Amendment to Science/Family & Consumer Studies Unit Plan

Amendment to Science/Family & Consumer Studies Unit Plan
Since having completed the Science/Family & Consumer Studies Unit Plan and Program
Reviews for the Life Sciences and Family & Consumer Studies Departments, the
possibility of expanding opportunities for students in these areas has developed.
Two previous grants for Culinary Arts Programs were awarded to the L.A. Harbor
Campus. The successful completion of these programs has created a desire by
community members, students, faculty, and staff to implement a Culinary Arts
Vocational Training Program. The Family & Consumer Studies Department is actively
searching for grant opportunities that could turn the desire into reality.
The Child Development Department, positioned under the umbrella of the Family &
Consumer Studies Department, is working with California State University Long Beach
to establish a partnership. Students desiring a Child Development Bachelor’s Degree
would be able to complete all lower division units at L.A. Harbor. Students could choose
to 1) earn an Associates Degree in Child Development or 2) follow a transfer plan
(designated Child Development units and General Education Requirements) before
attending classes taught at Harbor by CSULB faculty for upper division credit. Either
plan would enable students to earn a Child Development Bachelor’s Degree while
attending classes solely located on the Harbor Campus. The Child Development Faculty
have worked closely with representatives from CSULB to establish degree guidelines.
The Harbor Faculty Senate has voted to support the effort. Details to complete the
agreement to establish the partnership are being discussed.
The Life Sciences Department has investigated the possibility of developing a
Biotechnology Program. In order for forward movement to occur, additional faculty,
facilities, and equipment would be needed. Collaboration with the Physical Sciences
Division would be essential. At present there are plans for a new Chemistry and Physics
Building which would be essential to such a program. Further discussion of a
Biotechnology Program will be made when the Physical Sciences are housed in a new
Submitted by Joyce Parker, Division Chair