2009/2010 Student Competency Record Computer Information Systems, Advanced 6613 - 36 weeks 2009-2010 Student School Year Stone Bridge High School School Teacher Signature Traditional letter or numerical grades do not provide adequate documentation of student achievement in competency-based education; therefore, the Virginia Standards for CBE require a recording system to provide information about competencies achieved to employer, student-employee, and teacher. The Student Competency Record provides a means for keeping track of student progress. Ratings are assigned by the teacher for classroom competency achievement and by the teacher-coordinator in conjunction with the training sponsor when competence is evaluated on the job. Tasks/competencies designated by bullets in the left-hand column are considered essential statewide and are required of all students. In some courses, all tasks/competencies have been identified as essential. Tasks/competencies without bullets are considered optional; they and/or additional tasks/competencies may be taught at the discretion of the school division. Tasks/competencies marked with an asterisk (*) are considered sensitive, and teachers should obtain approval by the school division before teaching them. Note: Students with and Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or an Individualized Student Alternative Education Plan (ISAEP) will be rated, using the following scale, only on the competencies identified in their IEP or ISAEP. Students will be expected to achieve a satisfactory rating (one of the three highest marks) on the Student Competency Record (SCR) rating scale on at least 80% of the required (essential) competencies in a CTE course. ...RATING SCALE... 1 - Can teach others 2 - Can perform without supervision 3 - Can perform with limited supervision 4 - Can perform with supervision 5 - Cannot perform 6613 36 weeks • • Computer Information Systems, Advanced TASKS/COMPETENCIES Implementing Virginia's CTE Course Requirements 001 Demonstrate Virginia's Workplace Readiness Skills in course activities. 002 Apply Virginia's All Aspects of Industry elements in course activities. Date Rating 6613 36 weeks • 003 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Computer Information Systems, Advanced TASKS/COMPETENCIES Identify Internet safety issues and procedures for complying with acceptable use standards. Participating in the Student Organization 004 Identify the purposes and goals of the student organization. 005 Explain the benefits and responsibilities of membership in the student organization as a student and in professional/civic organizations as an adult. 006 Demonstrate leadership skills through participation in student organization activities, such as meetings, programs, and projects. Using Advanced Word Processing Functions 007 Evaluate a variety of word processing programs for features and functions. 008 Create documents using merge functions. 009 Produce multi-page documents incorporating tables, templates, macros, style sheets, and other advanced word processing functions. 010 Create a professional document (e.g., brochure, annual report, newsletter, catalog) demonstrating established principles of layout design in desktop publishing. 011 Import text and graphics from other sources (e.g., Internet, CDROM, scanner, digital camera, and other files). 012 Integrate a variety of software applications into a word processing document. Using Advanced Spreadsheet Functions 013 Evaluate and compare a variety of spreadsheet programs for features and functions. 014 Create spreadsheet using advanced formatting features and graphics. 015 Use advanced formulas and functions (e.g., @pmt, @pv, @vlookup). 016 Use advanced tools (e.g., scenarios, auditing, pivot table reports, object linking and embedding). 017 Create and reformat complex graphs. 018 Analyze, interpret, and present data. 019 Sort and filter spreadsheet data. 020 Import and export data to and from a spreadsheet. Using Advanced Database Functions 021 Evaluate and compare a variety of database programs for features and functions. 022 Plan, design, and create a database file with advanced features. Date Rating 6613 36 weeks • 023 • 024 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 025 026 Computer Information Systems, Advanced TASKS/COMPETENCIES Sort/index a database. Generate customized reports, using advanced formatting features and graphics. Create and conduct advanced queries to access information. Import and export data to and from a database. Date Rating Enhancing Multimedia Presentations 027 Research and organize information for an original multimedia presentation. 028 Plan and build multimedia presentations, using advanced features. 029 Produce templates to be used for presentations. 030 Enhance multimedia presentation layout, according to principles of effective design. 031 Enhance a multimedia presentation with features (e.g., color, transitions, timing, backgrounds, graphics, charts, graphs). 032 Enhance a multimedia presentation, using customized options (e.g., original artwork, organizational charts, tables). 033 Investigate the concept of streaming as it relates to audio, video, and multimedia. 034 Incorporate visual elements (e.g., scanned images, digital photography, video images, streaming, downloadable images from the Internet). 035 Incorporate audio elements (e.g. music and voice sounds, digital audio [.wav] files, streaming, MIDI interface files). 036 Integrate a variety of software applications into a multimedia presentation. 037 Proofread and edit multimedia presentations. 038 Create handouts and other visuals (e.g., transparencies, speaker's notes, outline, CD/DVD, memory key). 039 Deliver a multimedia presentation, according to the principles of effective communication. 040 Critique the clarity and effectiveness of advanced multimedia presentations. Producing Desktop Published Documents for Print and Electronic Distribution 041 Gather/compose (in exportable format) documents and graphics for use in designing various desktop publishing applications such as flyers, brochures, and newsletters. 042 Determine appropriate desktop publishing products based upon the purpose of the publication, intended audience, output format, and time and cost constraints. 043 Apply principles of design, layout, and typography. 6613 36 weeks • 044 • 045 • • 046 047 • • 048 049 • 050 • • • • • • • • • • • • • Computer Information Systems, Advanced TASKS/COMPETENCIES Design a layout for ease of readability and attractiveness (e.g., white space, column position and spacing, page margins, graphic text placements). Enhance appearance of document using desktop features (e.g., graphic boxes, lines, illustrations, images). Create templates or master pages. Create a variety of multi-page and multi-column documents in a format appropriate for electronic distribution. Demonstrate use of keyboard shortcuts. Incorporate original/imported text, graphics, tables, charts, and audio/visual elements from a variety of sources. Convert a document to electronic format (e.g., PDF files, professional layout). Designing and Producing Web Pages 051 Evaluate the various methods of Web page creation (e.g., integrated software packages, Web design software, Internet browsers, programming languages). 052 Research and organize information for a Web site. 053 Compare the features and functions associated with the Internet, intranets, and extranets. 054 Plan and create a Web site applying design features (e.g., ruled lines, lists, headings, backgrounds, frames, tables). 055 Apply Web page design features (e.g., ruled lines, lists, headings, background, frames, tables). 056 Create hypertext links to other pages or sites. 057 Proofread, edit, and test a Web site for functionality. 058 Critique a Web site according to accepted Web design principles. 059 Develop a plan for posting, updating, and maintaining a Web site. 060 Describe various methods of publicizing and promoting a new Web site. Maintaining, Managing, and Troubleshooting Systems 061 Evaluate workstations, equipment, software, and supplies for design, layout, and purchase. 062 Maintain and upgrade workstations, equipment, software, and supplies. 063 Analyze software problems to obtain assistance via electronic and hard-copy references and documentation. 064 Troubleshoot hardware problems (e.g., proper connections, scanner, printer, speakers, zip drives). 065 Explore tools (e.g., defragmenter, file compression, scan disk, Date Rating 6613 36 weeks 066 067 068 069 070 • 071 • 072 073 074 • • • • • • Computer Information Systems, Advanced Date Rating TASKS/COMPETENCIES diagnostic) to manage the operating system. Demonstrate (or explain) how to install software and customize defaults. Backup/restore programs and data files. Investigate advanced desktop configuration techniques (e.g., control panel). Scan disks for virus detection, and disinfect as needed. Install peripherals (e.g., zip drive, scanner, digital camera, fax machine, modem). Comply with safety and ergonomic precautions associated with computer use. Compare operating systems (e.g., Windows, Unix, Linux). Investigate security issues related to Internet technology (e.g., virus, firewalls, spam, system backup, passwords, wireless, data encryption). Explore image/document management systems used in the business community. Executing Networking Activities 075 Identify types of local area networks. 076 Connect components of a local area network. 077 Identify file structures on networks (e.g., folders, subfolders). 078 Identify topologies, transmission media, and cabling. 079 Use a local area network. 080 Download software/files to a specific workstation. 081 Generate protocol files on a network workstation. 082 Identify basic network protocols (e.g., TCP/IP, FTP, Voice over IP). 083 Explain the importance of network security (e.g., ethics, rights). 084 Troubleshoot network problems (e.g., understanding network diagnostic tools). Implementing Programming Activities 085 Enter, run, and debug a program. 086 Code an application program using arithmetic functions. 087 Code an application program using embedded data. 088 Improve appearance of printed reports. 089 Design interactive programs. 090 Write programs to summarize data. 091 Write programs to subtotal and group print. 6613 36 weeks • • • • • • • • • • • • • Computer Information Systems, Advanced Date Rating TASKS/COMPETENCIES 092 Write modular programs. 093 Write programs using controlled loops. 094 Implement tables. 095 Code an application program using sort routine. 096 Code an application program to display graphic scene. 097 Explore the characteristics and uses of artificial intelligence and expert systems. Exploring Legal and Ethical Issues 098 Comply with copyright and patent laws pertaining to scanned images and documents, electronic clip art, recorded sounds, recorded and scanned photography, trademarks, and other elements adapted for use in desktop publishing, multimedia, and Web documents. 099 Analyze situations where scanned/digitized audiovisual elements, documents, and electronic graphs may be used legally but are ethically questionable. 100 Comply with policies regarding acceptable use of technology. 101 Investigate computer crime and privacy issues related to Internet technology. 102 Apply concepts of security, integrity, courtesy, and confidentiality related to information and communication systems. 103 Investigate the design of Web sites for accessibility and accommodation of special needs (i.e., Americans with Disabilities Act, multilingual). Preparing for Industry Certification 104 Describe the process and requirements for obtaining industry certifications related to the Advanced Computer Information Systems course. 105 Identify testing skills/strategies for a certification examination. 106 Demonstrate ability to successfully complete selected practice examinations (e.g., practice questions similar to those on certification exams). Developing Employability Skills 107 Explore domestic and international job opportunities (using the Internet, newspapers, and other sources). 108 Update résumé. 109 Add representative work samples to portfolio, including résumé format suitable for online posting. 110 Use electronic sources to research a company in preparation for a job interview. 6613 36 weeks • • 111 112 113 114 115 116 • 117 Computer Information Systems, Advanced TASKS/COMPETENCIES Participate in a mock interview. Compose an interview follow-up letter. Identify criteria for evaluating self-performance. Prepare a letter of resignation. Explore purposes and options for life-long learning. Investigate new and emerging technological trends in the workplace (e.g., video/teleconferencing, workgroup computing, telecommuting, virtual office, voice recognition, electronic calendars and task lists). Identify potential employment barriers for nontraditional groups and ways to overcome the barriers. Locally Developed Tasks/Competencies Date Rating