LA HARBOR COLLEGE Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) Assessment Report Course Assessment

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) Assessment Report
Course Assessment
Division: Communications
Course Number and Name: SPANISH 022 Fundamentals of Spanish II
Program Contact Person: ____William Hernandez____________________________________ Phone: ______Ext 4081_________________
Reviewed by:
Elena Reigadas, SLO Coordinator
February 26, 2013
Attach additional pages as necessary.
Learning Outcomes
Course Intended Outcomes
Employ simple patterns of
speech based on
classroom models with
acceptable pronunciation.
Speak in Spanish with
novice-mid fluency and
accuracy (as stated in the
ACTFL proficiency
guidelines) employing
stock language, first level
elementary grammar
structures, vocabulary,
and syntax.
Means of Assessment and Criteria
for Success
Means: Students will be asked a
series of questions orally. The
questions will be based on themes,
vocabulary, and grammar covered in
the course textbook chapters. Each
student will be interviewed
individually. The interviews will be
part of an exam and will be scored
using a departmental rubric. In
addition, the interviews will be
recorded and stored electronically.
Students from all Spanish 22 sections
will be interviewed.
Criteria: 70% of students must score
a minimum of 70% on this exercise
Means: Students will be asked a
series of questions orally. The
questions will be based on themes,
vocabulary, and grammar covered in
the course textbook chapters. Each
student will be interviewed
individually. The interviews will be
part of an exam and will be scored
using a departmental rubric. In
addition, the interviews will be
recorded and stored electronically.
Students from all Spanish 22 sections
will be interviewed.
Summary of Data Collected
Use of Results
Write in Spanish with
novice-mid fluency and
accuracy (as stated in the
ACTFL proficiency
guidelines) using
rudimentary phrases, first
level elementary grammar
structures, vocabulary,
and syntax.
Criteria: 70% of students must score
a minimum of 70% on this exercise.
Means: Students will be shown a
picture of a man projected on the
classroom screen. Students will write
a five-sentence description in which
they must include the following: 1.
State his name, 2. State his age, 3.
Describe his physical characteristics (a
minimum of two),
4. State what he is wearing (all
articles of clothing and accessories)
and their colors, and 5. State where he
is going and what he is going to do.
Students must use the grammar
structure: verb: ir + a verb in the
infinitive + a to complete the latter
This activity will be embedded as an
exercise in the second exam.
Moreover, this exercise will be
evaluated by using a departmental
scoring rubric.
Demonstrate the ability to
read and comprehend
short and simple
narratives with
elementary fluency and
Criteria: 70% of students must score
a minimum of 70% on this exercise.
Means: Students will be required to
read and analyze a cultural reading on
a Spanish speaking country in their
textbook. In this particular case, they
will be focusing on El Salvador and
Nicaragua. They will then answer
comprehension check questions that
will be embedded in their second
exam of the semester or they will be
given as a quiz. The questions will be
administered in all course sections and
will be evaluated based on a
departmental rubric.
Criteria: 70% of students must score
a minimum of 70% on this exercise.
Demonstrate beginning
Means: Students will listen to
In spring 2013, the assessment
Based on the results of the
elementary-level fluency
and accuracy in listening
comprehension skills.
descriptive narrative about a person
who introduces and describes himself,
and uses numbers and basic
vocabulary related to university life.
After listening to the narrative,
students will answer comprehension
check questions that will appear in
written form. This exercise will be
embedded in a quiz.
Moreover, this exercise will be
administered in all course sections and
will be evaluated based on a
departmental rubric.
Criteria: 70% of students must score
a minimum of 70% on this exercise.
Identify and name basic
facts pertaining to
Spanish speaking
countries. Topics may
include culture, customs,
geography, and principle
historical facts about the
regions presented.
(beyond those learned in
Spanish 021)
Means: Students will be required to
read and analyze a cultural narrative
on a Spanish speaking country in their
textbook. In this particular case, they
will be focusing on El Salvador and
Nicaragua. They will then answer
comprehension check questions that
will be embedded in their second
exam of the semester or they will be
given as a quiz. The questions will be
administered in all course sections and
will be evaluated based on a
departmental rubric.
Criteria: 70% of students must score
a minimum of 70% on this exercise.
committee administered the
assessment to a a total of 67
students in two course sections
of Spanish 22 of which 47
were considered for the
assessment, a 70% of the total
enrollment between both
course sections. Although
students achieved an overall
96% on this assessment
exercise, a much higher score
than last time this SLO was
assessed, we found that 4
students scored 80%, 1 scored
60%, and 1 scored 20%.
Overall, these are great results,
but there is room for further
assessment, we, the committee,
make the following
recommendations: Require
students to further practice their
listening comprehension skills by
listening to additional audio
materials available to them on the
online laboratory supported system
run by our current textbook
publishing company. Creating a
language lab tailored for the
acquisition and learning of foreign
languages, a priority listed in the
current Communications Division
Unit Plan, will also improve
students’ listening comprehension
ability. An additional listening
comprehension assessment will be
performed later this semester to
compare results.
August 2011
Attach additional pages as necessary.
Learning Outcomes
Course Intended Outcomes
Employ simple patterns of
speech based on
classroom models with
acceptable pronunciation.
Speak in Spanish with
novice-mid fluency and
accuracy (as stated in the
ACTFL proficiency
guidelines) employing
stock language, first level
elementary grammar
structures, vocabulary,
and syntax.
Write in Spanish with
novice-mid fluency and
accuracy (as stated in the
ACTFL proficiency
guidelines) using
rudimentary phrases, first
level elementary grammar
structures, vocabulary,
and syntax.
Means of Assessment and Criteria
for Success
Means: Students will be asked a
series of questions orally. The
questions will be based on themes,
vocabulary, and grammar covered in
the course textbook chapters. Each
student will be interviewed
individually. The interviews will be
part of an exam and will be scored
using a departmental rubric. In
addition, the interviews will be
recorded and stored electronically.
Students from all Spanish 22 sections
will be interviewed.
Summary of Data Collected
Use of Results
Criteria: 70% of students must score
a minimum of 70% on this exercise
Means: Students will be asked a
series of questions orally. The
questions will be based on themes,
vocabulary, and grammar covered in
the course textbook chapters. Each
student will be interviewed
individually. The interviews will be
part of an exam and will be scored
using a departmental rubric. In
addition, the interviews will be
recorded and stored electronically.
Students from all Spanish 22 sections
will be interviewed.
Criteria: 70% of students must score
a minimum of 70% on this exercise.
Means: Students will be shown a
picture of a man projected on the
classroom screen. Students will write
a five-sentence description in which
they must include the following: 1.
State his name, 2. State his age, 3.
Describe his physical characteristics (a
minimum of two),
4. State what he is wearing (all
Students achieved an overall
score of 80%, a higher score
than the one required, 70%.
Please see the detailed report
in the division office.
Although the overall score told us
that students overwhelmingly
surpassed the required 70% by
earning an overall percentage of
80%, we also concluded that some
students scored substantially better
in three of the four areas of the
exercise. The data told us that the
section of the exercise in which
articles of clothing and accessories)
and their colors, and 5. State where he
is going and what he is going to do.
Students must use the grammar
structure: verb: ir + a verb in the
infinitive + a to complete the latter
students demonstrated the highest
competency was in the areas of
syntax, followed by vocabulary
skills, and spelling skills. At the
same time, however, the data also
points for the need for an
improvement in grammar skills.
25 students out of the 46 assessed
demonstrated deficiency or
incomprehensibility in this criteria.
This translates to 46%
competency in grammar skills.
Please see the detailed report in the
division office.
This activity will be embedded as an
exercise in the second exam.
Moreover, this exercise will be
evaluated by using a departmental
scoring rubric.
Demonstrate the ability to
read and comprehend
short and simple
narratives with
elementary fluency and
Criteria: 70% of students must score
a minimum of 70% on this exercise.
Means: Students will be required to
read and analyze a cultural reading on
a Spanish speaking country in their
textbook. In this particular case, they
will be focusing on El Salvador and
Nicaragua. They will then answer
comprehension check questions that
will be embedded in their second
exam of the semester or they will be
given as a quiz. The questions will be
administered in all course sections and
will be evaluated based on a
departmental rubric.
Criteria: 70% of students must score
a minimum of 70% on this exercise.
Demonstrate beginning
elementary-level fluency
and accuracy in listening
comprehension skills.
Means: Students will listen to
descriptive narrative about La
Elegancia, a department store that
will be read orally. After listening to
the narrative, students will answer
comprehension check questions that
will appear in written form. This
exercise will be embedded in their
third exam.
Moreover, this exercise will be
administered in all course sections and
will be evaluated based on a
departmental rubric.
Students achieved an overall
score of 87%, a higher score
than the one required, 70%.
Please see the detailed report
in the division office.
Based on the results of the
assessment, there are no
Criteria: 70% of students must score
a minimum of 70% on this exercise.
Identify and name basic
facts pertaining to
Spanish speaking
countries. Topics may
include culture, customs,
geography, and principle
historical facts about the
regions presented.
(beyond those learned in
Spanish 021)
Means: Students will be required to
read and analyze a cultural narrative
on a Spanish speaking country in their
textbook. In this particular case, they
will be focusing on El Salvador and
Nicaragua. They will then answer
comprehension check questions that
will be embedded in their second
exam of the semester or they will be
given as a quiz. The questions will be
administered in all course sections and
will be evaluated based on a
departmental rubric.
Criteria: 70% of students must score
a minimum of 70% on this exercise.