LA HARBOR COLLEGE Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) Assessment Report Program Assessment

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) Assessment Report
Program Assessment
Program/Pathway Name: __Speech Communication
Division (if applicable): __Humanities and Fine Arts_________________________
Program Contact Person: ___Daryle Nagano-Krier__________________________
Phone: ____310-233-4643___________________
Reviewed by:
Date: January 2014
Elena Reigadas, SLO Coordinator
The A.A. in Speech was approved in Fall 2010. We will begin conducting program assessments in 2012 when the program has gained some
enrollment. The Theater Arts degree is not yet approved.
Program Student Learning
Means of Assessment
Summary of Data
Use of Results
Timeline for
and Criteria for
1. Make informed, ethical choices
regarding communication behavior.
In Speech 104, a preand post- test will be
administered. Students
will produce an
(outline) for a speech
It will be scored by a
department rubric.
50% of the students
will demonstrate a
good or excellent level
of performance by the
end of class.
A survey will also be
given to determine
which other Speech
courses they have
taken previously and if
they are considering
the Speech major.
2. Demonstrate effective listening
Fall 2012
Fall 2012
Fall 2012
Fall 2012
Students were asked to
choose which type of
listening (Critical,
Empathetic) was
employed in five
different scenarios.
The scenarios are as
Three sections of
Speech 101, one
section of Speech
111, three sections of
Speech 121, one
section of Speech
104, and one section
of speech 151
participated in the
Fall 2012 assessment.
The results are as
follows: 85% of
students chose the
correct listening style
for scenario #1, 90%
of students chose the
correct listening style
for scenario #2, 88%
of students chose the
correct listening style
for scenario #3, 65%
of the students chose
the correctly listening
style for scenario #4,
and 95% of the
students chose the
correct listening style
for scenario #5.
Eighty-five to
ninety-five percent
of the students were
able to choose the
correct listening
style for four out of
the five scenarios.
We did not meet our
expectations for
scenario #4 as only
65% of the students
chose the correct
scenario. All
instructors will
make sure that they
address and give
more examples of
Empathic Listening
Styles in the future.
1. You are listening
to a Presidential
Debate to
decide which
candidate has
better policies.
You will vote for
that candidate.
2. Your significant
other tells you
they have just
lost their job.
3. Your teacher
reviews for an
4. Your coach
explains a new
5. Your friend tells
you that their
We expected that
70% of the students
would identify which
listening style was
employed in each
scenario correctly.
pet has died.
3. Speak with qualities of verbal
confidence and competence.
Fall 2013
Fall 2013
Fall 2013
Fall 2013
Students were asked to
assess the verbal
confidence and
competence (s) used
for a speech no less
than 5 minutes and no
longer than 7 minutes
on a scale from 1-5 (1
Being Poor and 5
Being Excellent).
Three sections of
Speech 101, one
section of Speech
111, three sections of
Speech 121, one
section of Speech
104, and one section
of speech 151
participated in the
Fall 2013 assessment.
The results are as
follows: 68% of
students scored 4 or
higher in all five
categories. The
Speech 101 students
were a majority of
the students that
scored 4 or higher in
all 5 categories.
The following criteria
was what they were
assessed upon:
We expected that
70% of the students
would score 4 or
higher in each
We did not meet our
expectations for as
only 68% of the
students scored 4 or
higher in all 5
categories. Speech
104, 111, 121, and
151 courses will
provide more
regarding oral
Appropriate eye
contact with audience,
posture assumed an
attitude of the body
(practiced), words
were appropriate and
articulated correctly,
presentation was
delivered within 5-7
minutes, and
presentation followed
required pattern of
4. Demonstrate effective nonverbal
5. Communicate effectively with
individuals of diverse backgrounds.
January 2013
The A.A. in Speech was approved in Fall 2010. We will begin conducting program assessments in 2012 when the program has gained some
enrollment. The Theater Arts degree is not yet approved.
Program Student Learning
Means of Assessment
Summary of Data
Use of Results
Timeline for
and Criteria for
1. Make informed, ethical choices
regarding communication behavior.
In Speech 104, a preand post test will be
administered. Students
will produce an
(outline) for a speech
It will be scored by a
department rubric.
50% of the students
will demonstrate a
good or excellent level
To be measured in
Spring 2011
of performance by the
end of class.
2. Demonstrate effective listening
A survey will also be
given to determine
which other Speech
courses they have
taken previously and if
they are considering
the Speech major.
Students were asked to
choose which type of
listening (Critical,
Empathetic) was
employed in five
different scenarios.
The scenarios are as
6. You are listening
to a Presidential
Debate to
decide which
candidate has
better policies.
You will vote for
that candidate.
7. Your significant
other tells you
they have just
lost their job.
8. Your teacher
reviews for an
During the Fall 2012
semester, three
sections of Speech
101, one section of
Speech 111, three
sections of Speech
121, one section of
Speech 104, and one
section of speech 151
participated in the
Fall 2012 assessment.
We expected that
70% of the students
would identify which
listening style was
employed in each
scenario correctly.
The results are as
follows: 85% of
students chose the
correct listening style
for scenario #1, 90%
of students chose the
correct listening style
for scenario #2, 88%
of students chose the
correct listening style
for scenario #3, 65%
of the students chose
the correctly listening
style for scenario #4,
and 95% of the
students chose the
correct listening style
for scenario #5.
Eighty-five to
ninety-five percent
of the students were
able to choose the
correct listening
style for four out of
the five scenarios.
We did not meet our
expectations for
scenario #4 as only
65% of the students
chose the correct
scenario. All
instructors will
make sure that they
address and give
more examples of
Listening Styles in
the future.
9. Your coach
explains a new
10. Your friend tells
you that their
pet has died.
3. Speak with qualities of verbal
confidence and competence.
To be measured in
Spring 2012
4. Appreciate the role and demonstrate
effective nonverbal behaviors.
To be measured in
Spring 2013
5. Communicate effectively with
individuals of diverse backgrounds.
To be measured in
Spring 2014
6. Apply basic communication
concepts across all contexts and
To be measured in
Spring 2015
Date: November 2010
The A.A. in Speech was approved in Fall 2010. We will begin conducting program assessments in Spring 2011 when the program has gained
some enrollment. The Theater Arts degree is not yet approved.
Program Student Learning
Means of Assessment
Summary of Data
Use of Results
Timeline for
and Criteria for
1. Make informed, ethical choices
regarding communication behavior.
In Speech 104, a preand post test will be
administered. Students
will produce an
(outline) for a speech
To be measured in
Spring 2011
It will be scored by a
department rubric.
50% of the students
will demonstrate a
good or excellent level
of performance by the
end of class.
A survey will also be
given to determine
which other Speech
courses they have
taken previously and if
they are considering
the Speech major.
2. Demonstrate effective listening
To be measured in
Spring 2012
3. Speak with qualities of verbal
confidence and competence.
To be measured in
Spring 2012
4. Appreciate the role and demonstrate
effective nonverbal behaviors.
To be measured in
Spring 2013
5. Communicate effectively with
individuals of diverse backgrounds.
To be measured in
Spring 2014
6. Apply basic communication
concepts across all contexts and
To be measured in
Spring 2015