LA HARBOR COLLEGE Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) Assessment Report Course Assessment Division: Science, Family and Consumer Studies Discipline/Program: Child Development Course Number and Name: ChDev 042 The Child in a Diverse Society Program Contact Person: Cassandra Ayo Betts___________________________________________ Phone: _4202______________________ Reviewed by: Date: Attach additional pages as necessary. Institutional Course Intended Outcomes Learning Outcomes 1. Examine attitudes of personal assumptions 4 pertaining to adult and children’s stereotypes, racism, prejudice, and discrimination toward diversity. 4 2. Recognize the necessary tools to enrich children’s ethnic background of customs, traditions, heritage, and life styles. 2 3. Identify the process of classroom inclusion for young children to affirm identity, respect, acceptance, selfesteem by correcting myths and omissions June 2011 Means of Assessment Summary of Data and Criteria for Success Collected Mean: The student will 80% of students scored write 1-2 page essays on 70% or better films and videos which will develop critical thinking and selfexamination. Fall 2009 Criteria: Random sample 20 students of 50% of students should score 70% or better on said questions. Mean: Essay 85% of students scored 75% or better Criteria: 50% of students will score 80% or better Fall 2009 on said assignment. 20 students Department rubric Mean: Reflection Paper 85% of students scored 75% or better Criteria: 50% of students will score C or better on said project. Fall’2010 25 students Use of Results Develop specific techniques of note taking during film viewing to be utilized in reflection notes Increase a better understanding of personal background details which will develop more written information Reflection guidelines for expansion of critical thinking 1 2 4 4. Recognize the importance of cultural exchange relevant to similarities and difference, child rearing practices, family styles, communication and language patterns of families and children from different backgrounds. 5. Explain and implement diverse and multicultural curriculum activities for preschool and school-age children which can be infuse into the domain areas. 6. Explain and implement strategies that teach tolerance, conflict-resolutions, and cultural dilemmas with children in a home, school and community environments. Mean: Essay and Field Trip 85% of students scored 75% or better Additional guidelines for written report Criteria: 50% of students will score C or better on said project and Fall’ 2010 Department rubric. 25 students Means: Activity Plan Criteria: Random sample of 50% of students should score 70% or better on said project. Means: Oral Presentation and Activity Plan Criteria: 50% of students will score C or better according to Department rubric 85% of students scored 75% or better Fall 2010 25 students 85% of students scored 75% or better Fall ‘2010 25 students Changes in activity plan format Additional assignment for home and school for teaching tolerance