LA HARBOR COLLEGE Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) Assessment Report Course Assessment

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) Assessment Report
Course Assessment
Division: Humanities__________________________
Course Number and Name: ARCH 223 Portfolio Development
Program Contact Person: Michael Song _____________________________________ Phone: __x4167_____________________
Reviewed by:
, Academic Dean
Attach additional pages as necessary.
Course Intended Outcomes
Learning Outcomes
(1) Assess and evaluate
previous projects in terms of
completion and appropriateness
for inclusion in the portfolio.
(2) Establish a personal
schedule for the semester,
based upon the instructor’s
course schedule, divided in to
enhancement of previous
projects and execution of the
portfolio layout.
(3) Archive and organize via
hard copy and/or digital
technology a catalog of work
from previous projects.
(4) Research requirements and
deadlines for portfolio
submission to desired
Means of Assessment
and Criteria for Success
Means: Create and turn in
an inventory of all projects
and categories of associated
works. Criteria: Students
will score an A if they
include 90% of their
projects, B 80% and C 70%.
Means: Complete and turn
in a personal schedule.
Criteria: Students will score
an A if they include 90% of
the items and deadlines, B
80% and C 70%.
Means: Compile and review
with instructor a hard copy
catalog of prints of all work.
Criteria: 75% of students
will show satisfactory
performance according to
a Department rubric.
Means: Complete a
worksheet with target
schools and target deadlines.
Feb. 2011
Summary of Data
Course outline approved
May, 2011. Course will
be offered for the first
time in Fall 2011.
Use of Results
Assessment of ARC 223 will
be completed by December
31, 2011.
Course outline approved
May, 2011. Course will
be offered for the first
time in Fall 2011.
Assessment of ARC 223 will
be completed by December
31, 2011.
Course outline approved
May, 2011. Course will
be offered for the first
time in Fall 2011.
Assessment of ARC 223 will
be completed by December
31, 2011.
Course outline approved
May, 2011. Course will
be offered for the first
Assessment of ARC 223 will
be completed by December
31, 2011.
universities, if applicable.
Criteria: 75% of students
time in Fall 2011.
will show satisfactory
performance according to
a Department rubric.
(5) Create a mockup of the
portfolio in sketch or cut-andpaste form.
Means: Complete mockup
of 3 design projects
consisting of text, drawings,
and model photographs.
Criteria: Quality of layout
and aesthetics, complete
expression of projects, and
graphical techniques are
evaluated. 75% of students
Course outline approved
May, 2011. Course will
be offered for the first
time in Fall 2011.
Assessment of ARC 223 will
be completed by December
31, 2011.
Course outline approved
May, 2011. Course will
be offered for the first
time in Fall 2011.
Assessment of ARC 223 will
be completed by December
31, 2011.
Course outline approved
May, 2011. Course will
be offered for the first
time in Fall 2011.
Assessment of ARC 223 will
be completed by December
31, 2011.
will show satisfactory
performance according to
a Department rubric.
(6) Design a graphical format
or layout for the portfolio,
including evaluating alternative
Means: Complete 2 sample
project graphic layouts.
Criteria: Quality of layout
and aesthetics, complete
expression of projects, and
graphical techniques are
evaluated. 75% of students
will show satisfactory
performance according to
a Department rubric.
(7) Create a 15-30 page
professional quality portfolio in
digital format.
Means: Complete and turn
in portfolio. Criteria:
Quality of layout and
aesthetics, complete
expression of projects, and
graphical techniques are
evaluated. 75% of students
will show satisfactory
performance according to
a Department rubric.