LA HARBOR COLLEGE Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) Assessment Report Course Assessment

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) Assessment Report
Course Assessment
Division: Business
Course Number and Name: Business 130: Introduction to Supply Chain Management
Program Contact Person: __Stan Sandell/Lisa Mednick_________________________
Reviewed by:
Learning Outcomes
Phone: Ext. 4181/ext. 4513____________________
Course Intended Outcomes
Students will write 1+
strategies to solve a supply
chain management problem.
Students will demonstrate
knowledge and understanding
of procurement system
management of a business.
Means of Assessment
and Criteria for Success
Students will analyze a
case study related to
supply chain capability &
write a 500+ word essay
addressing a) high-level,
adverse effects on the
business b) steps to avoid
adverse impacts in the
future, and c)
expectations of VP of
supply chain versus VP
of manufacturing. (ex.
Case 16.2)/ 70%
students will analyze
case & compose essay
based on above criteria.
Students will use
quadrant or risk/value
technique and categorize
importance of specified
items for a particular
manufacturer. 70%
Summary of Data
Use of Results
Students will be able to
research written & virtual
information pertaining to
procurement system
management to develop
business strategies.
Students will be able to discuss
the complexity of global
markets & multiple business
and cultural issues associated
with global trade partners.
Students will be able to apply
appropriate KPI’s (key
performance indicators) that
support operational strategies,
organizational objectives, and
customer requirements of a
students will use
quadrant technique
correctly and
demonstrate knowledge
of categorizing
Using library databases,
students will retrieve
scholarly articles to
establish best practices
and strategies in supply
chain management for a
business of their choice.
70% of students will use
databases to retrieve
scholarly articles & be
able to describe best
practices based upon
Students will work in
groups to identify &
address the cultural
differences & issues that
may impact business
relationships between
mature economies and
developing or emerging
markets. 70% students
will assume their group
roles/responsibilities as
determined by the
Students will analyze a
graph showing KPI’s for
a particular line of
business & infer the
degree of transportation
efficiency based on the
Attach additional pages as necessary.
Course Intended Outcomes
Learning Outcomes
1. Identify individuals and
graph. 70% students will
perform the above task
Means of Assessment
Summary of Data
and Criteria for Success
75% of students should
52% of students scored
Use of Results
Instructors felt that multiple
people groups that have
contributed to the political,
economic, and social
development of Western
1 (2)
2. Formulate a chronology of
important developments in
Western Civilization.
1 (2)
3. Explain institutional
formation in early Western
Civilization and its influence on
cultural organization and
4 (1)
4. Define the religious and
philosophical traditions of
Western Civilization and
evaluate their impact on
cultural change.
5. Complete maps of Europe
that identify the geography of
Greece, Rome, and the Middle
3 (1,2)
6. Locate primary and
secondary sources in the
Library and on the Internet and
score 70% or better on
10 common multiple
choice questions
embedded in quizzes or
exams throughout the
90% of students will
score 70% or better on a
timeline of Western
75% of students should
demonstrate a “C” level
competence in a 500
word essay to be scored
with a departmental
75% of students should
score 70% or better on 5
common terms (defined
and explained) embedded
in quizzes or exams
throughout the semester.
75% of students should
score 80% or better on
assigned maps.
75% of students will
demonstrate a “C” level
of competence in two
70 % or better on
multiple choice questions
embedded in quizzes.
choice exams did not
accurately reflect student
learning and opted to use
term definition and
identification for the next
Continue to utilize the
timeline as a group activity
and to encourage
organizational skills.
100% of students created
timelines as part of an inclass cooperative
learning activity.
Students are allowed to
then use the timelines as
graphic organizers for the
midterm and final exam
80 % of students scored
Continue to work on essay
“C” or better on two 500 content and composition.
word essays administered
within the midterm and
final examinations.
85% of students averaged Continue vocabulary
80% or above on two
building in context of
Western Civilization.
and astrolabe.
Two quizzes and the final
included map
components of the
Mediterranean and
Western Europe. The
average score for the
three assessments was
Students completed a 500
word essay on ancient
Rome using Google
Continue emphasis on
geographical locations and
their significance for the
development of western
Continue making links
between ancient past as
revealed through primary
examine, evaluate, and organize 250 word analyses of
sources into a logical argument. primary sources to be
graded with a
departmental rubric.
Earth Rome which
utilizes computergenerated images of
ancient Roman buildings
and superimposes them
on current photographs
of the city. 80% of
students scored “C” or
better on this analysis of
the archaeological
sources and modern history.