Counseling Division
October 31, 2013 – 9 am to 11 am
SSA 219
Presiding: E. Colocho, Chair of the Counseling Division
Present: Jassiel Dominguez, Joy Fisher , Amaryllis Hall, Steve Hirsch, Coni Juno, Christine Kourinian, Jeanette Madueña, Elliot Mason, Mica
Murillo, Kaman Ng, Yvonne Pueblos, Dan Ruiz, Sara Rubio, Angelica Villalpando .
Meeting was called to order at 9:10 AM.
The Dean of Student Services, Mercy Yanez, will attend the next counselor’s meeting on Nov. 14.
Student Success Plan
Elizabeth distributed a handout on Student Success that includes action items discussed with President Herzek in the last meeting: Personal
Connection, Transition to College, Programs of Study, Early Alert and Professional Development. The handout had some notes handwritten in
(i.e. Tri-Chairs, additional ideas, etc.)
Also discussed on Elizabeth’s handout was who would be Tri-Chairs for the action items. Everybody agreed to those considered for Tri-Chairs of the action items.
Elizabeth and Dan developed worksheets which are organized by the different services that ideally targets the action item (Personal
Connection; Transition to College; Faculty/Discipline Advising; Educational Plans; Assessment and Orientation) , and budget, which include
Counseling/Info Desk, Drop In Counseling, Orientation, Workshops, and Campus Fairs. Each action item is further organized according to staff that would assist in that item (Personnel), to the Goal and Targeted Outcome of that Personal Connection Item, and how to evaluate the results (Evaluation Tool).
The counseling plan will:
Serve FYE students (approx. 3,000) within the first three weeks of each semester.
Assess approx. 3,000 within the first 8 weeks from semester start date.
Have CGCAs provide each counselor with basic assistance during orientations, workshops, and presentations.
Explore the possibility of online orientations, making personal connections through Personal Development classes.
Make Personal Development classes specific to majors and disciplines.
Dr. Mason had added a written statement regarding some of these issues with students and read them to those present. Among those issues: the difficulty students have of maintaining their personal lives at the same time meeting school requirements, difficulties students experience while adjusting from high school to college.
Adjourned 11:05 a.m.