LA HARBOR COLLEGE Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) Assessment Report Course Assessment Division: Health Sciences Discipline/Program: Nursing Course Number and Name: N315: Fundamentals of Nursing Processes and Practice Program Contact Person: _Jenny Arzaga_____________________ Phone: (310) 233 – 4384_______________________________ Reviewed by: Date: Institutional Learning Outcomes 2 5 Joachin Arias, Ph.D., SLO Assessment Coordinator Program Learning Outcomes Integrate the nursing process using the Roy Adaptation Model to promote adaptation of individuals, groups, and the community. Internalize professional standards of nursing practice Course Intended Outcomes Relate the components of the nursing process using the Roy Adaptation Model Develop professional behaviors for nursing practice December 15, 2014 Means of Assessment and Criteria for Success Summary of Data Collected Means: KAPLAN RN Fundamentals Predictor Criteria for Success: The composite score for “Nursing Process” items on the KAPLAN Predictor for the LAHC cohort will meet or exceed the “normed” for those taking KAPLAN for Fundamentals. Fall 2014: % Correct (normed) Assessment: 63.1 (60%) Diagnose: 69.1 (67%) Evaluation: 70.9 (62%) Implement: 66.5 (68%)* Planning: 73.0 (68%) Critical Thinking: 74.0 (70%) Means: Rubric for clinical performance evaluation. Criteria for Success: 90% of class will demonstrate satisfactory performance of related competency behaviors as described in clinical performance rubric for outcome 2 (Competency II of WCET). *Only area that did not exceed normed was Implementation. Fall 2014: 40 students entered into N315. “3” exited for personal reasons. “0” failed clinic. “1” failed academically. Therefore, 100% (40/40) of the students who finished clinical obtained a satisfactory for Section II of the WCET. Use of Results Fall 2014: Meets criteria. Fall 2014 Course Intended Outcomes infused/integrated QSEN throughout the curriculum. They will continue to reflect the intent of the Institutional Learning Outcomes. Fall 2014: Meets criteria. 2 2 1, 4 Formulate clinical judgments in practice that promote the health of patients Provide safe, patientcentered care Assimilate effectively within nursing and interprofessional teams fostering effective communication to achieve quality patient care Identify assessment data with which to formulate clinical decisions Provide safe, patient-centered care Describe roles of health care team members and develop effective strategies for communication Means: Grading Rubric for Nursing Care Plans (NCP). Criteria for Success: 85% of class will pass 3 physiological and 1 psychosocial nursing care plan that will meet or exceed 75%. Means: Rubric for clinical performance evaluation for outcome 4. Criteria for Success: 90% of class will demonstrate satisfactory performance of related competency behaviors as described in clinical performance rubric (Competency IV of WCET). Means: Rubric for clinical performance evaluation outcome 5; Successful completion of N311 – Communication in Nursing taken concurrently with N315 and integrated throughout the course. Must be successful to continue in nursing program. Criteria for Success: 90% of class will demonstrate satisfactory performance of related competency behaviors as described in clinical performance rubric (Competency V of Fall 2014: 98% (40/41) of the students completed 3 physiological and 1 psychosocial nursing care plan with a 75% or better. “1” student had great difficulty with NCP (2nd level stimuli) despite counseling and instruction. Given several attempts to redo NCP with submissions occurring at week 8. Fall 2014: 100% of the students obtained a satisfactory rating for Competency IV of the WCET. Fall 2014: Meets criteria. Faculty and adjunct team to meet during winter intercession to review grading criteria for consistency. Fall 2014: Meets criteria, continue to monitor. “0” failed clinic. Fall 2014: 100% of the students obtained a satisfactory rating for Competency V of WCET. “0” failed clinic. 100% of all generic students who completed N311 achieved a score of 75% or better. Fall 2014: Meets criteria. 2 Integrate best current evidence with clinical expertise for optimal health care Identify evidence-based practices to support clinical reasoning WCET); N311 Final grade will meet or exceed 75%. Means: Rubric for clinical performance evaluation outcome 6. Criteria for Success: 90% of class will perform Finger Stick Blood Sugar (FSBS) at least four times during N315 clinical rotation as described in clinical performance rubric (Competency VI of WCET). Fall 2014: 40 students entered into N315. 14 students did not perform FSBS four times during N315 clinical rotation; 65% (26/40) of students performed FSBS at least four times during N315 clinical rotation. 100% of the students obtained a satisfactory rating for Competency VI of WCET. Fall 2014: Did not meet criteria. Will continue to monitor. Most of deficiency from students assigned to adjunct faculty. Will meet with adjunct faculty to ensure equal implementation of FSBS performance by all students. Students to be checked off and cleared for independent performance of FSBS by 2nd week of N315 clinical rotation. “0” failed clinic. 5 Describe strategies for improving outcomes of care in clinical practice Implement a personal quality improvement project 3 Incorporate information and technology to communicate, manage knowledge, mitigate error, and support decision making Identify the impact of information technology in the clinical setting and guidelines for protected health information Means: Completion of (optional) Extreme Self Care (ESC) reading and responses to questions for promotion of student mental wellness and nursing school success. Criteria for Success: 90% of class will participate in answering weekly ESC questions and obtain 6/6 additional points to cumulative score. Means: Rubric for clinical performance evaluation outcome 8; Criteria for success: 90% students will perform medication administration utilizing electronic medical record and barcode scanning per facility protocol at least Fall 2014: 100% of the students obtained 6/6 additional points to cumulative score. All responses attached to filed student WCET. Fall 2014: Meets criteria, continue to implement. Fall 2014: 40 students entered into N315. 11 students did not perform medication administration; 73% (29/40) of students performed medication administration at least four times utilizing Fall 2014: Did not meet criteria. Will continue to monitor. Most of deficiency from students assigned to adjunct faculty. Will meet with adjunct faculty to ensure equal implementation of medication administration performance by all students. four times during N315 clinical rotation as described in clinical performance rubric (Competency VIII of WCET). electronic medical record and barcode scanning per facility protocol during N315 clinical rotation. 100% of the students obtained a satisfactory rating for Competency VIII of WCET. “0” failed clinic.