Sandia National Laboratories Clinic Project: CASC Security System Sandia Advisors: Steven Paradise, Patrick Schindler Academic Advisor: Dr. Behrouz Farhang Student Group Members: Arslan Majid, Chris Miller, David Brown, and Joshua Hamilton OVERVIEW Explanation of Project Background Project sections: Programming Sensors Power Interface Time Line and project goals BACKGROUND Current safes offer no electrical security*. No alarm when broken into. Bulky. [1] * = Other than electrical password entry PURPOSE / GOAL Utilize an array of sensors Low power / Sleep mode Optimize for small size Accept wireless input Provide alarm signal Programming By: Chris Miller [2] PROGRAMMING What language? Connectivity Modular programming ARDUINO - LANGUAGE Using Arduino Open Source C/C++ Language [3] CONNECTION USB cable (A to B) Any USB port Top [4], Below [5] Any OS MODULAR IN DESIGN Block coding Easy to adjust [6] Many different applications QUESTIONS? Contact Information: Chris Miller ECE Department, University of Utah Sources [1]-”Safe”,Apr.11, 2010. [Online]. Available: [2]-”Programing”,Apr.11, 2010. [Online]. Available: [3]-”Ardiuno Mega”,Apr.11, 2010. [Online]. Available: [4]-”Ardiuno Mega_2”,Apr.11, 2010. [Online]. Available: [5]-”USB Cable”,Apr.11, 2010. [Online]. Available: [6]-”Block Diagram”,Apr.11, 2010. [Online]. Available: [1] [2] Sensor Testing By: David Brown SENSOR TESTING OVERVIEW Requirements Testing Types of Sensors SENSOR REQUIREMENTS Detect all attempts to break into box Never have a false positive Conserve power SENSOR TESTING Various Types of Sensors Accuracy Power Usage EXAMPLES OF SENSORS Accelerometer Vibration Limit Switch [3] Flex sensor Thermal sensor [4] QUESTIONS? Contact Information: David Brown ECE Department, University of Utah Sources [1]- “Accelerometer”, Apr. 10, 2010. [Online]. Available: product_info.php?products_id=252, Apr. 10, 2010]. [2]- “Piezoelectric Vibration Sensor”, Apr. 10, 2010. [Online]. Available:, Apr. 10, 2010]. [3]- “Limit Switch”, Apr. 10, 2010. [Online]. Available:, Apr. 10, 2010]. [4]- “Thermal Sensor”, Apr. 10, 2010 [Online]. Available:, Apr. 10, 2010]. [1] [2] Power Conditioning By: Joshua Hamilton POWER CONDITIONING Reasoning: Advanced detection functions require power Zero false positives No unauthorized access Cannot be powered externally Safe must stay secure until maintenance POWER CONDITIONING Requirements of power source Necessary 1 year lifespan with a goal of 2 Cannot be tampered Power detection sensors Safely power the Arduino controller Dependable POWER CONDITIONING Method Modes of operation Wake up sensors Self Low powered vibration sensors power design Efficient overall design No leakage Fig. 1 Piezoelectric vibration sensor [3] POWER CONDTIONING Implementation Arduino Mega vs Arduino Pro-Mini Piezoelectric wake-up circuit Choice of battery Lithium has highest power density Sensitive to high temperature May need a controller POWER CONDTIONING Conclusion Test two types of batteries Arduino backpack Energizer e2* AA batteries Fig. 2 Arduino backpack [4] * “E2 Datasheet”, Apr. 8, 2010. [Online]. Available: http://Energizer-L91BP-8-Lithium-Battery-8-Pack/dp/B0000DC4EL QUESTIONS? Contact Information: Joshua Hamilton ECE Department, University of Utah Sources: [1] “Synqor”, Apr.8,2010. [Online]. Available: [2]”Vicor”, Apr.8,2010.[Online].Available: [3] “Lithium Backpack”, Apr. 8, 2010. [Online]. Available: [4] “Vibration Sensor/Switch” ,Apr. 8, 2010. [Online]Available: [1] [2] Creating the Interface By: Arslan Majid CREATING THE INTERFACE Use Labview to create a GUI Display GUI on an external source (Laptop) Goal- wireless [2] TASKS TO ACCOMPLISH Will carry out the following states of security system: Authorized user Open container Access contents Close container Do not tamper container Security access Maintenance access Change power supply Software/hardware upgrades Do not access contents Allow transport Reset alarm status Check status report Do not access contents SAMPLE MENU While on menu Sensors detect suspicious activity Will display a warning if sensors set alarm off Sub-menus corresponding to different states of security will also be displayed TIMELINE Year> Month> Task # 2 0 0 9 Start Week> 1 Conceptual design of system 1.1 Research sensors 1.2a Learn Arduino code 1.2b Test sensors 1.2c Create Interface 1.2d Power Conditioning 1.3 Make schematics of system 1.4 Build system 1.5 Test system 1.6 First prototype 1.7 Debug 1.8 Final working device 3 Document Mar Apr 2 0 1 0 May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Janu Feb Mar April BUDGET Item Quantity Description Amount Ext 1 4 Arduino Boards $80 $320 2 - Battery Supplies $200 $200 3 - Sensors $1000 $1000 4 4 Containers $6 $24 5 - Miscellaneous parts $800 $800 Total $2344 CONCLUSION Utilize an array of sensors Low power / Sleep mode Optimize for small size Accept wireless input Provide alarm signal QUESTIONS? Contact Information: Arslan Majid ECE Department, University of Utah Sources [1]- “LabView Logo”, Apr. 4, 2010. [Online]. Available:[Accessed: Apr. 4, 2010]. [2]- “Bluetooth Arduino”, Apr. 4, 2010. [Online]. Available:, Apr. 4, 2010]. [3]- “Bluetooth Arduino”, Apr. 4, 2010. [Online]. Available:, Apr. 4, 2010].