LA HARBOR COLLEGE Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) Assessment Report Course Assessment Division: Business Discipline/Program: Real Estate Course Number and Name: Real Estate 005 Legal Aspects of Real Estate I Program Contact Person: Carl Kirnbauer________________________________ Phone: _______________________ Reviewed by: Date: September 2011 The data was collected from the Spring 2010 semester. Section 3157. 17 students. Institutional Learning Outcomes 1 1 1 Course Intended Outcomes 1. Recall the origin and influence of our common law heritage, the relation to statutory law, and the difference between courts at law and courts of equity. 2. Recall the role of the U.S. Constitution as the supreme law of the land as well as the role of the U.S. Supreme Court. 3. Identify the source and effect of statutory law, administrative law and judge-made law. Means of Assessment and Criteria for Success Means: 5 multiple choice questions of 50 from Exam I. Criteria: 80% of students answer the questions correctly. Means: 10 multiple choice questions of 50 from Exam I. Criteria: 80 % of the students answer the questions correctly. Means: 10 multiple choice questions of 50 from Exam I. Summary of Data Collected Use of Results Result: 95% of students scored 90 % or better. Results reflect that the established outcome for success is being met at the established success rate. No changes are recommended at this time. Established outcome for success is being met. No changes are recommended. 85% of students scored 90% or better. 80% of students scored 90% or better. Established outcome for success is being met. No changes are recommended. 85% of students scored 90% or better. Established outcome for success is being met. No changes are recommended. Criteria: 80 % of the students answer the questions correctly. 1 4. Identify the role and impact of the Department of Real Estate and Real Estate Commissioner with respect to the regulation of licensees, disciplinary issues, and the administrative hearing process. Means: 25 multiple choice questions of 50 from Exam I. Criteria: 80% of the students answer the questions correctly. 1 1 1 1 1 1 5. Recall the fundamentals of contract law, filing of the complaint, damages, and the relevance of specific performance to real property law. Means: 30 multiple choice questions of 50 from Exam II. 6. Identify the concept of Real Property, the relevance of Chattels Real, estates in Real Property, and recordings. 7. Identify the types of Real Property ownership to include corporations and LLCs, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each type of ownership. 8. Identify voluntary and involuntary transfers of real property to include disposition of real property after death. 9. Identify Real Property Security Devices and the impact of Consumer Protection Acts. 87% of students scored 90% or better. Established outcome for success is being met. No changes are recommended. Means: 10 multiple choice questions of 50 from Exam II. 92% of students scored 90% or better. Established outcome for success is being met. No changes are recommended. Criteria: 80% of the students answer the questions correctly. Means: 10 multiple choice questions of 50 from Exam II. 91% of students scored 90% or better. Established outcome for success is being met. No changes are recommended Criteria: 80% of the students answer the questions correctly. Means: 10 multiple choice questions of 50 from Exam III. 86% of the students scored 90 % or better. Established outcome for success is being met. No changes are recommended. Criteria: 80% of the students answer the questions correctly. Means: 15 multiple choice questions of 50 from Exam III. 84% of the students scored 90% or better. Established outcome for success is being met. No changes are recommended. 92% of students scored 90% or better. Established outcome for success is being met. No changes are recommended. Criteria. 80% of the students answer the questions correctly. Criteria: 80% of the students answer the questions correctly. 1 10. Recall the basic elements of Landlord-Tenant law and the impact of assignments and subleases, termination of leases and the eviction process. Means: 20 multiple choice questions of 50 from Exam III. Criteria: 80% of the students answer the questions correctly. 2