LA HARBOR COLLEGE Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) Assessment Report Course Assessment Division: Humanities__________________________ Discipline/Program: Art__________________________ Course Number and Name: ART 103 Art Appreciation Program Contact Person: _Lynda Greenberg___________________________________ Phone: ___562-433-1359 Reviewed by: Elena Reigadas, SLO Assessment Coordinator Date: 12-31-2013 Attach additional pages as necessary. Institutional Learning Outcomes 1 Course Intended Outcomes 1. Use specific aesthetic vocabulary; naturalistic, realistic, stylized, abstract, symbolic; introduced in modules and text to describe and analyze works of art. Means of Assessment and Criteria for Success Means: Students created two compositions; one symmetrical, and one asymmetrical, using black and white paper. We then had a classroom critique with each student critiquing another’s composition. Students were required to employ “art terminology” in their discussion. Students were graded on the succesfulness of their composition. Summary of Data Collected F’2013 Two Sections 63 students 48 assignments 76% in A- C range Use of Results Having the students create and present a visual, non-representational work not only gave them insight into the creative process, but helped to create verbal links in understanding, and remembering specific terminology. Less students completed this assignment this semester. Next semester, I will show more examples, not only of student work, but also work of Matisse, Kandinsky, and some of the Russian Constructivists, for inspiration. Criteria: 70% of students will demonstrate individual success 1 2. Identify the Elements of art and principles of design, as they relate to specific works of art, in time, and across cultures. Means: Students have read, and discussed two specific chapters in their text book relating specifically to the “elements and principles of art and design. F’13 Two Sections 63 students 54 assignments 86% in A-C range I am working toward having these terms more naturally integrated into their writing assignmens. At this point, they are doing well. This discusion was then followed by two multiple choice quizzes with ten questions each. 3. Identify formal elements in an artwork: line, space, light, color, and value, texture, pattern, time and motion and be able to ascertain how Means: Students are first asked to list the basic elements or art, and principles of design on their midterm exam. Twenty-five multiple This semester, the students were introduced to the terms from the very first day of class, and are continually exposed to these terms through reading, lecture, writing and discussion. F’13 Two Sections 63 students 63 assignments The students performed better on listing the elements and principles than on the multiple choice. and essay questions. these elements create meaning in the chosen art work. choice questions are included on the mid-term, which surround the demonstration of understanding the elements of art, and principles of design. 75% in A-C range Following the multiple choice questions on the mid-term exam, the students select one essayquestion(from a list of seven), from which to write a short essay response, to include the appropriate use of the elements of art and principles of design, relevant to the description of art work being discussed. Students took turns reading aloud an “A” paper from a previous student. I think this was helpful in getting the students to begin to integrate the terms more naturally into their writing. We also read aloud from some passages in the book. I was surprised that the multiple choice questions were seemingly difficult for them. It might be a good idea to tie images directly to these questions, lwith a special review. It would also be ideal if the students would either have a book, and do a bit of reading. Next semester, I am going to design questions for each of the students to answer in class, and hope for not only greater involvement, but more fun as well. Criteria: 70% of students will demonstrate individual improvement as determined by the Mid-term exam. 1 1 2 4. Identify themes of art within a chosen art work: religious, historic, political, social; across a broad range of cultures and time periods. 5. Relate formal elements to principles of design in analyzing and evaluating content and meaning in a given art work. 6. Compare and contrast images using visual elements and design principles examined in class. Means: Students were given a ten question quiz. Criteria: 70% of students will demonstrate individual improvement as determined by department rubric F’2013 Two Sections 63 students 63 assignments 73% in A-C range Write a one page analysis relating the formal elements and design principles to a specific art work of their own choosing. F’2013 One Section 62 students 29 assignments Criteria: 70% of students will demonstrate individual improvement. Students were not assigned a letter grade, only written comments. Means: Student will write a 3-5 page paper comparing and contrasting two images seen in a museum context and relating visual F’2013 Two Sections 63 students 25 assignments More discussion/activity linking these themes to contemporary ideas, with a homework attachment followed by in class discussion. This topic may need more time. More examples, and from the students, may help to establish better understanding of the meaning of “Themes in Art”. This is a good assignment, giving students credit for participating, and direct verbal feedback in areas that are good, and areas that need improvement, in terms of understanding, and writing. Many of the students opted out of this assignment. I grouped this assignment in their “project grade” and they may have thought that it was not worth doing. I may need to make this an “in-class” assignment, and maybe have them read in class, with discussion. I was very disapointed that so many students did not turn in an essay. Many of the students who did turn them in did really good work. This paper was based on a field trip to the Los elements and design principles to each work. Also, relate the work to the cultural, historic and social time, in which these works were created Criteria: 70% of students will demonstrate individual improvement as determined by department rubric 38% in A-C range Angeles County Museum of Art. When I asked students why they did not write the paper, many said that they had “other papers” to write at the same time. I am going to discuss this outcome with my chair, and other teachers, to find a better way to have them complete this obligation. Date: 12/13/2012 Attach additional pages as necessary. Institutional Learning Outcomes 1 Course Intended Outcomes 1. Use specific aesthetic vocabulary; naturalistic, realistic, stylized, abstract, symbolic; introduced in modules and text to describe and analyze works of art. Means of Assessment and Criteria for Success Means: Write a two paragraph analysis of one work of art using the correct aesthetic vocabulary to describe it. Criteria: 70% of students will demonstrate individual improvementas determined by department rubric 1 2. Identify formal elements in an artwork: line, space, light, color, and value, texture, pattern, time and motion and be able to ascertain how these elements create meaning in the chosen art work. Means: Write a two paragraph analysis identifying formal elements and relating them to content/meanings within the chosen art work. Criteria: 70% of students will demonstrate individual improvementas determined by department rubric 1 3. Identify themes of art within a chosen art work: religious, historic, political, social; across a broad range of cultures and time periods. Means: Write two paragraphs discussing the theme or themes within a chosen art work. Criteria: 70% of students will demonstrate individual improvementas determined by department rubric 1 4. Distinguish the relationship of design principles: balance, focal point, unity and variety, emphasis and subordination, scale and proportion, repetition and rhythm and be able to relate these principles to a content/meaning of the work. Means: Multiple choice test on design principles. Criteria: 70% of students will demonstrate individual improvement as determined by department rubric Criteria: 70% of students will demonstrate individual improvementas determined by department rubric Summary of Data Collected F’12 3 Sections 150 students 12 assignments 12 discussions 6 tests 90% in A- C range F’12 3 Sections 150 students 12 assignments 12 discussions 6 tests 85% in A- C range F’12 3 Sections 200 students 12 assignments 12 discussions 6 tests 85% in A- C range F’12 3 Sections 200 students 12 assignments 12 discussions 6 tests 95% in A- C range Use of Results Including a pre-quiz of aesthetic vocabulary works well; however, next semester I will include more images in the practice quiz, so that students get used to ‘seeing’ the link between formal vocabulary and image before they write a formal analysis A ‘fill in the blank’ pre-test was given in conjunction with this assignment, emphasizing the linkage between form and content. Understanding of this linkage improved this semester. Internet links discussing ‘theme’ were provided in the modules. Scores improved. Students were allowed to take the test twice this semester. This, of course, helped scores, however, I think that it also increased confidence with using vocabulary on design principles. Extensive use of images were used in conjunction with design principles for this test, so students got a lot of practice, since they took the test twice. 1 5. Relate formal elements to principles of design in analyzing and evaluating content and meaning in a given art work. Write a two paragraph analysis relating two formal elements and one design principle to a specific art work of their own choosing. Criteria: 70% of students will demonstrate individual improvement as determined by department rubric 2 6. Compare and contrast images using visual elements and design principles examined in class. Means: Student will write a 3-5 page paper comparing and contrasting two images seen in a museum context and relating two visual elements and one design principle to each work. F’12 3 Sections 200 students 12 assignments 12 discussions 6 tests 85% in A- C range F’12 3 Sections 200 students 12 assignments 12 discussions 6 tests 90% in A- C range This semester, in addition to embedding a sample essay in the modules and home page, I also gave students a ‘checklist’ of important information/concepts that they needed to include. F’12 3 Sections 200 students 12 assignments 12 discussions 6 tests 85% in A- C range Embedding youtube videos of contemporary artists that are being currently shown in Los Angeles, really helped get students excited about ‘understanding’ and identifying different disciplines and mediums. Criteria: 70% of students will demonstrate individual improvement as determined by department rubric 5 7. Identify and discuss the concerns of specific mediums and media in constructing meaning: painting, sculpture, architecture, photography, film, video, installation art Means: Write two paragraphs analyzing the medium used in a chosen art work and how the medium contributes to the content/meaning within the work. Criteria: 70% of students will demonstrate individual improvement as determined by department rubric To help students success rate with this assignment, a pre-test, that they can take twice will help them review key concepts. Using images in the test help students “practice” how to “see and identify” the formal elements and design principles. An internet link to writing a strong compare and contrast paper was also included. Scores improved. For this assignment giving students an “outside” of the box model that can be actually seen in LA, was very helpful. Ai Wei Wei’s work was featured in conjunction with his Zodiac installation at LACMA. They found this assignment interesting as well as fun. 5 8. Analyze the relationship of the viewer’s subjective responses to the viewer’s cultural, historic, and social background. Means: Write one paragraph analyzing how your subjective response to a given art works is influenced by your cultural, social F’12 3 Sections 200 students 12 assignments . This assignment is given at the beginning of the class and for the most part works well. Using Voice thread in the discussion section where students can introduce themselves in a and historic background. Criteria: 70% of students will demonstrate individual improvement as determined by department rubric 12 discussions 6 tests 90% in A- C range ‘skype’ like situation creates a good atmosphere for openly sharing ideas about subjective response and cultural background when viewing art. Sponsoring tolerance, an open mind and an ability to listen carefully and empathize with ‘others’. Fall 2010 Institutional Learning Outcomes 1 1 1 1 1 Course Intended Outcomes Means of Assessment and Criteria for Success 1. Use specific aesthetic vocabulary; naturalistic, realistic, stylized, abstract, symbolic; introduced in modules and text to describe and analyze works of art. Means: Write a two paragraph analysis of one work of art using the correct aesthetic vocabulary to describe it. 2. Identify formal elements in an artwork: line, space, light, color, and value, texture, pattern, time and motion and be able to ascertain how these elements create meaning in the chosen art work. Means: Write a two paragraph analysis identifying formal elements and relating them to content/meanings within the chosen art work. 3. Identify themes of art within a chosen art work: religious, historic, political, social; across a broad range of cultures and time periods. Means: Write two paragraphs discussing the theme or themes within a chosen art work. 4. Distinguish the relationship of design principles: balance, focal point, unity and variety, emphasis and subordination, scale and proportion, repetition and rhythm and be able to relate these principles to a content/meaning of the work. Means: Write two paragraphs analyzing one or two design principles that relate to the chosen art work. 5. Relate formal elements to principles of design in analyzing and evaluating content and meaning in a given art work. Write a two paragraph analysis relating two formal elements and one design principle that relates to the specific art work chosen. Criteria: 70% of students will demonstrate individual improvement as determined by department rubric Criteria: 70% of students will demonstrate individual improvement as determined by department rubric Criteria: 70% of students will demonstrate individual improvement as determined by department rubric Criteria: 70% of students will demonstrate individual improvement as determined by department rubric Criteria: 70% of students will demonstrate individual improvement as determined by department rubric Criteria: 70% of students will demonstrate individual improvement as determined by department rubric Summary of Data Collected F’12 2 Sections 48 students 12 assignments 12 discussions 6 tests 80% in A- C range F’12 2 Sections 48 students 12 assignments 12 discussions 6 tests 80% in A- C range Use of Results Student met expectations and no course changes are required. Student met expectations and no course changes are required. 2 6. Compare and contrast images using visual elements and design principles examined in class. Means: Student will write a 3-5 page paper comparing and contrasting two images seen in a museum context and relating two visual elements and one design principle to each work. Criteria: 70% of students will demonstrate individual improvement as determined by department rubric 5 5 7. Identify and discuss the concerns of specific mediums and media in constructing meaning: painting, sculpture, architecture, photography, film, video, installation art Means: Write two paragraphs analyzing the medium used in a chosen art work and how the medium contributes to the content/meaning within the work. 8. Analyze the relationship of the viewer’s subjective responses to the viewer’s cultural, historic, and social background. Means: Write one paragraph analyzing how your subjective response to a given art works is influenced by your cultural, social and historic background. Criteria: 70% of students will demonstrate individual improvement as determined by department rubric Criteria: 70% of students will demonstrate individual improvement as determined by department rubric LA HARBOR COLLEGE Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) Assessment Report Course Assessment Division: Humanities__________________________ Discipline/Program: Art__________________________ Course Number and Name: ART 103 Art Appreciation Program Contact Person: _Jay McCafferty___________________________________ Phone: ___310/233/4517 Reviewed by: Lora Lane, SLO Assessment Coordinator Date: 6/13/2012 Attach additional pages as necessary. Institutional Learning Outcomes 1 Course Intended Outcomes 1. Use specific aesthetic vocabulary; naturalistic, realistic, stylized, abstract, symbolic; introduced in modules and text to describe and analyze works of art. Means of Assessment and Criteria for Success Means: Write a two paragraph analysis of one work of art using the correct aesthetic vocabulary to describe it. Summary of Data Collected SP ’12 Five Sections 200 students 190 assignments 90% in A- C range Criteria: 70% of students will demonstrate individual improvement as determined by department rubric 1 2. Identify formal elements in an artwork: line, space, light, color, and value, texture, pattern, time and motion and be able to ascertain how these elements create meaning in the chosen art work. Means: Write a two paragraph analysis identifying formal elements and relating them to content/meanings within the chosen art work. SP ’12 Five Section 200 students 190 assignments Use of Results This semester, I added a test into the site before students wrote this assignment, The test really helped students get more comfortable with using the terms and concepts for formal elements bfore they wrote the analysis. A big improvement was seen over last semester. Next semester, I plan to use more tests in conjunction with written assignments. A sample analysis was given on the home page to demonstrate to students how to link formal elements with content. Students showed improvement this semester. 95% in A-C range Criteria: 70% of students will demonstrate individual improvement as determined by department rubric 1 3. Identify themes of art within a chosen art work: religious, historic, political, social; across a broad range of cultures and time periods. Means: Write two paragraphs discussing the theme or themes within a chosen art work. Criteria: 70% of students will demonstrate individual improvement as determined by department rubric SP ’12 Five Section 200 students 190 assignments 90% in A-C range Last semester, I decided it would be good to place a link inside of the assignment to ‘model’ the concept of theme and this did improve the scores on this assignment. I also think that a quiz in conjunction with this assignment would be helpful to ‘practice’ 1 1 2 4. Distinguish the relationship of design principles: balance, focal point, unity and variety, emphasis and subordination, scale and proportion, repetition and rhythm and be able to relate these principles to a content/meaning of the work. Means: Multiple choice test on design principles. 5. Relate formal elements to principles of design in analyzing and evaluating content and meaning in a given art work. Write a two paragraph analysis relating two formal elements and one design principle to a specific art work of their own choosing. SP ’12 Five Section 200 students 26 assignments Criteria: 70% of students will demonstrate individual improvement as determined by department rubric 85% in A-C range Means: Student will write a 3-5 page paper comparing and contrasting two images seen in a museum context and relating two visual elements and one design principle to each work. SP ’12 Five Sections 200 students 190 assignments 6. Compare and contrast images using visual elements and design principles examined in class. Criteria: 70% of students will demonstrate individual improvement as determined by department rubric Criteria: 70% of students will demonstrate individual improvement as determined by department rubric SP ’12 Five Section 200 students 190 assignments 85% in A-C range 85% in A-C range Criteria: 70% of students will demonstrate individual improvement as determined by department rubric 5 7. Identify and discuss the concerns of specific mediums and media in constructing meaning: painting, sculpture, architecture, photography, film, video, installation art Means: Write two paragraphs analyzing the medium used in a chosen art work and how the medium contributes to the content/meaning within the work. To help students success rate with this assignment, a pre-test, that they can take twice will help them review key concepts. Using images in the test help students “practice” how to “see and identify” the formal elements and design principles. Again, embedding a sample essay can help bring up scores. This paper also allows them to apply everything they have learned in an “actual” real life art viewing situation. For greater success on this paper next semester a link will be provided to a site that goes over the ‘correct’ way to write a compare an contrast paper. SP ’12 Five Sections 200 students 190 assignments 85% in A-C range Criteria: 70% of students will demonstrate individual improvement identifying ‘themes’. Giving a practice test first will help students improve their score. Scores were greatly improved this semester due to the additional practice test. Embedding youtube videos of contemporary artists that are being currently shown in Los Angeles, really helped get students excited about ‘understanding’ and identifying different disciplines and mediums. The works of Cai Guo Qiang, a Chinese artist, who uses explosive fireworks to make his as determined by department rubric drawings and of course the installation of Michael Heizer’s “Levitated Mass” at LACMA were high points. For this assignment giving students an “outside” of the box model that can be actually seen in LA, was very helpful. They found this assignment interesting as well as fun. 5 8. Analyze the relationship of the viewer’s subjective responses to the viewer’s cultural, historic, and social background. Means: Write one paragraph analyzing how your subjective response to a given art works is influenced by your cultural, social and historic background. SP ’12 Five Sections 200 students 190 assignments 90% in A-C range Criteria: 70% of students will demonstrate individual improvement as determined by department rubric . This assignment is given at the beginning of the class and for the most part works well. For greater success next semester, I have learned how to do a Voice Thread for the discussion section. This will allow each student to embed a video of themselves as an introduction. I think this will be a dynamic way to start the class, as well as a good idea for generating more excitement and interest in the discussion section; as it will create more of a virtual classroom.. An added benefit of this assignment is that students become more tolerant of the opinion of others and other points of view. Fall 2010 Institutional Learning Outcomes 1 1 1 1 1 Course Intended Outcomes 1. Use specific aesthetic vocabulary; naturalistic, realistic, stylized, abstract, symbolic; introduced in modules and text to describe and analyze works of art. Means of Assessment and Criteria for Success Means: Write a two paragraph analysis of one work of art using the correct aesthetic vocabulary to describe it. Criteria: 70% of students will demonstrate individual improvement as determined by department rubric 2. Identify formal elements in an artwork: line, space, light, color, and value, texture, pattern, time and motion and be able to ascertain how these elements create meaning in the chosen art work. Means: Write a two paragraph analysis identifying formal elements and relating them to content/meanings within the chosen art work. 3. Identify themes of art within a chosen art work: religious, historic, political, social; across a broad range of cultures and time periods. Means: Write two paragraphs discussing the theme or themes within a chosen art work. 4. Distinguish the relationship of design principles: balance, focal point, unity and variety, emphasis and subordination, scale and proportion, repetition and rhythm and be able to relate these principles to a content/meaning of the work. Means: Write two paragraphs analyzing one or two design principles that relate to the chosen art work. 5. Relate formal elements to principles of design in analyzing and evaluating content and meaning in a given art work. Write a two paragraph analysis relating two formal elements and one design principle that relates to the specific art work chosen. Criteria: 70% of students will demonstrate individual improvement as determined by department rubric Criteria: 70% of students will demonstrate individual improvement as determined by department rubric Criteria: 70% of students will demonstrate individual improvement as determined by department rubric Criteria: 70% of students will demonstrate individual improvement as determined by department rubric Criteria: 70% of students will demonstrate individual improvement as determined by department rubric Summary of Data Collected 70 percent of students tested scored fair of good on department rubric on a standardized question. Student met expectations and no course changes are required. 60 students participated in the survey. 70 percent of students tested scored fair of good on department rubric on a standardized question. Student met expectations and no course changes are required. 60 students participated in the survey. Use of Results 2 6. Compare and contrast images using visual elements and design principles examined in class. Means: Student will write a 3-5 page paper comparing and contrasting two images seen in a museum context and relating two visual elements and one design principle to each work. Criteria: 70% of students will demonstrate individual improvement as determined by department rubric 5 5 7. Identify and discuss the concerns of specific mediums and media in constructing meaning: painting, sculpture, architecture, photography, film, video, installation art Means: Write two paragraphs analyzing the medium used in a chosen art work and how the medium contributes to the content/meaning within the work. 8. Analyze the relationship of the viewer’s subjective responses to the viewer’s cultural, historic, and social background. Means: Write one paragraph analyzing how your subjective response to a given art works is influenced by your cultural, social and historic background. Criteria: 70% of students will demonstrate individual improvement as determined by department rubric Criteria: 70% of students will demonstrate individual improvement as determined by department rubric