LA HARBOR COLLEGE Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) Assessment Report Course Assessment Division: Communications Discipline/Program: French Course Number and Name: French 001 Elementary French I Program Contact Person: Cynthia Caloia_________________________ Phone: _______________________ Reviewed by: Date: September 12 , 2011 Institutional Learning Outcomes 1 1 1 1 Intended Course Outcomes Means of Assessment and Criteria for Success Summary of Data Collected Use of Results 1. Understand and use basic vocabulary to communicate personal information, activities, describe feelings and preferences in everyday situations. Means of Assessment: Student survey, composed of multiple choice, t/f, & short answer questions. Criteria for Student Success: Excellent: 100-90% Accomplished: 89-80% Satisfactory: 79-70 % Developing : 69-60% Unsatisfactory 59%< Target: 70% of students at satisfactory level. Fall 2010 Students achieved an average score of 83%. 2. Demonstrate novice level mastery of the fundamental structure of French and ability to communicate in the present and future tenses. Means of Assessment: Two paragraph composition. Subject : Summer Vacation Plans Criteria for Student Success: Excellent: 100-90% Accomplished: 89-80% Satisfactory: 79-70 % Developing : 69-60% Unsatisfactory 59%< Target: 70% of students at satisfactory level. Means of Assessment: Student survey, composed of multiple choice, t/f, & short answer questions. Criteria for Student Success: Excellent: 100-90% Accomplished: 89-80% Satisfactory: 79-70 % Developing : 69-60% Unsatisfactory 59%< Target: 70% of students at satisfactory level. Spring 2011 1 section 28 students Students achieved an average score of 74%. Although students exceeded the target score in categories 1, 2, 3, 5 & 6, the student performance indicated areas where there is still room for improvement: verb conjugations and overall spelling and accents. Results indicate that more attention should be focused on these areas in classroom and homework assignments. Means of Assessment: Fill in the blank/translation survey. Concentration: “avoir expressions” Criteria for Student Success: Excellent: 100-90% Accomplished: 89-80% Satisfactory: 79-70 % Developing : 69-60% Unsatisfactory 59%< Target: 70% of students at satisfactory level. Spring 2011 1 section 28 students Students achieved an average score of 69%. 3. Employ regular and irregular verbs (such as être, avoir, aller, faire,) in the present tense to construct interrogative, affirmative, and negative sentences. 4. Recognize and produce a limited number of French idiomatic expressions in a context appropriate manner. Fall 2010 Students achieved an average score of 72%. In category 4, students were below the target score. A good deal of class time was allocated to practicing with these expressions, but the book is deficient in explanation on how to correctly use them. The presentation is confusing. Although our current textbook has a good online workbook, we continue to search for a text with more comprehensive explanation and practice in the book itself. 1 5. Recognize and relate facts about culture, customs, and geography of France and Francophone countries. 1 6. Perform novice level communicative functions in the 4 areas of language skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) using the structures and vocabulary learned. Means of Assessment: Student survey, composed of multiple choice, t/f, & short answer questions. Criteria for Student Success: Excellent: 100-90% Accomplished: 89-80% Satisfactory: 79-70 % Developing : 69-60% Unsatisfactory 59%< Target: 70% of students at satisfactory level. Means of Assessment: Student generated situational dialogues performed for the class. Criteria for Student Success: Excellent: 100-90% Accomplished: 89-80% Satisfactory: 79-70 % Developing : 69-60% Unsatisfactory 59%< Target: 70% of students at satisfactory level. Fall 2010 Students achieved an average score of 73%. Spring 2011 1 section 28 students Students achieved an average score of 85%.