LA HARBOR COLLEGE Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) Assessment Report Course Assessment Division: Business Discipline/Program: Management Course Number and Name: Management 002 Organization and Management Theory Program Contact Person: _Rodger McGinness________________________________ E-mail: ____________ Reviewed by: Elena Reigadas, SLO Assessment Coordinator Date: FALL 2013 Section 7671, Fall 2013, 43 students completed the class Institutional Learning Outcomes 1 COMMUNICATION 2 COGNITION 4 SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 5 ETHICS Course Intended Outcomes Means of Assessment and Criteria for Success SLO-1 COMMUNICATION Describe the communication process and the various kinds of organization communications. Means: 25 exam questions from Chapter-15 Managing Communication on the communication processes and communication in an organization. SL0-2 COGNITION Apply critical thinking skills to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate management theory in planning. Means: 25 exam questions from Chapter-5 Planning and Decision Making on the management planning process. SLO-4 SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Demonstrate an understanding of and respect for the feelings, opinions, and values of other people and cultures in building teams. SLO-5 ETHICS Demonstrate an understanding of ethical issues and values required to make sound judgments and decisions. Criteria: 70% of students will score 70% or better on exam questions related to communication. Criteria: 70% of students will score 70% or better on exam questions involving critical thinking skills. Means: 25 exam questions from Chapter-10 Managing Teams on the respect for the feelings, opinions, and values of other people and cultures in building teams. Criteria: 70% of students will score 70% or better on exam questions involving building teams. Means: 25 exam questions from Chapter-4 Ethics and Social Responsibilities on ethical issues and values required to make sound judgments and decisions. Criteria: 70% of students will score 70% or better on exam questions involving building teams. Page 1 of 3 Summary of Data Collected Out of a group of 44 students attempting the exam, 93% completed the exam at 70% or better. Out of a group of 48 students attempting the exam, 83% completed the exam at 70% or better. Out of a group of 46 students attempting the exam, 91% completed the exam at 70% or better. Out of a group of 46 students attempting the exam, 89% completed the exam at 70% or better. Use of Results SLO-1 COMMUNICATION was successfully attained with current instruction and assessment methodology. SLO-2 COGNITION was successfully attained with current instruction and assessment methodology. SLO-4 SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY was successfully attained with current instruction and assessment methodology. SLO-5 ETHICS was successfully attained with current instruction and assessment methodology. 03/14/2011 Section 7671, Fall 2010, 28 students completed the class Institutional Means of Assessment and Criteria Learning Course Intended Outcomes for Success Outcomes 1. Describe the communication Means: 15 exam questions on the 1 process, and the role that communication process and (Communication) perception plays in perception’s role in communication. communication. Criteria: 70% of students will answer 10 or more correctly. 2. Describe different kinds of Means: Complete five discussion 2 managers, explain their major questions on the types and roles of (Cognition) roles and sub-roles, and explain managers and five questions on how organizational cultures are organizational culture. created and how they can help Criteria: 70% of students will earn at companies be successful. least 20 of 25 points on each set of 5 discussion questions. 3. 3A - Demonstrate the ability to Means: 3A - Participate in chat 3 participate in chat sessions and, sessions and 3B - conduct research for (Information 3B - utilize web resources to course assignments. Competency) develop course-related Criteria: 3A - 50% of students will documents participate in chat and 3B - 75% will submit research assignment. 4 (Ethics and Social Responsibility) 4. Discuss how organizations can respond to societal demands for social responsibility and whether this helps or hurts an organizations economic performance. Means: Complete five essay questions on ethics and the social responsibility of the marketing function. Criteria: 70% of students will demonstrate a score of 80% or better on the essay questions according to Page 2 of 3 Summary of Data Collected Use of Results Out of a group of 17 students, 94% completed the T/F exam questions at 70% or better. Out of a group of 22 students, 81% earned at least 20 of 25 points possible on both sets of discussion questions. SLO - 1 was successfully attained with current instruction and assessment methodology. SLO - 2 was successfully attained with current instruction and assessment methodology. 3A - Out of a group of 22 students, 64% participated in at least 2 chat sessions, with 32% participating in 4 or more chat sessions. 3B - Out of a group of 22 students, 55% researched and submitted a term paper. SLO – 3A was successfully attained with current instruction and assessment methodology. SLO – 3B requires additional instruction to clarify research methodology and importance of term paper assignment. Out of a group of 22 students, 91% earned a score of at least 80% or better. SLO - 4 was successfully attained with current instruction and assessment methodology. 5 (Personal Development) 5. Demonstrate increased selfawareness, self-insight, and personal growth. grading rubric. Means: Compose a 500 or more word essay on student’s potential career in management career. Criteria: 70% of students will demonstrate a score of 80% according to grading rubric. Page 3 of 3 Out of a group of 22 students, only 41% earned a score of 80% or better. SLO – 5 requires additional instruction to emphasize importance of term paper assignment and to explain and clarify grading rubric.