________________________________________ Doctor’s Address:________________________________________________ Doctor’s Phone #:________________________________________________ Additional Notes: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 4 RYERSON EARLY LEARNING CENTRE FAMILY ORIENTATION PACKAGE EMERGENCY INFORMATION AND MEDICAL CARE PERMISSION SHEET CHILD’S NAME (as it appears on Health card) CHILD’S ADDRESS NAME OF PHYSICIAN DATE OF BIRTH POSTAL CODE PHYSICIANS PHONE NUMBER KNOWN ALLERGIES TO MEDICATIONS (INCLUDE SEVERITY) OTHER KNOWN ALLERGIES (INCLUDE SEVERITY) OTHER KNOWN MEDICAL CONDITIONS: DAILY MEDICATION NEEDED SPECIAL DIET/DIETARY RESTRICTIONS (Special written instructions must be provided by parent explaining the details of any health related food restriction. This must be maintained in the child’s file and updated when there is a change and/or every six months.) WHAT ACTION SHOULD BE TAKEN IF CHILD ACCIDENTALLY RECEIVES RESTRICTED FOOD? 5 RYERSON EARLY LEARNING CENTRE FAMILY ORIENTATION PACKAGE EMERGENCY INFORMATION AND MEDICAL CARE PERMISSION SHEET con’t Consent for Medical Treatment: 1. If neither parent can be reached, in case of an emergency, I understand that the staff members of the Ryerson Early Learning Centre are obligated to secure medical care for my child until I/we can be contacted. 2. I give permission for members of the Ryerson Early Learning Centre staff to give my child prescription and/or non-prescription medication that has been authorized by a dated note from my child’s doctor regarding dosage, time of day and length of time medication is to be given. (Medications can only be administered if presented in original container with the prescription label indicating the above information. A signed Medication Form must accompany each medication to be administered.) 3. I give permission for the members of the Ryerson Early Learning Centre staff to phone my child’s doctor, with my prior knowledge, as the need arises. 4. I give permission to the members of the Ryerson Early Learning Centre to use and disclose my child’s personal information for the purpose of facilitating medical treatment pursuant to this consent. Parent Signature:_____________________________ Date:_______________________________________ Witness:_____________________________________ 6 RYERSON EARLY LEARNING CENTRE FAMILY ORIENTATION PACKAGE ANAPHYLAXIS POLICY AND CONSENT A. Definition of Anaphylaxis Anaphylaxis means a severe systemic allergic reaction which can be fatal, resulting in circulatory collapse or shock. (Sabrina’s Law, 2005) COMMON CAUSES: - Food - Medication - Insect stings - Latex SIGNS / SYMPTOMS - Itching - Metallic taste in the mouth - Hives - Sensation of warmth - Asthma symptoms - Swelling of the mouth and throat area - Difficulty breathing Vomiting Diarrhea Cramping A drop in blood pressure Loss of consciousness Symptoms may begin in as little as five to five to fifteen minutes to up to two hours after exposure to the allergen, but life-threatening reactions may progress over hours. In some cases, reactions may re-occur two to three hours later. Often symptoms occur in the respiratory tract and take the individual by surprise. REDUCING THE RISK OF EXPOSURE TO ALLERGIC RESPONSES - Families’ will give the centre a list of any items that their child is allergic to and this will be incorporated into The Food Allergies and Diet Information list that is distributed to all rooms for staff and students to see - Limited outside food or drink is allowed in the Early Learning Centre. Children who require outside food to supplement or replace food offered by the Centre must consult with the manager. (Please check the signs on the entry doors) - Cook/nutritionist, centre manager and staff will read all dietary labels and product labels (sunscreen, creams, hand sanitizers) to check for allergens 7 RYERSON EARLY LEARNING CENTRE FAMILY ORIENTATION PACKAGE - All children, family members, staff, students and visitors are asked to wash hands and mouth after eating and before entering the centre, with soap and water - The outdoor environment is checked daily: a) to reduce insect habitation and b) to eliminate nutshells from squirrels and c) eliminate seeds from birds - Non-Latex products are available in the centre (Band-Aids, gloves). Families must inform the centre if their child has had an Anaphylactic reaction in the past 24 hours. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Abide by all centre regulations around limited food and drink. Provide any information about their own child’s allergies and offer anaphylactic information that pertains to their child and update the Centre Manager and staff on any changes (e.g. diagnosis of an additional allergy, outgrowing an allergy). Provide all necessary medication i.e. EPI-PEN that is not expired prior to enrollment or upon diagnosis if already enrolled with prescriptive label attached (1 pen is required). (2 pens are recommended) Be responsible for replacing expired Epi-pens. Be conscious of the foods they serve their children prior to coming to the Ryerson Early Learning Centre. Wash with soap and water, their own hands and their child’s face and hands before entering the centre daily. Complete an Emergency Anaphylaxis Plan in cooperation with the Ryerson Early Learning Centre (with the child’s photograph, allergy information, emergency contact numbers, emergency protocol, and signature of the parent/guardian and their doctor’s signature. Complete the medical consent form located in the medicine binders that allows centre staff to administer an Epi-Pen when they consider it necessary in an allergic emergency. Meet with the Centre Manager and cook/nutritionist to inquire about allergy policies and menu items, if their child is to eat foods prepared at the centre. Provide a medical identification bracelet that clearly identifies their allergy. In the case of very young children, families will work in cooperation with the Ryerson Early Learning Centre to determine the most strategic method of identification on a day to day basis. begin to educate their child at risk ( from 2 years on) about avoidance strategies It is our hope that in writing and following this policy we will be able to provide a safe learning environment for our children. Parent/ Guardian Signature: _______________________________ Date: _______________________________ 8 RYERSON EARLY LEARNING CENTRE FAMILY ORIENTATION PACKAGE CUSTODY AUTHORIZATION I, __________________________________, am the legal and custodial parent of the child(ren) listed below: Child #1: _______________________________________ Child #2: _______________________________________ Child #3: _______________________________________ This will serve as the complete authority for staff at the Ryerson Early Learning Centre to release my child(ren), _______________________________________ into the custody of any of the persons whose names, addresses, and telephone numbers appear below when notified in advance. This notification must be provided in advance: (please circle one) only by myself/ by either parent. I understand that any person who is authorized to pick up my child must provide proper identification when it is requested by the Centre staff. It is understood that children will not be released to anyone other than those listed here without written instructions from the parent. Children cannot be released to anyone under 12 years of age. If anyone listed is between 12-16 years of age, parents must complete an Authorization for Youth Escort form. NAME RELATIONSHIP PHONE NUMBER RELATIONSHIP PHONE NUMBER RELATIONSHIP PHONE NUMBER ADDRESS NAME ADDRESS NAME ADDRESS 9 RYERSON EARLY LEARNING CENTRE FAMILY ORIENTATION PACKAGE CUSTODY AUTHORIZATION con’t The following are the people who may be contacted to pick up my child in an emergency situation when parent(s) cannot be reached. NAME RELATIONSHIP PHONE NUMBER RELATIONSHIP PHONE NUMBER RELATIONSHIP PHONE NUMBER ADDRESS NAME ADDRESS NAME ADDRESS PARENTS SIGNATURE: _________________________________________ DATE: __________________________________ WITNESS: ___________________________________________ 10 RYERSON EARLY LEARNING CENTRE FAMILY ORIENTATION PACKAGE AUTHORIZATION FOR YOUTH ESCORT (Youth must be 12 years of age or older) I, _____________________________________________ the parent/legal guardian of _____________________________ hereby authorize the said child(ren), __________________________ to leave the Ryerson Early Learning Centre, on an occasional basis, escorted by _________________________________, whose date of birth is ____________________. I hereby release and relieve the Ryerson Early Learning Centre from any and all responsibility for and in respect to the said child after leaving the Early Learning Centre. I understand and accept that the Centre Manager (or designate) has the right to refuse to release the said child into the care of the aforementioned youth; this is only to be done if the Centre Manager (or designate) has reason to believe that the child may be at risk in the care of the youth. Dated in the City of Toronto this _______ day of _________ 20__. Signed: __________________________________ Witnessed by: _____________________________ 11 RYERSON EARLY LEARNING CENTRE FAMILY ORIENTATION PACKAGE FAMILY BACKGROUND INFORMATION SHEET Child’s Name Date of Birth Name of Parent Custodial YES NO Home Address Custodial YES NO Home Address Postal Code Phone Number Place of Business/Study Usual Hours Name of Parent Postal Code Phone Number Place of Business/Study Phone Number Usual Hours Phone Number First Person to call in an emergency if the parent is not available: Name Relationship Phone Number Is there anyone who is strictly forbidden from visiting or picking up your child(ren) by way of Court Order or any other legal action? □ □ No Yes (copy must be kept in child’s file) Date of most recent Court Order:______________ Name:_______________________________ Reason:________________________________ 12 RYERSON EARLY LEARNING CENTRE FAMILY ORIENTATION PACKAGE Family Background/Heritage: 1. What language(s) are spoken in your home? ____________________________________________________________________ 2. Would you give us a list of essential words in your language? (ie. mom/dad is coming back, toilet/diaper change, hungry/food, thristy/drink, sleep, etc.) _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 3. Could you provide the name of someone who could act as an interpreter for you? _____________________________________________________________________ 4. Are there any celebrations/special days that you would like incorporated into our program? _____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 5. Would you or any family member be willing to assist the centre staff to enhance the children’s program with knowledge of your diverse background? □ □ Yes No 6. Would you or any family member be interested in participating in our program at any time? □ □ □ Not available Occasionally Regularly 7. How would you want to be involved? □ □ □ □ □ storytelling creative activities cooking activities celebrations displays 13 RYERSON EARLY LEARNING CENTRE FAMILY ORIENTATION PACKAGE □ □ excursions other ways I understand that the personal information provided will be used for the purpose of facilitating my child’s entry into the Early Learning Centre and to provide appropriate child care on an ongoing basis. By providing this information I consent to the use of personal information for these purposes. Parents’ Signature: ___________________________________ Date: ___________________________________ INITIAL INTERVIEW QUESTIONNAIRE Date of Enrollment: __________________ Date of Interview: ____________________ Classroom Assignment: ___________ Primary Caregiver: ___________________ Those present at interview: ________________________________________________________________________ Child’s Name: ____________________ Nickname: _________________ Child’s Date of Birth: _____________________ Parent’s Names: Parent #1: ________________________ Parent #2: _________________________ Expected hours of care: _____________________________ Who will be dropping off and picking up your child? Has your child attended any other formal care situations? No ___ Yes ___ Will your child be attending any other care setting or organized group outside of our center? No ___ Yes ___ If yes, please identify: _________________________ 14 RYERSON EARLY LEARNING CENTRE FAMILY ORIENTATION PACKAGE Are there any other children in the household?______________ Name___________ ____ Age_______________ Relation________________ Name___________ ____ Age_______________ Relation________________ Name___________ ____ Age_______________ Relation________________ Are there any other adults in the household (i.e. grandparent)? No Yes Name ____________ Relation ___________ Length of Stay ________________ Name ____________ Relation ___________ Length of Stay ________________ I Do both parents live with the child? Yes ___ No ___ If not, please describe your child’s relationship with his/her absent parent. What does your child like to play with or do at home? Information About Your Child’s Diapering Needs Does your child wear diapers? Yes ___ No ___ What type of diapers does your child wear? Disposable ___ Cloth ___ How often is your child usually changed? ________________________ Does your child have regular bowel movements? No ___ Yes ___ When? ____________ Colour? ___________ Consistency? _____________ Does your child suffer from diaper rash? No ___ Yes ___ Do you use any ointments, creams or powders? No ___ Yes ___ If yes, what kind? Does your child signal when he/she needs to urinate or have a bowel movement? 15 RYERSON EARLY LEARNING CENTRE FAMILY ORIENTATION PACKAGE Information About Your Child’s Toileting Needs How long has your child been using the toilet? _____________________ Does your child wear diapers at any time? No ___ Yes ___ When? _________ What words does your child use to refer to urination and bowel movements? Does your child have any special toileting needs? Information About Your Child’s Sleeping Habits What are your child’s sleeping patterns? _________________________ With a specific toy, blanket or soother: No ___ Yes ___ If yes, identify:____________ Is he/she rocked to sleep? No ___ Yes ___ Is he/she patted to sleep No ___ Yes ___ With noise in the background or in silence: Noise ___ Silence ___ With lights on or off: On ___ Off ___ What routine do you follow to help put your child to sleep? ________________________________ Information About Your Child’s Feeding Needs Has your child had any feeding/eating problems? No ____ Yes ____ If so, please explain: ____________________________________________________________ Does your child have any food allergies or restrictions? No ___ Yes ___ If yes, please list: _______________________________________________________________ What are your child’s favourite foods? 16 RYERSON EARLY LEARNING CENTRE FAMILY ORIENTATION PACKAGE Information About Your Child’s Social Skills & Experiences How does your child indicate that he/she is upset? What do you do when your child is upset? What sort of things upset your child? How do you help to calm or relax your child? I understand that the personal information provided will be used for the purpose of facilitating my child’s entry into the Early Learning Centre and to provide appropriate child care on an ongoing basis. By providing this information I consent to the use of personal information for these purposes. Parents’ Signature: ____________________________________ Date: ___________________________________ 17 RYERSON EARLY LEARNING CENTRE FAMILY ORIENTATION PACKAGE PARENTAL CONSENT ON CENTRE ENROLLMENT Child Care Participation/Research Authorization Consent Form Re: _________________________________________ (Child’s full name) I hereby give permission for my child to participate in all activities of the Ryerson Early Learning Centre. I understand that enrollment in the Ryerson Early Learning Centre means that my child will be observed and interacted with by students in the Early Childhood Education program as well as other programs of study at Ryerson University under supervision of qualified Early Childhood Education staff. I understand that the Early Learning Centre will record and maintain a file that includes personal information pertaining to my child for the purpose of providing appropriate child care and assessing the development/progress of my child. I understand that personal information in this file is not disclosed except as required or authorized by law. By signing this document I consent to this treatment of personal information. I also understand that non-obtrusive observation for internal or external research purposes, as approved by the Ryerson University Ethics Review Board, may be conducted without my additional consent. I consent to the use of audio and/or videotaping as well as still pictures for educational and/or promotional purposes. Individual identities of the children will be kept strictly confidential in any report or publication, including written and/or visual representations. In cases where a request is made to publish visual material externally, I understand that my additional consent will be requested prior to publication. Signed: ________________________________ Witnessed: ________________________________ Date: ________________________________ Any restrictions to use of pictures and/or videotape? NO YES If yes, please specify: _________________________________________________________ 18 RYERSON EARLY LEARNING CENTRE FAMILY ORIENTATION PACKAGE PHOTOGRAPH CONSENT FORM I, __________________________________, authorize the use of photographs of my child (name of parent/guardian) ___________________________________ to be used for display in the classrooms and (name of child) adjacent hallways of the Ryerson Early Learning Centre. I ______________________________ authorize the use of photographs of my child, ____________________in the printed version of other children’s individual stories. (These are the stories in the binders which teachers prepare to document children’s learning and who they are as people.) When families leave the centre, they take the binders with them. I understand that when group celebrations occur, my child may be photographed with other children on behalf of the centre. This may include, birthdays, gardening days, pancake breakfasts and more. Unless otherwise specified, these may also be added to children’s binders. I understand that I may not take photos of other families’ children without first obtaining permission from the parent or guardian. It is the understanding of the ELC staff and family community that parents/guardians will not copy photos of children other than their own and will not post photos online. . Signed: __________________________________________ Witnessed: __________________________________________ Date: __________________________________________ 19 RYERSON EARLY LEARNING CENTRE FAMILY ORIENTATION PACKAGE COMMUNITY WALK CONSENT FORM At the Ryerson Early Learning Centre, occasions may arise when teachers would like to take the children out on a walking tour of the immediate neighbourhood. These walks are planned to enhance and support the classroom programs. Please complete this form, acknowledging that your child may be participating in a supervised activity in the larger Ryerson community. Information in regards to these activities will be relayed to parents ahead of time. I am aware that my child ______________________ may be participating in a supervised activity in the larger Ryerson community as a part of their classroom program. Signature of parent/guardian: ______________________________________________________ Witness: ______________________________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________________________________________________ 20 RYERSON EARLY LEARNING CENTRE FAMILY ORIENTATION PACKAGE FEE PAYMENT POLICY Purpose: The following policy has been established with respect to the payment of fees for child care services provided by the Early Learning Centre to ensure that the ELC maintains financial stability. Policy: 1. st Parents are required to pay the full monthly fee for each child by the 1 of each month, st i.e. January 1 . 2. Employees of Ryerson University may make all fee payments by payroll deduction. Arrangements for payroll deduction are made through the Centre Manager. Exceptions may be made when this conflicts with identified child support arrangements. 3. All other payments are to be made by Pre Authorized Debit. 4. As per University policy, an administration fee of $50.00 is charged for all Non-Sufficient Funds. 5. Parents whose fee payments are in arrears by two months will receive a notice from Financial Services, copied to the Centre Manager stating that they must make all overdue payments immediately or lose the space(s) for the child(ren). 6. If overdue payments are not made within 15 days of the notice from Financial Services (see #9 above) parents will receive a letter from the Centre Manager requesting that they withdraw their child(ren) from the ELC by the first business day of the subsequent month. The ELC will undertake to fill the space(s) thereby vacated within as short a time as possible. 21 RYERSON EARLY LEARNING CENTRE FAMILY ORIENTATION PACKAGE PARENT AGREEMENT TO FEE PAYMENT I, _____________________________, parent / legal guardian of ________________________ agree to pay the fee of $ _________________ per month by the 1st of each month that my child(ren), identified above, is in care at the Ryerson Early Learning Centre. I understand that if my child fee payments are not paid, my child will be withdrawn from the program at the Ryerson Early Learning Centre. I understand that, according to Ryerson University policy, all charges due to NSF, returned to the Ryerson Early Learning Centre, shall be charged a $50.00 service charge. Parent/Guardian Signature: ___________________________________ Date: ___________________________________ Witness: ___________________________________ 22 RYERSON EARLY LEARNING CENTRE FAMILY ORIENTATION PACKAGE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES AGREEMENT I have read and understood the policies and procedures outlined in the Parent Policy Manual. I will cooperate fully with these policies and procedures as long as my child is in care at the Ryerson Early Learning Centre. I understand that failure to do so may result in the termination of my child care space. Parent Signature: ________________________________ Date: ________________________________ Witness: ________________________________ 23 RYERSON EARLY LEARNING CENTRE FAMILY ORIENTATION PACKAGE 2016 Ryerson Early Learning Centre Monthly fee based on 252 days Full Time Rates Toddler monthly fee $1923.52 Preschool/kindergarten monthly fee $1497.30 Part time Rates 3 days per week 2 days per week Toddler monthly fee $1154.11 $769.41 Preschool/kindergarten monthly fee $898.38 $598.92 Families who receive subsidy from the city of Toronto are subject to city payment and absence policies. Fees are subject to a daily rate including fees for statutory holidays. The chart below is the days per month that fees are required. Month Number of days January February March April May June July August September October November December 17 21 23 21 22 22 20 23 22 21 22 17 - 24