LA HARBOR COLLEGE Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) Assessment Report Course Assessment Division: Business Int’l Business________________________ Discipline/Program: Course Number and Name: INT’L BUS 01 – International Trade Program Contact Person: _Ramon Baltazar_ ____________________________________ Phone: _(562)537-9546_____________ Reviewed by: Elena Reigadas, SLO Assessment Coordinator Date: December 2013 Assessment Data collected from F12 C#7648 O/L Etudes/Assignments/Grading/Quiz#/Summary of Data Institutional Mission & Goals Course Intended Outcomes 1 1. Define International Business, Globalization and the cultural and political environment that it functions in. 1 2. Identify the reasons why nations trade international and strategic analysis that takes place to initiate it. Means of Assessment and Criteria for Success Summary of Data Collected Percent of 29/29 (100%) students scoring 70% or better for Criteria: 70% of students will answer SLO-1 =76% SLO – 1 was met. Gradual enhancement to instructional methodology to maintain and improve learning. Percent of 23/29 (79%)students scoring 70% Or better for Criteria: 70% of students will answer SLO-2= 81% SLO –2 was met. Gradual enhancement to instructional methodology to maintain and improve learning Means: 5 test questions: foreign direct investment, foreign exchange, benefits and disadvantages. SLO -3 was met. No change to instructional methodology to maintain and improve learning. Means: 4 test questions : definition of int’l business , globalization, cultural and political environment 70% correctly Means: 5 test questions: SWOT analysis, offshoring, economic theories, Adam Smith, David Ricardo. 70 % or more correctly 1 3. Identify factors, monetary tools/resources that facilitate doing financial transactions across borders in international business. Use of Results Percent of 22/29 (76%) Students scoring 70% Or better for Criteria: 70% of students will answer SLO-3 =91% 70% or more correctly 1 1 1 4. Identify means of entering a foreign markets and global integration, alliances that facilitate entrepreneurship and transacting business across borders. Means: 10 test questions: political and economic alliances, NAFTA, EU, WTO, Import-Export, partnerships, direct investment. 5. Define strategies for structuring and adapting to local markets as well as managing local human resources. Means: 5 test questions on Sequential mergers, global strategies for services products adaptation to local market and managing human resources. Criteria: 70% of students will answer 70% or more correctly Criteria: 70% of students will achieve 70% correctly. 1 6. Apply International Business Principles by using strategies for structuring and adapting to local markets. Means: 1 –Marketing Plan for a new product to be sold overseas. Criteria: 70% of students will achieve 70% (7 /10 pts.) or better in the paper. 2 Percent of 17/29 (55%)Students scoring 70% Or better for SLO-5=90% SLO -4 was met. No change to instructional methodology to maintain and improve learning. Percent of 23/34 (81%)Students scoring 70% Or better for SLO-5 =66% SLO -5 was not met. Modification to instructional methodology to maintain and improve learning. Percent of 20/29 (69%)Students scoring 70% Or better for SLO-6=67% SLO -6 was not met. Modification to instructional methodology to maintain and improve learning. Date: 10-30-12 _____________________ Attach additional pages as necessary. Institutional Learning Outcomes 1 Course Intended Outcomes 7. Analyze the global environment and it importance to Business. 1 8. Discuss the impact of politics and laws in trading overseas. 1 9. Analyze economic integration and trading blocks. 2 10. Evaluate trade and investment theory. 1 11. Identify current economic activity among nations. 1 12. Analyze foreign Means of Assessment and Criteria for Success Means: 5 test questions on current int’l business, knowledge of Political, Cultural, economic, ethical conditions that present opportunities, conflicts, risks, to US trade position. Criteria: 75% of students will answer 60% (3/5)or more questions correctly. Means: 10 test questions on the political climate overseas, economic risks, managing risks, legal differences, corruption, bribery and terrorism. Criteria: 70% of students will answer 7 or more correctly Means: 10 test questions on trading blocks in different areas of the world, free trade areas, common market, economic trade alliances (NAFTA, CAFTA, ASEAN, etc), and cartels. Criteria: 70% of students will answer 7 or more correctly Means: 10 point homework- report on different economic theories and responsible theorist ( Leontief, Smith, Olin, Herscher, etc). Emphasis on absolute advantage, comparative advantage, Leotif paradox, economies of scale, imperfect competition and other trade theories. Criteria: 70% of students will score 7 points or better. Means: 10 test questions on China’s emergence, int’l transactions and balance of payments, sampling of accounting as used in int’l transactions, direct investment.. Criteria: 70% of students will answer 7 or more correctly Means: 10 test questions on exchange rates, 3 Summary of Data Collected Fall 2011 22/23 5/5 Q1 96% Students 100% correct Q2 96% Students 100% correct Q3 96% Students 100% correct Q4 96% Students 100% correct Q5 86% Students 100% correct Ave: 93% 100% Correct Criteria (75% - 60%) met Use of Results Students exceeded the instructor’s expectations. Will try to implement a more analytical assignment for the next assessment cycle. exchange and global financial markets. advent of Euro, foreign currency markets, gold standard, Bretton Woods agreement , global equity markets. Criteria: 70% of students will answer 7 or more correctly 1 13. Examine exporting and global expansion. 2 14. Analyze global marketing strategies. 1 15. Discuss global distribution channels and supply chain management. Means: 10 test questions on rational for going global, international global factors, competition, international business research, strategies, international joint ventures, full ownership. Criteria: 70% of students will answer 7 or more correctly Means: 10 point project – marketing plan for a product to be made in one country and sold in another. Emphasis on product, distribution, promotion and pricing policies between countries. Criteria: 70% of students will score 7 points or better. Means: 10 test questions on logistics, transportation infrastructure, and selection of transportation mode, global inventory, packaging and storage issues. Criteria: 70% of students will score 7points or better. 1 16. Discuss global management issues. Means: 10 test questions on organizational structure, promotional and cooperation, controls, interfirm cooperative structures, Int’l HRM issues, selection, compensation , policies and labor unions. Criteria: 70% of students will answer 7 or more correctly 4 1 17. Examine trends and future in the global business. Means: 10 test questions on political, emerging markets, government policy, technology, careers and total global business management. Criteria: 70% of students will answer 7 or more correctly 5 Date: August 2011 Institutional Learning Outcomes 1 Course Intended Outcomes 18. Describe globalization and international business. 4 19. Define culture and the cultural environment in doing business internationally. 1 20. Analyze the global trade environment. 4 21. Discuss the impact of politics and laws in trading overseas. 1 22. Analyze economic integration and trading blocks. 1 23. Evaluate trade and investment theory. Means of Assessment and Criteria for Success Means: 10 test questions on current int’l business environment, opportunities, conflicts, risks, uncertainty and US trade position. Criteria: 70% of students will answer 7 or more correctly Means: 10 test questions on the culture, elements of culture, recognizing diversity and developing cultural competence. Criteria: 70% of students will answer 7 or more correctly Means: 10 test questions on investment policy, quotas, tariff, export and import restrictions, embargoes, domestic and international trade policies. Criteria: 70% of students will answer 7 or more correctly Means: 10 test questions on the political climate overseas, economic risks, managing risks, legal differences, corruption, bribery and terrorism. Criteria: 70% of students will answer 7 or more correctly Means: 10 test questions on trading blocks in different areas of the world, free trade areas, common market, economic trade alliances (NAFTA, CAFTA, ASEAN, etc), and cartels. Criteria: 70% of students will answer 7 or more correctly Means: 10 point homework- report on different economic theories and responsible theorist ( Leontief, 6 Summary of Data Collected Use of Results Smith, Olin, Herscher, etc). Emphasis on absolute advantage, comparative advantage, Leotif paradox, economies of scale, imperfect competition and other trade theories. Criteria: 70% of students will score 7 points or better. Means: 10 test questions on China’s emergence, int’l transactions and balance of payments, sampling of accounting as used in int’l transactions, direct investment.. Criteria: 70% of students will answer 7 or more correctly 1 24. Identify current economic activity among nations. 1 25. Analyze foreign exchange and global financial markets. Means: 10 test questions on exchange rates, advent of Euro, foreign currency markets, gold standard, Bretton Woods agreement , global equity markets. Criteria: 70% of students will answer 7 or more correctly 1 26. Examine exporting and global expansion. 1 27. Analyze global marketing strategies. Means: 10 test questions on rational for going global, international global factors, competition, international business research, strategies, international joint ventures, full ownership. Criteria: 70% of students will answer 7 or more correctly Means: 10 point project – marketing plan for a product to be made in one country and sold in another. Emphasis on product, distribution, promotion and pricing policies between countries. 7 1 28. Discuss global distribution channels and supply chain management. 1 29. Discuss global management issues. 1 30. Examine trends and future in the global business. Criteria: 70% of students will score 7 points or better. Means: 10 test questions on logistics, transportation infrastructure, and selection of transportation mode, global inventory, packaging and storage issues. Criteria: 70% of students will score 7points or better. Means: 10 test questions on organizational structure, promotional and cooperation, controls, interfirm cooperative structures, Int’l HRM issues, selection, compensation , policies and labor unions. Criteria: 70% of students will answer 7 or more correctly Means: 10 test questions on political, emerging markets, government policy, technology, careers and total global business management. Criteria: 70% of students will answer 7 or more correctly 8