Career-Related Workshop Descriptions Joy Fisher Fall 2013 Building Interviewing Skills Prepare for internship and job interviews by learning and practicing your interview skills. California Career Café Workshop Are you ready to learn more about careers? This workshop provides an introduction to the California Career Cafe website, use of Road Trip Nation video presentations, exploration of the 15 Pathways, and a written Career Information activity. California Career Zone Workshop Navigate the California Career Zone website, take a career assessment, and discover your work personality. Can Your Dream Job Happen Tomorrow? If not, what needs to happen first? Attend this career workshop to set concrete educational and career plans in place for yourself. Use the California Career Café website to explore and gain information. Where will you be 5 years from now? Career “Speed” Dating Come do some interactive “speed dating career style” in this workshop. Get to know several careers in depth, in a short period of time! Declaring your Major (CTE-focused) Do you have questions about declaring a major at Harbor College? Would you like to learn more about the LAHC Associate Degrees and Certificates? Come to this workshop to learn how to declare your major, how to use the College Catalog, and more about your graduation options. Declaring Your Major on Your University Application Do you have questions about declaring a major on your university application? This workshop will help you weigh the pros and cons of various majors and answer the question “am I prepared to be a Junior in my major”? What about graduating from Harbor College? Do you have what you need in order to graduate with your Associate Degree? Human Services, Social Work, and Sociology Majors Come to this workshop to find out what topics are studied in these majors. What are the similarities and differences between them? What are the career opportunities, university requirements, and the job outlook in these fields? Myers-Briggs Type Indicator The purpose of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) personality inventory is to make the theory of psychological types described by C. G. Jung understandable and useful in people’s lives. What “type” are you? Come take this career assessment and learn about your work personality, which careers “fit” you, and gain an understanding of other peoples’ perspectives! Resume Writing Prepare your resume for the job hunting season. If you would like to refresh your resume, bring a copy with you. Where’s My Major Offered? Does Harbor College offer your college major or training program? If not, where is your major available? Come to this hands-on workshop and find out how to locate schools that offer the major you want to pursue. COUNSELING DIVISION WORKSHOPS Dan Ruiz, Retention Introduction This is a comprehensive overview of the multiple workshops that I, Dan Ruiz, have developed and/or revised and facilitated from August 2011 to present. Academic/Progress Dismissal Workshop All students subject to dismissal must attend this workshop in addition to meeting with a counselor to create a dismissal contract. This workshop provides an overview the dismissal process including factors leading to dismissal status, petitioning reinstatement, and learning the student success skills needed to persist in higher education. This workshop is approximately 1 ½ hours. Financial Aid Disqualification Workshop All students that have been disqualified from receiving financial aid may attend this workshop in place of a counselor appointment to submit their appeal letter. This workshop is only available to students that have been suspended from financial aid due to their GPA being below 2.0. This workshop addresses why financial aid has been suspended, satisfactory academic progress standards, and student success skills. This workshop is approximately 1 ½ hours. Academic/Progress Probation Workshop All students identified as being on probation must attend this workshop. This workshop is an informative session that defines student probation, factors leading to probation, what is subject to dismissal, and the steps needed to prevent probation. Student success skills (i.e. study skills, time management, etc.) are also introduced through interactive activities. This workshop is approximately 1 hour. Student Educational Planning Workshop: Math & Science Majors Students that are, or thinking about, majoring in any mathematics or science (STEM majors) are encouraged to attend this workshop. Students will learn about the courses needed within their major and the common courses within these fields. General education courses, major preparation courses, the Assist website, and other resources are presented. Students will learn to maximize their time at Harbor College with necessary courses based on their major and transfer goals. This workshop is approximately 1 hour. Student Educational Planning Workshop: Arts & Humanities Majors Students that are, or thinking about, majoring in any of the arts or humanities (Philosophy, Arts, Foreign Language, etc.) are encouraged to attend this workshop. Students will learn about the courses needed within their major and the common courses within these fields. General education courses, major preparation courses, the Assist website, and other resources are presented. Students will learn to maximize their time at Harbor College with necessary courses based on their major and transfer goals. This workshop is approximately 1 hour. Student Educational Planning Workshop: Social Sciences & Communication Majors Students that are, or thinking about, majoring in any of the social sciences or communications (English, Business, Political Science, etc.) are encouraged to attend this workshop. Students will learn about the courses needed within their major and the common courses within these fields. General education courses, major preparation courses, the Assist website, and other resources are presented. Students will learn to maximize their time at Harbor College with necessary courses based on their major and transfer goals. This workshop is approximately 1 hour. Transfer Workshops Transfer Center Services: o The Transfer Center offers presentations both in our center and in classrooms to LA College staff, faculty, programs, and visiting community members about Transfer services and events. University Application Workshops: o CSU Application: This workshop is designed for students applying to California State University (CSU) system. Learn about the CSU application process, Associate Degrees for Transfer, and get help filling out the online application. In order to be prepared to fill out the application, students should bring their unofficial transcripts, income information (optional), and Student Educational Plan (SEP) to the workshop. o o UC Application: This workshop is designed for students applying to the UC. Learn about the UC application process and get help filling out the online application. In order to be prepared to fill out the application, students should bring their unofficial transcripts, income information (optional), and Student Educational Plan (SEP) to the workshop. o Transfer Seminar for Parents: o This workshop is sponsored by the Transfer Center, EOPS, and CARE program at LA Harbor College to inform students who are parents about transfer opportunities, scholarships, and University family housing. Former LAHC Transfer and EOPS/CARE alumni share their success story Transfer 101 Workshop o This workshop will provide information about the transfer admissions requirements to the California State University (CSU) and University of California (UC). Topics covered include: Common Application: This workshop is designed for students applying to campuses which require the Common Application. Topics include the Common Application and Personal Statement. Campuses that use the Common Application include USC, Chapman, Pepperdine, and Stanford--to name just a few! Personal Statement Workshop o This workshop is designed for students who are required to compose a personal statement (essay) as part of their transfer application. Topics include understanding the prompts, steps for writing an effective personal statement, common mistakes, and the role that personal statements play in the selection process. This workshop is designed for students applying to the University of California (UC) system. Learn about the requirements for guaranteed admission to the UC and get help filling out the online TAG application. In order to be prepared to fill out the TAG application, students should bring their unofficial transcripts and Student Educational Program Plan (SEP) to the workshop. UC Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) Workshop Minimum units, GPA, and general education and major requirements\ transfer website and Transfer planning Current status of CSU and UC admissions practices Appealing Your Admissions Decisions: o This seminar is designed for students who have received their admissions notices from the universities. Topics include: important considerations before accepting the offer, accepting admissions offer, denial notices, financial aid award letters, and orientations. I’m Transferring- What do I do Next?: Transfer Workshops o This seminar is designed for students who have applied for transfer to a university and covers the steps necessary for a smooth transition to their new campus. University Workshop o Public, Private, and Out-of-State Universities present in person or online about their Admission requirements and financial aid information during the fall and spring semester. o Universities who present include: CSUDH, CSULA, UCLA, UC Berkeley, UCSB, Marymount California University, USC, Pepperdine University, University of Arizona and many more! Transfer Celebration!: o Transfer Celebration is a semi-formal event at which transfer students are honored by the LA Harbor College President, Vice President of Student Services, Counseling Chair, and Transfer Center Director. Transfer students are presented with a Transfer Certificate of Achievement! Food and refreshments are served to participants. Family and friends are welcomed to attend.