LA HARBOR COLLEGE Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)/Service Area Outcomes (SAO)

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)/Service Area Outcomes (SAO)
Student Services Assessment Report
Department Name: Child Development Center
Department Head: Gretchen Hayes
Reviewed by:
Phone: (310) 233-4201
Carol Minami , Aster Abraha , Jennifer Masuda
Date: October, 2013
Assessment took place in 2012/13
Institutional Learning
College Goals
Goal #2 Student Support
and Services
Intended Outcomes
Means of Assessment and
Criteria for Success
In support of the Nursing and
Child Development
Programs, the Child
Development Center will
provide opportunities for
students to observe and
interact with children.
Nursing Third Semester Pediatric
Evaluations in coordination
with Child Development
CD-22 and 23 Practicum:
Students will complete 108
student teaching hours for each
Center faculty mentor and
evaluate student teachers on
their activities with the
CD-1 PACE:Child Growth and
Development: Students will
observe preschool environments
and relate it to child growth and
CD-1 (PACE) Sign In
Pediatric Rounds Sign In sheet
from Nursing Instructor.
Summary of Data Collected
Use of Results
Nursing students are required
5.5 hours each during their 3rd
semester pediatric rounds to
observe the growth and
development of the typical
child outside of hospital
sheets are used to
monitor student required
practicum attendance.
Practicum students need to put
in 8 hours of week and/or 108
semester hours for CD 22&23
(student teaching is
accommodated through field
100% of third semester Nursing
students utilize the Center during
their Pediatric rounds. Each
semester, 100 % of third semester
Nursing students will complete a
written assignment about a typical
child’s growth and development.
CD 22/23:Center faculty
accommodates 100% of Child
Development Department
placement need by serving 9
students averaging 3 each by
Teacher. (through California
Mentor Program) Need:
CD-1 students attend a class at
the CDC to study early
childhood classroom
environments and relate it to
the growth and development
CD-1 – Center faculty
accommodates 100% of the
students in their completion of
their assignment
CD-2- Center faculty
CD-2 –Early Childhood
Principles and Practices: Students
will observe the classroom
environment and describe
learning centers and how the
children learn through their
interaction in the environment.
CD-2 Sign In
sheets/Attendance and Project
Assignment A. Classroom
CD-4 Creative Experiences:
Students will present their
activities to preschool age
CD-4 Sign In/Attendance
Students will present assigned
activities to the young children
in a classroom setting.
CD-30 Infant/Toddler: Students
will observe the classroom
environment. Instructor will go
over the Centers and activities for
older toddlers at the CDC.
CD-31 Infant/ Toddler: Students will
complete their Observations of a
toddler child at the CDC.
AGS Honor Society: Students
will complete community service
hours at the CDC doing special
projects/ activities with the
High School Special Services:
Students will learn a job skill
working at the CDC.
FTLA Project: Student
Services;Sociology1, Math112,
English28,: Students will
complete part of their class
requirements observing the
program and learning how the
program helps students and their
of young children.
CD-2 students attend a class
meeting at the CDC to observe
an early childhood classroom
environment and look at the
different domain areas and the
relationship with theorists in
CD-4 students are required to
present activities to children in
an early childhood
accommodates 100% of CD2
students in their completion of
Project A.
CD-30 Infant-Toddler class
Attendance/Sign In : Students
will attend class at the CDC to
observe toddler learning
environments as compared to
the preschool classroom
CD-30 Students are required
to attend class in the Toddler
class at the CDC where they
will look at the domain areas
and age appropriate activities
CD-30 Center faculty
accommodates 100% of students
with their assignment on
developmentally appropriate
CD-31 Infant-Toddler class
will attend class at the CDC
and do a child observation .
CD-31 Students are required
to write an Observation of a
toddler child.
CD-31- Center faculty
accommodates 50 % of students
for their observation assignment of
a toddler child.
AGS Honor Society provides
a student service area where
the student can meet their
service requirements for the
club. Sign In sheets
High School Special Services:
Students(2 or 3) will sweep,
clean, wipe down outdoor
equipment before the children
go outdoors.
Class attendance
AGS Honor Society – AGS
students are required to meet
community service hours.
AGS- CDC accommodates % of
students with the community
service requirements required.
High School Special Services:
students are required to
complete daily jobs at the
CDC accommodates 2-3 special
services students each semester.
CD-4 Center faculty accommodate
100% of students in their project
presentations with preschool age
PACE: FTLA Project
accommodated 6 students on their
Service Learning 100: Complete
10 hours of service learning hours
in a student service.
Goal #2 Student Support
and Services
2. In support of student learning, the
Child Development Center will
provide convenient and cost-effective
child care for faculty and students.
Data showing how many
students and faculty served,
fees charged.
Surveys are filled out by
parents at the end of the
school year.
2012/2013 survey resulted in need
for increased hours and parent
participation and involvement.
Survey or focus group data
about center hours.
LAHC Parent Survey and
State Preschool Desired
Results for Children and
As result of 2012-2013 LAHC
Parent Survey and State Preschool
“Desired Results for Children and
Families – Parent Survey,”
identifying center hours as not
meeting parent child care hour
needs, the Center hours were
increased to 3:00 pm with existing
45 respondents out of 50 State
Preschool Parents.
#5 Personal Development
3. In support of student learning, the
Child Development Center will
provide workshops on effective
parenting techniques.
Data showing seminars
offered and feedback.
Surveyed parents requesting
primary parenting subject area
State Preschool requires
parents to attend 3 (hrs.)
mandatory workshops per
Goal #1 Learning and
4. The Child Development Center will
provide developmental experiences
for young children which will benefit
the child’s total growth and
Extract data from
developmental profile results.
Each Child is assessed in the 7
domain areas through
observation, anecdotal notes,
photo/videos, class work, each
Parent participation and Parent
Advisory group, ASO Parent Club
being formed as per parents
interest in parent participation
Primary subject areas identified in
surveys highlighted a need for
parenting workshops in:
Kindergarten Readiness, Nutrition,
Discipline and Time Management.
Center faculty facilitated 2
(Kindergarten Readiness, Back to
School Evening, Literacy Book
Fair Event and Nutrition). Due to
staffing shortages and program
budget deficit, Center faculty
utilized the Life Skills Center
parenting offerings as an additional
resource for parents.
Results by class :
Pre-K Class: 24% of children
were rated as developing in
Measure 35: Measurement: Add
rulers and other measuring
materials into the classroom
Measure 37: Patterning (Math
In order for children to read written
semester. Parent conference is
done at the end of each
semester for parent input on
the profile results.
Desired Results
Developmental Profile
(DRDP) assessment of
children by age-group.
Assessment captures child’s
development in the following
7 developmental domains: Self
and social development,
Language and Literacy
Language Development,
Cognitive Development,
Development, Health and
Domain). Purchase materials
that will encourage patterning.
Add opportunities for smaller
group activities which involve
complex patterns.
3-4 Year Old Class: Measure
21: Letter and Word
Knowledge: 11 % are
exploring,44% are developing,
11% are building, 33% are
Measure 32: Number Sense;
Quantity and Counting: 12%
exploring 6% developing 47%
building and 35% integrating.
Children will do rhymes and
songs such as One, Two,
Buckle By Shoe, One Potato,
Two Potato and Five Monkeys
on the Bed incorporate
numbers into songs.
Toddler Class: Measure 4:
Empathy; 6% of the children
were still at Discovering
Measure 7; Responsiveness to
other’s support; showed that
6% of the children were still at
discovering ideas in the
responsiveness to other’s
words they must have an
understanding that each word is
made up of individual letters and
that each letter has its own sound
to form the word. Children will
sing the alphabet song as they play
with alphabet books, blocks, and
magnetic letters. The children will
be asked to take a page from a
magazine and draw a circle around
a letter. Have them identify the
letter and circle some matching
letters on the page.
Children will do rhymes and songs
such as One, Two, Buckle By
Shoe, One Potato, Two Potato and
Five Monkeys on the Bed
incorporate numbers into songs.
The children will be able to see
and understand the different types
of feelings such as; sad, happy,
frustrated, mad or angry. We will
use the CSEFEL training for social
emotional growth.
Children need adult support and
intervention when in a conflict
situation. Teacher will give the
children the words needed to
express their wants and needs.
August 2011
Attach additional pages as necessary.
Institutional Learning
College Goals
Goal #2 Student Support
and Services
Goal #2 Student Support
and Services
Intended Outcomes
1. In support of the Nursing and Child
Development Programs, the Child
Development Center will provide
opportunities for students to observe
and interact with children.
2. In support of student learning, the
Child Development Center will
provide convenient and cost-effective
child care for faculty and students.
Means of Assessment and
Criteria for Success
Evaluations in coordination
with Child Development
Pediatric Rounds Sign In sheet
from Nursing Instructor.
Data showing how many
students and faculty served,
fees charged.
Survey or focus group data
about center hours.
#5 Personal Development
Goal #1 Learning and
3. In support of student learning, the
Child Development Center will
provide workshops on effective
parenting techniques.
4. The Child Development Center will
provide developmental experiences
for young children.
Data showing seminars
offered and feedback.
Extract data from state reports.
Summary of Data Collected
Use of Results