Estates and Buildings Title Client Satisfaction Questionnaire – Estates Development Services Organisation: Client Contact: Completed by Client: Project Name: Date: Job No.: If other please specify here: Project Progress: Last Review: 1 2 Negative 3 4 Improvement Required 5 6 Neither Positive or Negative 7 8 Satisfied 1) Performance 9 10 Exceeds Expectations Rating How satisfied are you that we deliver on our brief promises? 2) Contribution Rating How satisfied are you that we understand your specific needs and provide tailored relevant solutions? 3) People Rating How satisfied are you with our people and the way they relate to your team? Are there any staff that stood out? 4) Management How satisfied are you with our team’s leadership, structure and continuity? Rating 5) Communications How satisfied are you with the way we communicate plans, progress and issues? Rating J:\Standard Forms\ Estates and Buildings 6) Skills and Processes How satisfied are you with our technical expertise and tools and systems we use? Rating 7) Innovation Rating How satisfied are you that we have proactively come up with the solutions to your problems? Additional Comments Total Score J:\Standard Forms\ Estates and Buildings Estates – ‘Development Projects’ For Internal use only Projects Subcontracted business units(s) (where applicable) Director in Charge Estates Development Manager Cost Centre Client Satisfaction Results – Assistant Director This Review Score Obtained Post Review Actions Review Director Debriefing Job Specific Actions add more rows if required 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Previous Review Date Responsibility By When Target Date for Next Review: Circulation List Director Assistant Director Senior Development Manager/ Estates Development Manager Other J:\Standard Forms\