Recruitment 101 Agenda

Recruitment 101
Matt Cziske Assistant Director of Admissions
Myndee Ronning Assistant Director of Admissions
1st annual recruitment training!
Recruitment Philosophies/Overview
What how and why we say the things we do.
Gaining Perspective, Know the Key Players
What Admissions does, where we travel, how we can all assist each other in maximizing (without duplicating)
recruitment efforts for the university. Who else from CWU is out recruiting your prospects?
Things to Know Before You Go
Contacts, scheduling and essential sharing of information
Recruitment Materials and Presentations
In order to ensure consistency in messaging know what materials are used and for
what audience. Admissions has presentations for you to use!
Things to Bring
Looking for what materials to bring? Know what we provide, check out and what you will need to order for your
Setting up a Recruiting Table/Being a Respectful Guest
Many organizations/events have rules when setting up a display and staffing a table. In not following proper procedure
you could be asked to leave and could lead to future exclusion from the event. There may also be rules about how many
representative/tables each school is allowed, how many visits to a school per year, if giveaways/swag are permitted, how
tall your displays can be etc. Learn how to set up a display to attract prospective students, and what general university
materials you should always have on your table.
Answering Questions
What are the top FAQ’s and how does CWU want those answered? What types of things do we not say?
The Event is Over, Am I Done? What’s Next?
Contact cards. What happens to them, how do you get your students in the CWU communication system and what your
role will be in getting those prospects through the door. Learn how the communication process works and how you can
maximize your efforts.
Information is Key: Department Updates
Please be prepared to present for 5-7 minutes on the highlights about your program that you think are important for
everyone to take on the road with them.
Office of Admissions
400 East University Way • Ellensburg WA 98926-7463 • Office: 509-963-1211 • Fax: 509-963-3065
Mitchell Hall • E-mail: • Web: