Executive Director, Office for International Studies and Programs (OISP) Central Washington University Candidate Rating Form Candidate’s Name: Ge-Yao Liu Please complete as soon as possible after the candidates has visited CWU. Circle the response that best describes your sense of this candidate’s potential, realizing your meeting was brief and only a first impression, or that you are evaluating only their application materials. Which venues did you attend? Open Forum/Presentation OISP Faculty/Staff Provost Council Other: _____________________________________ This candidate exhibits the interpersonal skills necessary to lead and advocate for CWU OISP. Absolutely Likely Maybe Not likely Don’t know Comments: This candidate exhibits the vision and experience necessary to lead and advocate for CWU OISP. Absolutely Likely Maybe Not likely Don’t know Comments: This candidate has a record which effectively models excellence in management and professional activity related to OISP. Absolutely Likely Maybe Not likely Don’t know Comments: Please insert this confidential rating form in a sealed envelope and send to: Executive Director, OISP MS 7425 Or complete this form on-line at http://www.cwu.edu/hr/executive-director-oisp-feedbackform Thank you! The Search Committee for the Executive Director OISP