LA HARBOR COLLEGE Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) Assessment Report Course Assessment

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) Assessment Report
Course Assessment
Division: Communications
Course Number and Name: SPANISH 035 Spanish For Spanish Speakers I
Program Contact Person: ____William Hernandez____________________________________ Phone: ______Ext 4081_________________
Reviewed by:
Date: April 2011
Attach additional pages as necessary.
Course Intended Outcomes
Learning Outcomes
1. Read, analyze, and respond
to texts of various literary
genres in Spanish.
2. Formulate logical sentences
using newly-acquired
vocabulary and idiomatic
Means of Assessment
and Criteria for Success
Means: Students will be
given a poem to analyze
embedded in exam 1.
They will analyze the
poem’s structure and
content. The analysis
will be done using proper
literary terms. Students
will also be required to
present the analysis in a
logically organized
Criteria: 70% of
students must score a
minimum of 70% on this
Means: Students will be
asked to write five
original sentences with
words deriving from the
word cantar. The five
words are cantable,
cantata, canto,
Summary of Data
Students achieved an
overall score of 73%, a
higher score than the one
required, 70%. Please see
the report in the
Division office.
Use of Results
Although students surpassed
the achievement score
required, the results enabled
us to find what area students
need more attention. In this
assessment, the data suggests
improving students’ ability
to analyze structures of poem
and organization of their
analysis. Please see the
report in the
Communications Division
cantante, and cantor
The activity will be
embedded in an exam
The sentences will be
evaluated according to a
departmental scoring
3. Write coherent essays and
compositions in Spanish by
applying newly acquired
rules on spelling,
accentuation, punctuation,
grammatical structures, and
verb forms presented in
4. Demonstrate lowintermediate level fluency
and accuracy in reading
comprehension skills.
Criteria: 70% of
students must score a
minimum of 70% on this
Means: Students will
write a composition in
which they argue in favor
or against one of the
three alternatives that
Puerto Rico has for its
political future. The
essay must have an
introduction, a body, and
a conclusion. It will be
given as a class
assignment and evaluated
according to a
departmental scoring
Criteria: 70% of
students must score a
minimum of 70% on this
Means: Students will be
required to read a cultural
reading in their first
exam of the semester.
They will then answer
Students achieved an
overall score of 90%, a
higher score than the one
required, 70%. See report
in Communications
Although students surpassed
the achievement score
required, the results enabled
us to find what area students
need more attention. In this
comprehension check
questions. The reading
exercise and
comprehension check
questions will be
administered in both
course sections and will
be evaluated based on a
departmental rubric.
Division office.
assessment, the data suggests
improving reading
comprehension skills.
Please see the report in the
Communications Division
Students achieved an
overall score of 90%, a
higher score than the one
required, 70%. Please see
report in
Division office.
Although students surpassed
the achievement score
required, the results enabled
us to find what area students
need more attention. In this
assessment, the data suggests
improving reading
comprehension skills.
Please see the report in the
Communications Division
Criteria: 70% of
students must score a
minimum of 70% on this
5. Discuss and demonstrate
reasonable knowledge and
understanding of basic
cultural topics related to the
Spanish-speaking world.
Topics may include
linguistic variants and
influences, important
people, geography, art,
literature, and political and
historical events.
Means: Students will be
required to read a cultural
reading in their first
exam of the semester.
They will then answer
comprehension check
questions. The reading
exercise and
comprehension check
questions will be
administered in both
course sections and will
be evaluated based on a
departmental rubric.
Criteria: 70% of
students must score a
minimum of 70% on this