APPLICATION FOR ACADEMIC PROMOTION – PROFESSOR 2015 - 2016 SECTION A: APPLICANT DETAILS Forename Surname Title Staff Number College / University Services School / Research Institute / Service Track (e.g. R&T, R-Only, TLS, Vet. Clinical etc.) Current Grade Current Designation (Job Title) Date appointed to current position: Date appointed to the University: PgCAP Completion Date 2014/2015 PDR Outcome Have you applied for promotion before? If yes, in which year? FTE When considering the promotion criteria for Professor, are there any personal circumstances that may have had an impact on your ability to achieve the required standard in one or more areas on which your application will be assessed. If yes, please provide details below: (Examples: Parental leave; disability; long-term absence due to ill health; time off to care for dependants etc.) PROMOTION CRITERIA Your application will be assessed against the promotion criteria relevant to your chosen career track, on the basis of the documentation submitted, including your curriculum vitae and publication listing. You should ensure that when completing your application you demonstrate that you meet a preponderance of the criteria for the level that you are seeking. The academic promotion criteria can be found in Appendix 1 – 9. Applications for Professorship will be based on academic activity in the recent six-year period. SECTION B: RESEARCH & SCHOLARSHIP OUTPUTS A report of all publications, sourced from Enlighten, should be included with this application. Please detail below your top (4-6) outputs, specifying the justification (in accordance with your subject discipline) for the inclusion of the outputs that you have selected. Title: Type (e.g. journal article, book chapter etc.): Year of Publication: % Contribution (if joint authorship): Author(s): Justification for Inclusion: Title: Type (e.g. journal article, book chapter etc.): Year of Publication: % Contribution (if joint authorship): Author(s): Justification for Inclusion: Title: Type (e.g. journal article, book chapter etc.): Year of Publication: % Contribution (if joint authorship): Author(s): Justification for Inclusion: Title: Type (e.g. journal article, book chapter etc.): Year of Publication: % Contribution (if joint authorship): Author(s): Justification for Inclusion: Title: Type (e.g. journal article, book chapter etc.): Year of Publication: % Contribution (if joint authorship): Author(s): Page 2 of 7 Justification for Inclusion: Title: Type(e.g. journal article, book chapter etc.): Year of Publication: % Contribution (if joint authorship): Author(s): Justification for Inclusion: AWARD GENERATION Recent (6-year*) grant/contract award(s). Please state the number and value of awarded grants. Where appropriate, state the number of Post Doctoral Research Assistants/year and PGR students that these grants support(ed). Click here to complete Appendix 1: Grant Calculation spreadsheet. Copy to be returned with promotion application form. PGR/RESEARCH SUPERVISION Recent (6-year*) record for PGR student supervision. Name the PGR students supervised and state supervision loading (i.e. % responsibility of student supervision). Click here to complete Appendix 2: Phd Calculation spreadsheet. Copy to be returned with promotion application form. SECTION C: KNOWLEDGE EXCHANGE & IMPACT Outline how you have met, or exceeded, the University’s criteria for promotion whilst demonstrating your capacity to perform at Professorial level. You may wish to consider your involvement with: industrial connectivity; partnership with private or public sector agencies or companies; influencing public policy; public engagement. This statement should be no more than 250 words and be evidence based listing up to four examples. Page 3 of 7 SECTION D: TEACHING & LEARNING Outline how you have met, or exceeded, the University’s criteria for promotion whilst demonstrating your capacity to perform at Professorial level. Consider your recent (six-year) record of substantive contribution to Learning and Teaching, including normal routine activity. For example, external examination of UG and PG level, contribution/leadership of PGT growth. Leadership and innovation in improving the student experience. Roles in education policy development at local, national or international levels. This statement should be no more than 250 words. SECTION E: LEADERSHIP & MANAGEMENT Outline how you have met, or exceeded, the University’s criteria for promotion whilst demonstrating your capacity to perform at Professorial level. Consider your record of substantive contribution to Leadership and Management. For example, leadership of strategic initiative and/or policy at school, college, national or international level; leadership in the shaping of school/discipline in the University; leadership in shaping the discipline nationally and/or internationally; membership of key external committee(s) at both national and international level. This statement should be no more than 250 words. Page 4 of 7 SECTION F: ESTEEM INDICATORS Outline how you have met, or exceeded, the University’s criteria for promotion whilst demonstrating your capacity to perform at the level you are seeking. Consider your record of external esteem indicators. For example, winner of prizes and medals at national and international levels; memberships/fellowships of learned societies and committee membership/chairmanship; press/public profile; invited/plenary talks at international conferences; reviewing of grant applications and appointments both nationally and internationally. This statement should be no more than 250 words. SECTION G: APPLICANT’S STATEMENT Please detail any other information regarding career highlights which you would wish to include as key to your role within the University that has not been provided for elsewhere in this form. This statement should be no more than 500 words. Page 5 of 7 SECTION H: HEAD OF SCHOOL / DIRECTOR OF RESEARCH INSTITUTE’S STATEMENT Do you support this application for promotion? Yes ☐ No ☐ Please provide a statement that supports your decision specifically addressing the merits of the case for promotion when assessed against the relevant College Zone Descriptors. SECTION I: CONSENT & SIGNATURES For your application to be assessed it will be necessary for this form to be shared with members of the College Promotion Committee and Principal’s Board of Review. By submitting your application you are consenting to your information being shared with others involved with this process. Signature of Applicant Date Head of School / Director of Research Institute’s Signature Date Applications should be signed (typed signatures will not be accepted) and completed applications should be returned, together with the following documentation, by the deadline date noted within the Academic Promotion Timetable to - Spreadsheet appendices Page 6 of 7 - Curriculum Vitae Enlighten Publication Report (create from the author browse view page in Enlighten and export as HTML Citation (option at the top of the page) and then cut and paste into a word document) Referee Nomination Form Page 7 of 7