Unified System Proj ect Appendix B - Scenarios for Demonstration Appendix B: Scenarios for Demonstration Table of Contents Unified System Vendor Demonstration Scenarios ........................................... 6 Purpose of Vendor Demonstration Scenarios .....................................................................................6 Scope of Vendor Demonstration Scenarios ........................................................................................6 Evaluation of Vendor Demonstration Scenarios ..................................................................................7 Scenario 1. Apply for Financial Assistance ..................................................... 8 1.1. Submit Application for Financial Assistance ............................................................................8 1.2. Determine Eligibility for Financial Assistance ..........................................................................8 1.3. Determine Co-Pay for Financial Assistance .............................................................................9 1.4. Determine Priority for Financial Assistance .............................................................................9 1.5. Manage Waiting List for Financial Assistance ..........................................................................9 Scenario 2. Refer for Subsidized Care .......................................................... 10 2.1. Authorize/Reauthorize Child for Subsidized Care – Electronic Exchange ................................. 10 2.2. Authorize/Reauthorize Child for Subsidized Care – User Entry ............................................... 10 Scenario 3. Manage Child, Family, and Outcome Information ..................... 11 3.1. Maintain Commonwealth Children and Families .................................................................... 11 3.2. Manage Duplicative Records – Children and Family Members ................................................ 11 3.3. Protect the Security and Confidentiality of Personal Information – Children and Family Members 12 3.4. Display Child/Family Profile ................................................................................................. 12 3.5. Track Correspondences – With Families ............................................................................... 12 3.6. Maintain Audit Trail – Child/Family Information .................................................................... 12 3.7. Track Child/Family Outcomes – Person Specific .................................................................... 12 3.8. Exchange Information with Other Agencies/Systems – Child/Family Outcomes ....................... 13 Scenario 4. Enroll Child ................................................................................. 14 4.1. Determine Funding Required For Enrollment of Children on Waiting List ................................ 14 4.2. Enroll Eligible Child from Waiting List into Subsidized Care .................................................... 14 4.3. Override Rules to Enroll Child From Waiting List into Subsidized Care .................................... 15 4.4. Enroll Child into Non Child Care Service (e.g., Transportation or Assessment Services) ........... 15 4.5. Enroll Eligible Child Directly into Subsidized Care .................................................................. 15 4.6. Enroll Commonwealth Child Into Non-Subsidized Care .......................................................... 15 4.7. Display Child Enrollment History .......................................................................................... 16 EEC Financial Assistance Product and Implementation RFR Page 1 of 47 Unified System Proj ect Appendix B - Scenarios for Demonstration 4.8. Authorize Parent for Service ................................................................................................ 16 4.9. Analyze/Report on Enrollment Information ........................................................................... 16 Scenario 5. Manage Enrollment Changes ..................................................... 17 5.1. Reassess Eligibility for Income Eligible Child Care ................................................................. 17 5.2. Terminate/Reduce Subsidy ................................................................................................. 17 5.3. Suspend Child Enrollment ................................................................................................... 18 5.4. Change Child Enrollment ..................................................................................................... 18 5.5. Manage Program Wide Eligibility Changes ............................................................................ 18 Scenario 6. Manage Attendance ................................................................... 19 6.1. Record Child Care Attendance – Program Direct Entry .......................................................... 19 6.2. Record Child Care Attendance – Intermediary on Behalf of Program ...................................... 19 6.3. Record Transportation Attendance ...................................................................................... 20 6.4. Facilitate Entry of Attendance for Multiple Children/Days ...................................................... 20 6.5. Exchange Information with Other Agencies and Systems – Attendance Swipe Card System .... 20 6.6. Submit Attendance for Program .......................................................................................... 20 6.7. Monitor Attendance – Children/Families ............................................................................... 20 6.8. Monitor Attendance – Programs .......................................................................................... 20 6.9. Adjust Attendance Information – Current Fiscal Year ............................................................ 21 6.10. Adjust Attendance Information – Previous Fiscal Year ........................................................... 21 6.11. Manage Extended Absence Requests ................................................................................... 21 6.12. Analyze/Report on Attendance Information .......................................................................... 21 Scenario 7. Submit Payment Request .......................................................... 22 7.1. Submit Child Care Payment Request – Voucher .................................................................... 22 7.2. Submit Child Care Payment Request – Contract.................................................................... 22 7.3. Submit Child Care Payment Request – Voucher and Contract ................................................ 23 7.4. Manage Child Care Accommodation Request ........................................................................ 23 7.5. Submit Parent Service Payment Request .............................................................................. 23 7.6. Submit Periodic Expenditure Payment Request ..................................................................... 23 7.7. Submit Request for Funds ................................................................................................... 23 Scenario 8. Pay Vendors ............................................................................... 24 8.1. Approve Payment Request .................................................................................................. 24 8.2. Modify Payment Request .................................................................................................... 24 8.3. Support Electronic Exchange of Information with Other Agencies/Systems – State Accounting System 24 EEC Financial Assistance Product and Implementation RFR Page 2 of 47 Unified System Proj ect Appendix B - Scenarios for Demonstration 8.4. Receive Returned Funds ..................................................................................................... 25 8.5. Stop Payment .................................................................................................................... 25 8.6. Recoup Vendor Funds ......................................................................................................... 25 8.7. Generate Federal Claim ...................................................................................................... 25 8.8. Analyze/Report on Billing/Payments .................................................................................... 25 Scenario 9. Manage Eligibility Reviews ........................................................ 26 9.1. Manage Eligibility Review Requests ..................................................................................... 26 Scenario 10. Manage Programs and Organizations ..................................... 27 10.1. Manage Program Information.............................................................................................. 27 10.2. Manage Umbrella Organization ............................................................................................ 28 10.3. Manage Umbrella Organization Programs ............................................................................. 28 10.4. Find Program or Organization ............................................................................................. 28 10.5. Track Program Correspondence .......................................................................................... 28 10.6. Track Program Quality ........................................................................................................ 28 Scenario 11. Maintain Payment Accounts .................................................... 29 11.1. Establish Appropriation Account .......................................................................................... 29 11.2. Establish Services and Funds............................................................................................... 29 Scenario 12. Manage Contracts .................................................................... 31 12.1. Create New Contract – Price Agreement (Unit Based) ........................................................... 31 12.2. Create New Contract – Cost Agreement (Project Based) ....................................................... 31 12.3. Create New Contract- Cost Agreement Contract for Grant ..................................................... 31 12.4. Finalize Contract................................................................................................................. 32 12.5. Manage Subcontractors for Contract .................................................................................... 32 12.6. Amend Contract – Price Agreement (Unit Based) .................................................................. 32 12.7. Amend Contract – Cost Agreement (Project Based) .............................................................. 33 12.8. Renew Contract ................................................................................................................. 33 12.9. Process Underutilized Contracts ........................................................................................... 33 Scenario 13. Manage Vouchers .................................................................... 34 13.1. Establish Voucher Target Allocation Information ................................................................... 34 13.2. Adjust Voucher Target Allocation Information ...................................................................... 34 13.3. Manage Agreements with Voucher Providers ........................................................................ 34 13.4. Analyze/Report on Vouchers ............................................................................................... 34 EEC Financial Assistance Product and Implementation RFR Page 3 of 47 Unified System Proj ect Appendix B - Scenarios for Demonstration Scenario 14. Manage Rates .......................................................................... 35 14.1. Simulate Impact of Rate Change ......................................................................................... 35 14.2. Process Universal Rate Change ........................................................................................... 35 14.3. Process One Time Stipend .................................................................................................. 35 Scenario 15. Manage Program Availability Information .............................. 36 15.1. Manage Program Availability Information ............................................................................. 36 15.2. Find Available Programs ...................................................................................................... 36 15.3. Display Program(s) on Map ................................................................................................. 36 15.4. Analyze/Report on Utilization/Availability.............................................................................. 36 Scenario 16. Manage Visits or Meetings ....................................................... 38 16.1. Schedule Visits or Meetings – Family Meeting ....................................................................... 38 16.2. Schedule Visit or Meeting – Program Meeting ....................................................................... 38 16.3. Track Visit/Meeting Outcome .............................................................................................. 38 Scenario 17. Manage Secure Access ............................................................. 39 17.1. Manage Application Security Groups .................................................................................... 39 17.2. Manage User Accounts ....................................................................................................... 39 17.3. Maintain Audit Trail – User Activity History ........................................................................... 39 17.4. Maintain Audit Trail – Data Change History .......................................................................... 40 17.5. Maintain Audit Trail – Record Access History ........................................................................ 40 Scenario 18. Promote System Usability ....................................................... 41 18.1. Promote System Usability ................................................................................................... 41 18.2. Manage User Help .............................................................................................................. 41 Scenario 19. Communicate Electronically .................................................... 42 19.1. Manage Message Groups and Members ............................................................................... 42 19.2. Manage Electronic Messages and Inbox ............................................................................... 42 19.3. Generate Foreign Language Correspondence ....................................................................... 42 19.4. Generate Batch Correspondence ......................................................................................... 42 19.5. Manage Reminders ............................................................................................................. 43 19.6. Manage Electronic Documents............................................................................................. 43 Scenario 20. Analyze/Report on System Information ................................. 44 20.1. Generate Query/Report – Detail List Results......................................................................... 44 20.2. Generate Query/Report – Summary/Detail Results ............................................................... 44 EEC Financial Assistance Product and Implementation RFR Page 4 of 47 Unified System Proj ect Appendix B - Scenarios for Demonstration 20.3. Generate Query/Report – Graphical Results ......................................................................... 44 20.4. Generate Query/Report – Dashboard and Key Performance Indicator Results......................... 44 20.5. Export Query/Report Results to File ..................................................................................... 44 20.6. Export Data to Data Warehouse .......................................................................................... 44 Scenario 21. Administer System ................................................................... 45 21.1. Maintain Eligibility Rules ..................................................................................................... 45 21.2. Maintain SMI Threshold Information .................................................................................... 45 21.3. Maintain Parent Co-pay Information .................................................................................... 45 21.4. Maintain Enrollment Priority Information .............................................................................. 45 21.5. Manage Duplicative Records ............................................................................................... 45 21.6. Maintain Workflows ............................................................................................................ 46 21.7. Maintain Other Rules and Reference Information.................................................................. 46 Scenario 22. Other Product Functionality .................................................... 47 EEC Financial Assistance Product and Implementation RFR Page 5 of 47 Unified System Proj ect Appendix B - Scenarios for Demonstration Unified System Vendor Demonstration Scenarios EEC may, in its sole discretion, invite those Bidders whose responses have been judged competitive and responsive in the course of the evaluation to perform a demonstration of the proposed software product. Following is a list of scenarios that EEC will request invited Vendors to demonstrate. P URPOSE OF V ENDOR D EMONSTRATION S CENARIOS The purpose of the product demonstrations is to help the Evaluation Committee perform a high level assessment of the proposed products including: 1. Functional Fit: EEC expects that Vendors will be able to provide much, but not all, of the requested functionality without configuration/customization. During the product demonstrations, EEC will consider the breadth of functionality available in each proposed product and will assess at a high level how well the product meets EEC’s needs. 2. Flexibility/Configurability: EEC will assess how flexible the product is and how easy it is to change to meet EEC’s specific needs. 3. Usability: EEC will consider how the proposed product promotes a positive user experience, including how intuitive, usable, and accessible the system appears to be. 4. Integration with Other Data Sources/Systems: As described in RFR, EEC envisions that Thread 1: Financial Assistance of the Unified System will utilize information, such as licensed program information, maintained in other systems. The Unified System will also need to provide information to other internal and external systems, such as the Early Childhood Information System (ECIS) and the Massachusetts Management Accounting and Reporting System (MMARS). During the product demonstrations, EEC will review product functionality that may be outside of the requested functional scope for this solicitation which may inform data integration, exchange, and conversion activities. The scenarios below are intended to help Vendors prepare for the product demonstrations. They include examples of “what” the envisioned system needs to be able to do to support the automation of the business processes specified in this solicitation. They are intended to be illustrative not proscriptive. EEC requests that Vendors demonstrate “how” their proposed product supports the intent of the business needs described in these scenarios, including all or part of a scenario. S COPE OF V ENDOR D EMONSTRATION S CENARIOS The vendor demonstration scenarios include a subset of the Thread 1: Financial Assistance business processes and use cases included in this solicitation, including use cases that have been classified as “critical,” “highly desirable,” and “desirable” in the Product Functionality Matrix (see Appendix A). The demonstration scenarios also include a select few business processes that have been classified as “vendor deferrable” that will help inform data exchange, integration, and conversion efforts that are part of the overall Unified System Project. In addition to demonstrating the requested functionality, Vendors will also have an opportunity to demonstrate additional functionality available in their product that they think will be of high value to the Department of Early Education and Care. EEC Financial Assistance Product and Implementation RFR Page 6 of 47 Unified System Proj ect Appendix B - Scenarios for Demonstration E VALUATION OF V ENDOR D EMONSTRATION S CENARIOS To facilitate the evaluation of software products, EEC has assigned a weight to each scenario that reflects the relative importance of addressing the scenario as part of this solicitation. Scenarios that are associated with business processes classified as vendor deferrable on the Product Functionality Matrix (see Appendix A) have been assigned a lower weighting, but are still very important for helping EEC assess the overall fit, including the level of effort to integrate the product with existing EEC systems, convert legacy data into the product’s data structures, and facilitate the exchange of information with other agencies and systems. The following diagram summarizes the evaluation weighting for each scenario below along with a proposed grouping and schedule for product demonstrations. Evaluation Demonstration Weighting Schedule 0 Day 1, 9:00AM to noon 25 15 25 20 25 25 25 160 Total Points Day 1, 1:00PM to Manage Eligibility Reviews 5 4:00PM Manage Programs and Organizations 10 Maintain Payment Accounts 20 Manage Contracts 25 Manage Vouchers 25 Manage Rates 25 110 Total Points Manage Program Availability Information 5 Day 2, 9:00AM to noon Manage Visits or Meetings 5 Manage Secure Access 10 Promote System Usability 10 Communicate Electronically 10 Analyze/Report on System Information 15 Administer System 25 Other Product Functionality 50 130 Total Points Total Points 400 Unified System Vendor Demonstration Scenarios Scenario 1. Apply for Financial Assistance Scenario 2. Refer for Subsidized Care Scenario 3. Manage Child, Family, and Outcome Information Scenario 4. Enroll Child Scenario 5 Manage Enrollment Changes Scenario 6. Manage Attendance Scenario 7. Submit Payment Request Scenario 8. Pay Vendors Scenario 9. Scenario 10. Scenario 11. Scenario 12. Scenario 13. Scenario 14. Scenario 15. Scenario 16. Scenario 17. Scenario 19. Scenario 19. Scenario 20. Scenario 21. Scenario 22. EEC Financial Assistance Product and Implementation RFR Page 7 of 47 Unified System Proj ect Appendix B - Scenarios for Demonstration Scenario 1. A PPLY FOR F INANCIAL A SSISTANCE The Unified System will support families’ efforts to seek financial assistance for child care services. When a family is interested in applying for child care assistance, the Unified System will allow families in coordination with child care programs and intermediaries throughout the Commonwealth to enter personal, financial, activity, and service need information to determine the family’s eligibility. Throughout the process, the Unified System will work to make sure that families and children are entered once in the system and that a full history of each individual’s interactions with child care in the Commonwealth is maintained. If the family is determined eligible but there is no immediate availability for enrollment, the Unified System will place the family on a statewide, centralized financial assistance waiting list. EEC, intermediaries, and programs will be able to maintain the currency and accuracy of the wait list, helping to assure that when financial assistance becomes available families are ready, still eligible, and in need of those services. U SE C A SES S UPPORTED : CFA-BP01-UC03: CFA-BP01-UC04: CFA-BP01-UC05: CFA-BP01-UC06: CFA-BP03-UC01: CFA-BP03-UC03: CFA-BP03-UC04: Submit Application for Financial Assistance Determine Eligibility for Financial Assistance Add Eligible Child/Family to Financial Assistance Waiting List Manage Applications for Financial Assistance Maintain Child/Family Waiting List Information Renew Child/Family on Waiting List Remove Child/Family from Waiting List 1.1. S UBMIT A PPLICATION FOR F INANCIAL A SSISTANCE Demonstrate how a family can submit an application for child care assistance or how a child care program or intermediary can submit an application for financial assistance on behalf of a family including how the system: Captures detailed family/member information (e.g., identifiers, birth information, demographic and census information, language information, education information, retirement information, special needs information, etc.) Checks if the family/family members are already known to EEC Captures income information Captures activity information (e.g., employment/seeking employment, education/training, housing search, military service, etc.) Captures service need information (e.g., age group, date service needed, service level, etc.) Captures service preference information (e.g., preferred geography, preferred programs, voucher only, etc.) 1.2. D ETERMINE E LIGIBILITY FOR F INANCIAL A SSISTANCE Demonstrate how the system determines whether or not a family is potentially eligible to receive income eligible child care, including how the system: Executes configurable business rules to determine whether a family is eligible including rules based on: o Family/member information o Income information EEC Financial Assistance Product and Implementation RFR Page 8 of 47 Unified System Proj ect Appendix B - Scenarios for Demonstration o Activity information (e.g., employment/seeking employment, education/training, housing search, military service, etc.) o Service need information (e.g., age group, date service needed, service level, etc.) Checks to make sure that the family has not been barred from receiving financial assistance based on findings of past fraud or other violations of Commonwealth policies and regulations Tracks whether and how the eligibility criteria information was verified Displays information about the reasons the family is not eligible (e.g., too much income, too few employment hours, etc.) Determines whether or not there is availability for immediate enrollment based on configurable rules, including rules based on available funding and enrollment priority Notifies the family and tracks family responses to the eligibility result notification See the Financial Assistance Policy under ‘Child Care Financial Assistance’ on the EEC website for additional information. 1.3. D ETERMINE C O -P AY FOR F INANCIAL A SSISTANCE Demonstrate how the system uses configurable rules to determine the amount of money the parents/guardians will be responsible for paying for child care including rules based on: Family Size Information Family Income Information Service Level Information (e.g., part day, full day, overnight, etc.) Discount Information (e.g., sibling discount) Service Information See the EEC Financial Assistance Parent Co-Pay table on the EEC Website at http://www.eec.state.ma.us/docs/FA_IE_PCP.pdf for additional information. 1.4. D ETERMINE P RIORITY FOR F INANCIAL A SSISTANCE Demonstrate how the system uses configurable rules to determine the enrollment priority for the family/child based on key family/member (e.g., family homelessness, parent/guardian age, child special needs, etc.) and enrollment related information (e.g., continuity of care, sibling enrollment, etc.). 1.5. M ANAGE W AITING L IST FOR F INANCIAL A SSISTANCE Demonstrate how the system supports a single, centralized waiting list of children who, based on the information in their financial assistance applications, have been determined to be eligible for subsidized child care including how the system: Allows programs, intermediaries, and staff to maintain the accuracy and value of the waiting list Recalculates eligibility, co-pay, and priority to reflect changes to family/member information Facilitates the ongoing management of the waiting list including waiting list renewal, removal, and reinstatement processes Supports communications with child care partners and families seeking child care assistance EEC Financial Assistance Product and Implementation RFR Page 9 of 47 Unified System Proj ect Appendix B - Scenarios for Demonstration Scenario 2. R EFER FOR S UBSIDIZED C ARE The Unified System will be able to receive and manage authorizations for subsidized child care from other agencies. This includes authorizations from the Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA), for families that are receiving or who have transitioned off of assistance, as well as the Department of Children and Families (DCF), for supportive and foster parent related care. The system will be capable of electronically receiving authorization information via an automated information exchange that conforms to the applicable rules and standards established by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, including standards related to security. See the Commonwealth’s Information Technology Division website (www.mass.gov/itd) for additional information about information exchanges, including information about the access domain from the most recent version of the Enterprise Technology Reference Model (ETRM) for additional information. The system will also provide the ability to capture and manage information about authorizations and authorization changes received via a paper-based process. The Unified System will validate and uniquely track each referral. Users will be able to manage new and existing referrals, and the Unified System will capable of communicating key information back via the established exchange protocol. U SE C A SES S UPPORTED : CSP-SP10-UC01: CFA-BP02-UC01: CFA-BP02-UC02: CFA-BP09-UC02: CFA-BP09-UC03: Exchange Information Authorize Child/Family for DTA Related Child Care Authorize Child/Family for DCF Related Child Care Manage DTA Child Care Authorization Changes Manage DCF Child Care Authorization Changes 2.1. A UTHORIZE /R EAUTHORIZE C HILD E XCHANGE FOR S UBSIDIZED C ARE – E LECTRONIC Demonstrate how the system supports the automated receipt of child care authorization/reauthorization information in real time and/or in batch via an established exchange protocol, including how the system: Utilizes a secure and reliable exchange mechanism (e.g., web services based exchange, FTP, point-to-point, etc.) for information exchange Ensures that data meets exchange data standards Checks if the family/members are already known to EEC Assigns the records for review and processing based on configurable assignment rules Tracks the disposition of each record received Supports error/exception handling 2.2. A UTHORIZE /R EAUTHORIZE C HILD FOR S UBSIDIZED C ARE – U SER E NTRY Demonstrate how the system supports the creation of child care referral authorizations/reauthorizations by a user, including new authorizations as well as modifications to existing authorizations such as authorization changes, terminations, and enrollments. EEC Financial Assistance Product and Implementation RFR Page 10 of 47 Unified System Proj ect Appendix B - Scenarios for Demonstration Scenario 3. M ANAGE C HILD , F AMILY , AND O UTCOME I NFORMATION The Unified System will support the Department’s vision for more universal and high quality information about the needs for child care in the Commonwealth. In accordance with applicable EEC, Commonwealth, and Federal rules, the Unified System will include a single repository of all children in the Commonwealth including children who are and are not involved with EEC. The system will include a repository of the other family members, including parents, guardian grandparents, and siblings, associated with a child. The Unified System will maintain unique person and family records and will aid users in properly finding individuals and updating records within the system while protecting sensitive personal information. It will help prevent the entry of duplicative records and will promote data quality. To aid quality evaluations and improvements, the system will include functionality to track outcome information for all children known to the Unified System. By tracking and sharing data with the planned Early Childhood Information System (ECIS), the Unified System will enhance the Commonwealth’s ability to forecast, track, and support the early education and care of all children and families, including determining longitudinal child outcomes and supporting ongoing research. U SE C A SES S UPPORTED : CFA-BP11-UC01: Manage Commonwealth Children and Family Members CFA-BP11-UC02: Manage Commonwealth Families CFA-BP11-UC03: Track Child/Family Outcomes 3.1. M AINTAIN C OMMONWEALTH C HILDREN AND F AMILIES Demonstrate how the system provides the ability to maintain a variety of high quality information about families and their members, including children who are and are not receiving subsidized care. Demonstrate how the system: Facilitates the process of adding a new child who is/will be involved in the subsidized care system Facilitates the process of adding a new child who is not receiving subsidized care Facilitates the process of adding a parent and a non-parental guardian Ensures that a child/family member is not already known to EEC Associates a child with a family Provides the ability to change a child’s family association (e.g., move in with grandparents; change parent custody relationships) and maintains a history of associations over time Validates family/member addresses using an address validation service Track history of changes to child and family information Promotes the quality and accuracy of child/family data 3.2. M ANAGE D UPLICATIVE R ECORDS – C HILDREN AND F AMILY M EMBERS Demonstrate how the system prevents the entry of duplicative persons including children and other family members. Demonstrate how the system: Prevents the entry of duplicative persons, including identifying and resolving potential duplicate persons based on configurable business rules (e.g., same SSN, same name and DOB, etc.) Prevents unauthorized access to personal information (see Scenario 3.3: Protect the Security and Confidentiality of Personal Information – Children and Family Members for additional information) Supports the merger of identified duplicate persons EEC Financial Assistance Product and Implementation RFR Page 11 of 47 Unified System Proj ect Appendix B - Scenarios for Demonstration 3.3. P ROTECT THE S ECURITY AND C ONFIDENTIALITY OF P ERSONAL I NFORMATION – C HILDREN AND F AMILY M EMBERS Demonstrate how the system protects the security and confidentiality of personal information about children and their families as required by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Order 504. See http://www.mass.gov/Eoca/docs/idtheft/eo504.pdf for additional information. 3.4. D ISPLAY C HILD /F AMILY P ROFILE Demonstrate the system’s ability to display and allow a user to print a summary profile for a child, including information on that child’s EEC involvement history. Demonstrate the system’s ability to display and allow a user to print a summary profile for a family, including information on its members. 3.5. T RACK C ORRESPONDENCES – W ITH F AMILIES Demonstrate how the system supports the automated tracking of correspondences with families including: System generated correspondences sent to families (e.g., notices, letters, emails, etc.) Non-system generated correspondences sent to families (e.g., phone calls) Correspondences received from families (letters, phone calls, etc.) 3.6. M AINTAIN A UDIT T RAIL – C HILD /F AMILY I NFORMATION Demonstrate how the system tracks a history of changes to child/family information, including information used as the basis of child care eligibility determinations. Demonstrate how the system: Captures and displays details of each change, including information about what data was changed (before and after values), when, and by whom Limits which users are able to access audit trail information 3.7. T RACK C HILD /F AMILY O UTCOMES – P ERSON S PECIFIC Demonstrate how the system supports the tracking and reporting of a wide variety of outcome information for individual children and families such as: Child Information (e.g., physical well being information, social and emotional development information, cognition and general knowledge information, etc.) Family Information (e.g., parental education and employment info, teen parent information, language information, residential move information, etc.) Health Information (e.g., health insurance information, birth weight information, prenatal care information, etc.) School Experience Information Early Education Experience Information (e.g., month and age at which began early education and care, types, dosages, and lengths of settings, accreditation information, etc.) Demonstrate how the system tracks the results of one or more outcome measures (e.g., school readiness assessment) that have been used to assess the progress of a specific child. EEC Financial Assistance Product and Implementation RFR Page 12 of 47 Unified System Proj ect Appendix B - Scenarios for Demonstration 3.8. E XCHANGE I NFORMATION WITH O THER A GENCIES /S YSTEMS – C HILD /F AMILY O UTCOMES Demonstrate how the system supports the integration and sharing of outcome related information with an external system or data repository, such as the planned Early Childhood Information System. EEC Financial Assistance Product and Implementation RFR Page 13 of 47 Unified System Proj ect Appendix B - Scenarios for Demonstration Scenario 4. E NROLL C HILD The Unified System will facilitate the process of authorizing and enrolling children in child care programs. This includes children who are authorized to receive any type of subsidized child care as well as children who are not authorized for subsidized care (aka private pays). The system will help authorized users determine and control how much funding is available for subsidized child care, through child care contracts and vouchers, and will help facilitate the corresponding available funding notification, authorization, and enrollment processes. It will also provide functionality to track authorizations for services provided to parents, including services for pregnant teenagers in their third trimester. U SE C A SES S UPPORTED : CFA-BP05-UC01: Manage Available Funding Process CFA-BP05-UC02: Authorize Income Eligible Child for Enrollment CFA-BP05-UC03: Authorize Parent for Service CFA-BP05-UC04: Enroll Child CFA-BP05-UC05: Manage Program Enrollment 4.1. D ETERMINE F UNDING R EQUIRED F OR E NROLLMENT W AITING L IST OF C HILDREN ON Demonstrate how the system can forecast the anticipated cost of care for individual children waiting for subsidized care based on child/family specific information including: Service need information (e.g., services, dates, part time/full time, etc.) Parent co-pay information Funding stream information Demonstrate how the system can forecast the funding that would be required to support the enrollment of all children waiting for a particular funding stream/service need. 4.2. E NROLL E LIGIBLE C HILD FROM W AITING L IST INTO S UBSIDIZE D C ARE Demonstrate how the system supports the enrollment of an eligible child from a waiting list into subsidized child care including how the system: Determines that there are sufficient funds available for enrollment Helps identify and display which families to notify of available funds for enrollment based on key criteria such as: Funding stream and amount information Service need information Service preference information Priority population information Time on waitlist Notifies families and tracks family responses regarding available funding (see Scenario 3.5: Track Correspondences – With Families for additional information) Re-determines whether a child/family is eligible for services based on configurable eligibility rules and verified eligibility criteria information (see Scenario 1.2: Determine Eligibility for Financial Assistance for additional information) EEC Financial Assistance Product and Implementation RFR Page 14 of 47 Unified System Proj ect Appendix B - Scenarios for Demonstration Checks to make sure that the family has not been barred from receiving financial assistance based on findings of past fraud or other violations of EEC policies and regulations Determines the cost of care, including parent co-pay (see Scenario 1.3: Determine Co-Pay for Financial Assistance for additional information) Captures child care authorization information, including authorization period, authorization level (e.g., part time) and authorized services Captures the program in which child will be enrolled considering: Service need Service preference Child age Program license information (capacity, suspensions, revocations, enrollment freezes, etc.) Program availability information Funding stream information (contract slots, voucher utilization, etc.) Captures enrollment details including enrollment dates and schedule Validates the enrollment against configurable enrollment rules including rules based on the authorization (e.g., authorized dates, services, etc.) and funding stream Reflects enrollment of child on waiting list Maintains and displays an audit history of child/family information used as the basis for enrollment (see Scenario 3.6: Maintain Audit Trail – Child/Family Information for additional information) 4.3. O VERRIDE R ULES TO E NROLL C HILD F ROM W AITING L IST S UBSIDIZED C ARE INTO Demonstrate how a user can override the rules to enroll a child in subsidized child care, such as when: Child/family not next up for enrollment based on enrollment priorities Child/family does not meet eligibility rules There is not sufficient available funding for the program/services The contract maximums have been reached Child’s age is not within age range of program (developmental age exception) Demonstrate how the system can limit which users are able to authorize overrides and how the system tracks when, by whom, and why an override was permitted. 4.4. E NROLL C HILD INTO N ON C HILD C ARE S ERVICE ( E . G ., T RANSPORTATION OR A SSESSMENT S ERVICES ) Demonstrate how the system supports the authorization and enrollment of a child for services other the child care, such as transportation (one way or two ways) and assessment/coordination services. 4.5. E NROLL E LIGIBLE C HILD D IRECTLY INTO S UBSIDIZED C ARE Demonstrate how the system supports the enrollment of an eligible child, such as a child who is receiving services from the Department of Transitional Assistance or the Department of Children and Families, directly into subsidized child care without being placed on a waiting list for available funding. 4.6. E NROLL C OMMONWEALTH C HILD I NTO N ON -S UBSIDIZED C ARE Demonstrate how the system facilities the process of tracking the enrollment of non subsidized children (aka private pays) into child care. EEC Financial Assistance Product and Implementation RFR Page 15 of 47 Unified System Proj ect Appendix B - Scenarios for Demonstration 4.7. D ISPLAY C HILD E NROLLMENT H ISTORY Demonstrate how the system captures and displays a child’s history of child care enrollments over time, including enrollment in subsidized and non-subsidized care. 4.8. A UTHORIZE P ARENT FOR S ERVICE Demonstrate how the system can be used to authorize a parent or family member for a service, such as counseling, parent training, or home visitation, independent of child care service authorization. 4.9. A NALYZE /R EPORT ON E NROLLMENT I NFORMATION Demonstrate the queries/reports available to analyze and report on enrollment information, including available queries and reports pertaining to: Enrollment funding streams (e.g., contract, line, service category, etc.) Program enrollment (e.g., current, historic, by type, by classroom, etc.) Family member enrollment (e.g., special needs, age, specific child, etc.) Enrollment exceptions (e.g., child over 13, etc.) Reassessment (e.g., reassessments required, % eligible) Termination/reduction (e.g., number by reason, % eligibility review requests, etc.) EEC Financial Assistance Product and Implementation RFR Page 16 of 47 Unified System Proj ect Appendix B - Scenarios for Demonstration Scenario 5. M ANAGE E NROLLMENT C HANGES The Unified System will include tools for managing child enrollments and easily correcting errors in child records. The system will aid programs, intermediaries, and/or EEC in identifying families in need of eligibility reassessment. Based on the nature of the change in family circumstances or authorization, the system will recalculate eligibility, change the amount of financial assistance, determine new parent copayments, and support the notification of families and interested parties. Changes in enrollment information will be reflected in the billing process, and the Unified System will maintain an audit trail of changes to key enrollment information. Should a family no longer be eligible, the system will aid in the process of terminating the subsidized enrollment. U SE C A SES S UPPORTED : CFA-BP09-UC01: Reassess Eligibility for Income Eligible Child Care CFA-BP09-UC02: Manage DTA Child Care Authorization Changes CFA-BP09-UC03: Manage DCF Child Care Authorization Changes CFA-BP09-UC04: Terminate/Reduce Subsidy CFA-BP09-UC05: Change Child Enrollment CFA-BP09-UC06: Manage Program Wide Enrollment Changes 5.1. R EASSESS E LIGIBILITY FOR I NCOME E LIGIBLE C HILD C ARE Demonstrate how the system facilitates the process of periodically reassessing the eligibility of families whose children are enrolled in income eligible child care. Demonstrate how the system: Executes configurable business rules to determine whether a family requires reassessment including rules based on: o Changes to eligibility criteria information (e.g., income information, child age, etc.) o Authorization expiration timeframe Tracks whether, how, and by when the eligibility criteria information was verified Executes configurable business rules to re-determine whether a family remains eligible for financial assistance (See Scenario 1.2: Determine Eligibility for Financial Assistance for additional information) Supports different business rules for initial eligibility determination and re-determination (e.g., different income thresholds) Displays information about the reasons the child/family is no longer eligible (e.g., too much income, too few employment hours, etc.) if applicable Allows a user to override the eligibility result Re-assesses co-pay for financial assistance, including retroactive changes to co-pay amount if applicable. See Scenario 5.2 – Terminate/Reduce Subsidy for additional information Notifies families and tracks family responses to reassessment request and result notifications (see Scenario 3.5: Track Correspondences – With Families for additional information) Updates authorization and enrollment information to reflect reassessment results (e.g., new authorization expiration date) 5.2. T ERMINATE /R EDUCE S UBSIDY Demonstrate how the system facilitates processes regarding ending or reducing a child care subsidy for income eligible child care as well as child care subsidies authorized by another Department including how the system: EEC Financial Assistance Product and Implementation RFR Page 17 of 47 Unified System Proj ect Appendix B - Scenarios for Demonstration Captures detailed information about the termination/reduction (e.g., how it was initiated, what was planned, the actual result, etc.) Notifies families and tracks family responses to termination/reduction notifications Executes configurable rules to re-determine eligibility, parent co-pays, and re-enrollment priority if applicable Updates authorization and enrollment information to reflect the termination/reduction Calculates applicable billing adjustments Determines whether an eligibility review is required 5.3. S USPEND C HILD E NROLLMENT Demonstrate how the system can be used to track information about whether, when, why, and for how long a child has been suspended from a program. 5.4. C HANGE C HILD E NROLLMENT Demonstrate how the system can be used to change child care enrollment information including editing, ending, or voiding an enrollment record. Demonstrate how the system: Captures detailed information about when and why the enrollment information is being changed Validates the enrollment against configurable enrollment rules including rules based on the authorization (e.g., authorized dates, services, etc.) Determines whether the enrollment change affects a previous payment request and requires an adjustment. 5.5. M ANAGE P ROGRAM W IDE E LIGIBILITY C HANGES Demonstrate how the system facilitates the process of changing enrollment information across the various children enrolled in program. For example, demonstrate how the system supports enrollment freezes or facilitates the de-enrollment process if and when a program loses its license. EEC Financial Assistance Product and Implementation RFR Page 18 of 47 Unified System Proj ect Appendix B - Scenarios for Demonstration Scenario 6. M ANAGE A TTENDANCE The Unified System will provide a common approach for recording, tracking, and reporting attendance for all types of child care, including voucher and contracted care. The system will allow each child care program, including group, family, and in home/relative child care providers, to quickly record daily attendance, absence, and transportation usage information for each child in its care. Programs that choose not to electronically enter their own information can have their attendance/absence entered by another organization, such as a Child Care Resource and Referral Agency or a Family Child Care System, on their behalf. Programs, or their intermediaries, will be able to review, finalize, and submit their attendance for reimbursement. The system will also support attendance monitoring and will aid programs in recording explanations and reasons for irregularities or exceptions in attendance reporting. U SE C A SES S UPPORTED : CFA-BP06-UC01: Maintain Program Attendance Entry Method Information CFA-BP06-UC02: Add/Edit Child Attendance Information CFA-BP06-UC03: Submit Attendance for Program CFA-BP06-UC04: Monitor Attendance CFA-BP06-UC05: Manage Extended Absence Requests CFA-BP06-UC06: Adjust Attendance Information 6.1. R ECORD C HILD C ARE A TTENDANCE – P ROGRAM D IRECT E NTRY Demonstrate how a child care program can record attendance for children enrolled in the program, including children enrolled in subsidized care and non subsidized children. Demonstrate how the system: Allows a user to record attendance and absence information for a child enrolled in subsidized child care including o Determines and displays the scheduled attendance for each day a child is enrolled in the program (voucher and contracted care) o Allows a user to indicate whether the child was in attendance for all or part of the day o Allows a user to track absence information, including whether each absence was excused and the reason for absence o Validates the attendance and absence information against configurable attendance rules, including rules based on authorization (e.g., full time, part time) and enrollment (e.g., attendance dates versus enrollment dates) Allows a user to record attendance and absence information for a non-subsidized child Allows a user to record attendance and absence information for a parent service 6.2. R ECORD C HILD C ARE A TTENDANCE – I NTERMEDIARY P ROGRAM ON B EHALF OF Demonstrate how an intermediary organization, such as a Family Child Care System or Child Care Resource and Referral Agency, can electronically record attendance and absence information on behalf of one or more programs. EEC Financial Assistance Product and Implementation RFR Page 19 of 47 Unified System Proj ect Appendix B - Scenarios for Demonstration 6.3. R ECORD T RANSPORTATION A TTENDANCE Demonstrate how a child care program can add or edit information about whether or not a child utilized transportation on a specified day, including whether the child utilized transportation to and/or from the program (i.e., one-way or two-way transportation). 6.4. F ACILITATE E NTRY OF A TTENDANCE FOR M ULTIPLE C HILDREN /D AYS Demonstrate how the system facilitates the entry of attendance/absence information (e.g., recurrence patterns) for multiple children/parents to support the quick entry of attendance. Demonstrate how the system supports the viewing and entry of attendance for a classroom within a program. 6.5. E XCHANGE I NFORMATION WITH O THER A GENCIES A TTENDANCE S WIPE C ARD S YSTEM AND S YSTEMS – Demonstrate how the system integrates with an attendance swipe card system to facilitate the quick entry of attendance of enrolled children. 6.6. S UBMIT A TTENDANCE FOR P ROGRAM Demonstrate how a program or its designee can finalize and submit the attendance for a submission period (e.g., month, week, etc.) including how the system validates that the attendance meets configurable attendance rules including rules pertaining to: Child Absence Information (e.g., number of permissible excused and unexcused absences) Program Schedule Information (e.g., program holidays, closures, etc.) Funding Stream Utilization Information Demonstrate how a user can override the attendance rules. Demonstrate how the system can limit which users are able to authorize overrides and how the system tracks when, by whom, and why an override was permitted. 6.7. M ONITOR A TTENDANCE – C HILDREN /F AMILIES Demonstrate how the system helps monitor the attendance patterns of children and families including how the system: Identifies and displays children with excessive or unexplained absences based on configurable rules including rules based on the number, type, reason, and timeframes of the absences. Notifies families and tracks family responses regarding attendance/absences Flags a child/family for a potential eligibility review based on attendance information 6.8. M ONITOR A TTENDANCE – P ROGRAMS Demonstrate how the system monitors the attendance entry and submission patterns for a program including information pertaining to: Timelines of attendance submission Attendance/absence information (e.g., average % of excused and unexcused absence days) Termination information (e.g., average % of absence days before termination) EEC Financial Assistance Product and Implementation RFR Page 20 of 47 Unified System Proj ect Appendix B - Scenarios for Demonstration 6.9. A DJUST A TTENDANCE I NFORMATION – C URRENT F ISCAL Y EAR Demonstrate how the system supports changes and/or fixes to attendance information entered, including attendance, absence, and transportation related information, for child care services within the current fiscal year. Demonstrate how the system calculates and applies any applicable billing adjustments required. 6.10. A DJUST A TTENDANCE I NFORMATION – P REVIOUS F ISCAL Y EAR Demonstrate how the system supports changes and/or fixes to attendance information entered, including attendance, absence, and transportation related information, for child care services provided during a previous fiscal year. Demonstrate how the system: Determines whether adjustments are permissible or whether the accounting year has closed Calculates and applies any required billing adjustments 6.11. M ANAGE E XTENDED A BSENCE R EQUESTS Demonstrate how the system supports subsidized children who anticipate being absent from a program for an extended period of time for a valid reason such as illness or visits with a non-custodial parent. Demonstrate how the system: Captures information about requests for and approval of extended absence requests Prioritizes the re-enrollment of the child should the child return to care within a configurable period of time 6.12. A NALYZE /R EPORT ON A TTENDANCE I NFORMATION Demonstrate the queries/reports available to analyze and report on attendance information, including available queries and reports pertaining to: Attendance information such as: o Attendance by funding stream (e.g., contract, service category, etc.) o Attendance by program (e.g., program, classroom, umbrella, etc.) o Attendance by date o Attendance by child/family o Attendance results (e.g., average absence days, % full time, etc.) Absence information (e.g., no reasons, excessive absences, absence before termination, etc.) Transportation information Attendance monitoring (e.g., data entry timeliness, vacancy days, etc.) EEC Financial Assistance Product and Implementation RFR Page 21 of 47 Unified System Proj ect Appendix B - Scenarios for Demonstration Scenario 7. S UBMIT P AYMENT R EQUEST The Unified System will support a common billing process across all types of child care, including voucher and contracted child care. The system will allow each child care program (or its approved designee) to submit an electronic request for payment. The request for payment will be determined based on the daily attendance information specified as well as the associated funding stream information (e.g., contract line, service, etc.). Users will be able to electronically submit and attest to the accuracy of payment requests and will be able to view information about the processing status of each payment request. In addition to child care service reimbursement, the Unified System will also support the online request, approval, and reimbursement processes for child care accommodations, like wheelchair purchases, and for parent services, such as teen counseling. U SE C A SES S UPPORTED : CFA-BP07-UC01: Submit Child Care Payment Request CFA-BP07-UC02: Manage Child Care Accommodation Requests CFA-BP07-UC03: Submit Parent Service Payment Request CFA-BP07-UC04: Modify Payment Requests 7.1. S UBMIT C HILD C ARE P AYMENT R EQUEST – V OUCHER Demonstrate how a program can submit an online request for reimbursement for child care services provided via a child care voucher including how the system: Determines the submission period for the payment request (e.g., month, biweekly period, etc.) Determines the children and services to include in the payment request Calculates the amount of payment being requested based on key child and program information, including service authorization, enrollment, attendance, rate, and funding stream information Allows a program to review, finalize, and attest to the accuracy of the payment request information Validates the payment request against configurable payment request rules, including rules based on the child’s age Tracks and displays a status history of each payment request Allows programs to view the status of each request Limits or prevents changes to billing information after the payment request has been submitted for a given billing period Accommodates changes/corrections to prior, already paid reimbursements to be handled by an adjustment process Executes configurable payment submission rules, including timeframe based rules (e.g., billing due dates, accounting year close date, etc.) Manages payment request exceptions, including late billing requests Demonstrate how an intermediary can submit an online payment request on a program’s behalf. 7.2. S UBMIT C HILD C ARE P AYMENT R EQUEST – C ONTRACT Demonstrate how a program can submit an online payment request for child care services provided via a contract. (See Scenario 7.1: Submit Child Care Payment Request Voucher for additional information) EEC Financial Assistance Product and Implementation RFR Page 22 of 47 Unified System Proj ect Appendix B - Scenarios for Demonstration 7.3. S UBMIT C HILD C ARE P AYMENT R EQUEST – V OUCHER AND C ONTRACT Demonstrate how a program can submit a unified payment request for all child care services and funding streams, including voucher and contracted child care. 7.4. M ANAGE C HILD C ARE A CCOMMODATION R EQUEST Demonstrate how the system facilitates the process of submitting a request for reimbursement for additional services including child care accommodations, such as a wheel chair purchase. 7.5. S UBMIT P ARENT S ERVICE P AYMENT R EQUEST Demonstrate how the system facilitates the process of submitting a request for reimbursement for non child care related services provided to a parent, such as services provided to pregnant teenagers in their third trimester. 7.6. S UBMIT P ERIODIC E XPENDITURE P AYMENT R EQUEST Demonstrate how the system facilitates the submission of a periodic (e.g., monthly) expenditure report which contains expenditures based on an approved budget or contract. For example, demonstrate how the system can be used to submit a monthly expenditure report for information and referral services provided. 7.7. S UBMIT R EQUEST FOR F UNDS Demonstrate how the system facilitates the submission of periodic (e.g., quarterly) requests for funds. For example, demonstrate how the system can be used to submit requests for funds for a grant including how the system: Captures information about current and expected expenditures Captures information about which expenses for reimbursement, if any, are associated with a subcontractor Validates the funding requests against configurable funding request rules such as rules based on the expenditures (e.g., must have expended X% of previous payment before next payment) EEC Financial Assistance Product and Implementation RFR Page 23 of 47 Unified System Proj ect Appendix B - Scenarios for Demonstration Scenario 8. P AY V ENDORS The system will allow child care programs and other contracted vendors to submit payment requests online to EEC based on the periodic nature of the contract. Payment requests will be routed to the appropriate account specialist for review and approval. Users will use the Unified System tools to communicate with programs concerning any billing discrepancies and resubmit payment requests if needed. Once approved, payments will be sent to MMARS for electronic payment. Users will also be able to receive and account for returned funds from overpaid vendors and will be able to stop payments for vendors in violation of an EEC or other Commonwealth contract rule. When appropriate, users will be able to use the system to initiate a recoupment and establish a payment plan for a program or individual. U SE C A SES S UPPORTED : POS-BP07-UC01: Submit Payment Request POS-BP07-UC02: Approve Payment Requests POS-BP07-UC03: Process MMARS Payment POS-BP07-UC04: Receive Returned Funds POS-BP07-UC05: Process Stop Payment POS-BP07-UC06: Recoup Vendor Funds 8.1. A PPROVE P AYMENT R EQUEST Demonstrate how the system facilitates the process of reviewing and approving/not approving vendor payment requests including how the system: Assigns a payment request to a user(s) for review and processing based on configurable workflow rules Validates the payment request against configurable payment rules (e.g., age of child, contract maximum obligation, expended amount, etc.) Captures information about whether, by when, and by whom a payment was approved/not approved Captures information about the reasons for rejection, including any identified discrepancies Notifies programs and tracks programs’ responses to payment approval/rejection notifications Integrates with an external accounting system (e.g., Massachusetts Management Accounting and Reporting System) to issue the payments 8.2. M ODIFY P AYMENT R EQUEST Demonstrate how the system facilitates the process of a program or its intermediary modifying and resubmitting a payment request that has been rejected by EEC. 8.3. S UPPORT E LECTRONIC E XCHANGE OF I NFORMATION WITH O THER A GENCIES /S YSTEMS – S TATE A CCOUNTING S YSTEM Demonstrate how the system supports the automated exchange of accounting information (encumbrances, payments, returned funds, etc.) with an external accounting system via an established exchange protocol including how the system: Utilizes a secure and reliable exchange mechanism (e.g., web services based exchange, FTP, point-to-point, etc.) for information exchange EEC Financial Assistance Product and Implementation RFR Page 24 of 47 Unified System Proj ect Appendix B - Scenarios for Demonstration Ensures that data meets exchange data standards Tracks the disposition of each record exchanged Supports error/exception handling 8.4. R ECEIVE R ETURNED F UNDS Demonstrate how the system aids users in tracking excess moneys owed to EEC and recording the receipt of returned funds, such as unspent money at the end of a grant or balances for corrections made to a past billing cycle. 8.5. S TOP P AYMENT Demonstrate how the system facilitates the process of stopping, holding, or offsetting payments to a vendor based on an EEC sanction or request from another agency. 8.6. R ECOUP V ENDOR F UNDS Demonstrate how the system supports the recoupment of moneys owed by a vendor or an individual receiving financial assistance including how the system: Identifies the original funding source(s) and years(s) for the money to be recouped Captures re-payment plan information Debits future payments, if applicable 8.7. G ENERATE F EDERAL C LAIM Demonstrate how the system generates a claim to the Federal government for early education and care related services, including how the system tracks which payments and associated children/services are included in each claim. 8.8. A NALYZE /R EPORT ON B ILLING /P AYMENTS Demonstrate the queries/reports available to analyze and report on billing/payment information, including available queries/reports pertaining to: Budget/funding (e.g., appropriation information, service/fund information, expected budget, etc.) Service delivery and billing (e.g., by program, by payment status, by funding stream, etc.) Payments Expenditures (e.g., caseload and spending trends, program expenditures, child expenditures, etc.) Enforcement/recoupment Management and exceptions (e.g., attendance requiring billing, adjustments, holds, error reconciliation, etc.) EEC Financial Assistance Product and Implementation RFR Page 25 of 47 Unified System Proj ect Appendix B - Scenarios for Demonstration Scenario 9. M ANAGE E LIGIBILITY R EVIEWS The Unified System will facilitate the management of eligibility reviews from the initial identification of the need for a review through the final determination. Users will be able to perform key functions pertaining to eligibility reviews, including tracking requests for reviews and tracking the results of an eligibility review. U SE C A SES S UPPORTED : CFA-BP10-UC02: Manage Eligibility Reviews Requests 9.1. M ANAGE E LIGIBILITY R EVIEW R EQUESTS Demonstrate how the system supports the management of eligibility reviews including how the system: Tracks requests for eligibility reviews Tracks the results of eligibility reviews (e.g., resolved, upheld termination, overturned termination, etc.) including applicable terms and conditions Tracks the disqualification of one or more family members as a result of an eligibility review, including disqualified person, reason, and timeframe information Prevents the wait listing and enrollment of disqualified families Determines whether or not recoupment is required EEC Financial Assistance Product and Implementation RFR Page 26 of 47 Unified System Proj ect Appendix B - Scenarios for Demonstration Scenario 10. M ANAGE P ROGRAMS AND O RGANIZATIONS The Unified System will utilize a wide variety of up-to-date information about all early education and care programs known to EEC including, but not limited to, EEC licensed and funded programs. This encompasses organizations and people providing paid services to the Department of Early Education and Care, including school districts, licensed child care programs, and institutions of higher learning, who have been awarded a contract as part of a grant process. In addition to individual programs, the Unified System will also support functionality pertaining to programs across and within umbrella organizations, including licensing umbrellas, family child care systems, lead agencies, and more. The system will consider information about the types of relationships between programs and umbrella organizations including ownership relationships (e.g., licensing umbrellas), subcontracting relationships, and other relationships. U SE C A SES S UPPORTED : LMS-BP05-UC01: Find Programs LMS-BP05-UC02: Add/Edit Program Information LMS-BP05-UC03: Add/Edit Program License Information LMS-BP05-UC04: Manage Program Transactions LMS-BP05-UC10: Track Program Correspondence LMS-BP05-UC12: Track Provider Quality LMS-BP05-UC13: View Program Information LMS-BP06-UC01: Add/Edit Umbrella Organization LMS-BP06-UC02: Manage Umbrella Organization Programs LMS-BP08-UC01: Maintain Program Staff 10.1. M ANAGE P ROGRAM I NFORMATION Demonstrate how the system tracks and utilizes a variety of information about programs, including child care programs that are and are not licensable by EEC, including how the system: Tracks and utilizes detailed information about each program such as: o Program type(s) information o Location and contact information o Schedule information o Ownership/management information o Vendor identifier information o Funding and reimbursement rate information o Service offering and specialty area information o Staffing information o License information o Child referral process information o Region information (e.g., EEC region, Child Care Resource and Referral region, county, etc.) o Classroom information o Other Program identifiers and characteristics (e.g., tax identifiers, policy and philosophy, quality information, assessment tool information, etc.) Supports the ability for different types of users to maintain different types of program information, including programs maintaining some information about themselves Tracks and displays a history of changes to program information EEC Financial Assistance Product and Implementation RFR Page 27 of 47 Unified System Proj ect Appendix B - Scenarios for Demonstration 10.2. M ANAGE U MBRELLA O RGANIZATION Demonstrate how the system tracks and utilizes a variety of information about different types of early education and care related umbrella organizations (e.g., child care corporations, Family Child Care Systems, Child Care Resource and Referral agencies, school districts, etc.). 10.3. M ANAGE U MBRELLA O RGANIZATION P ROGRAMS Demonstrate how the system supports relationships between and amongst programs and umbrella organizations including ownership relationships (e.g., licensing umbrellas) as well as subcontracting and other relationships. Demonstrate how the system supports: Corporate ownership relationships Family Child Care System members – including one or more family child care providers that are affiliated but not owned by a umbrella organization Grant members – including licensed and unlicensed programs associated with a lead agency for purposes of the grant Brand members – including a subset of the programs that are owned by an umbrella organization 10.4. F IND P ROGRAM OR O RGANIZATION Demonstrate how the system supports the ability for system users and the public to find, view, and print summary information about early education and care related programs and organizations by a wide variety of information (e.g., geographic area, service offerings, hours of operation, etc.) Demonstrate how a program/organization is able to limit what information is available via public searches. 10.5. T RACK P ROGRAM C ORRESPONDENCE Demonstrate how the system supports the automated tracking of correspondences with programs including: System generated correspondences sent to programs (e.g., notices, letters, emails, etc.) Non-system generated correspondences to programs (e.g., phone calls) Correspondences received from programs (letters, phone calls, etc.) 10.6. T RACK P ROGRAM Q UALITY Demonstrate how the system supports the tracking of information about program quality, including information about quality ratings that have been awarded to particular programs. Demonstrate how the system supports different reimbursement rates based on program quality ratings. EEC Financial Assistance Product and Implementation RFR Page 28 of 47 Unified System Proj ect Appendix B - Scenarios for Demonstration Scenario 11. M AINTAIN P AYMENT A CCOUNTS The Unified System will support the management of funds appropriate to the Department of Early Education and Care for child care financial assistance and other supports, including appropriations for subsidized child care (vouchers and contracts), grants, scholarships, and other funds. This includes creating and managing Legislatively-authorized appropriation accounts as well as the associated services or funds. The system will support the management of different accounts and funds over time, including recurring fiscal year based funding streams as well as special or one time funds (e.g., federal stimulus funding). U SE C A SES S UPPORTED : POS-BP01-UC01: Establish Appropriation Accounts POS-BP01-UC02: Establish Services and Funds 11.1. E STABLISH A PPROPRIATION A CCOUNT Demonstrate how the system supports the creation and management of appropriation accounts including how the system: Captures detailed information about each appropriation account including: o Account information (e.g., name, type, appropriation line, etc.) o Overall budget information o Associated services/funds (see Scenario 11.2: Establish Services and Funds for additional information.) o Service/fund budget information (see Scenario 11.2: Establish Services and Funds for additional information.) Calculates and displays information about where the account stands in terms of budget, expenditure, and current balance Supports appropriation account balance adjustments, including adjustments for expenditures or account activity outside of the system (e.g., transfer between accounts, change in budget, etc.) Integrates with an external accounting system (e.g., the Massachusetts Management Accounting and Reporting System) regarding the establishment of and changes to appropriation account information) Demonstrate how the system supports changes to appropriation accounts over time (e.g., effective dates, fiscal years, etc.). 11.2. E STABLISH S ERVICES AND F UNDS Demonstrate how the system facilitates the creation and management of the different services or funds for which expenditures from an appropriation account can be tracked and reported. This includes services/funds associated with child care contracts, vouchers, grants, and more. Demonstrate how the system: Captures detailed information about each service/fund including: o Associated appropriation account (See Scenario 11.1: Establish Appropriation Accounts for additional information) o Funding stream information o Budget information Supports the grouping of related services/funds (e.g., group services for “Education and Training,” “Supported Work,” and “Job Development/Placement” under "Transitional Assistance Related") EEC Financial Assistance Product and Implementation RFR Page 29 of 47 Unified System Proj ect Appendix B - Scenarios for Demonstration Calculates and displays information about where the service/fund stands in terms of budget, expenditure, and current balance Supports service/fund account balance adjustments Forecasts service/fund expenditures (e.g., total estimated children served for FY, total estimated expenditures for current contracts, etc.) Supports special or ad hoc services/funds (e.g., federal stimulus, seasonal funds, etc.) Integrates with an external accounting system (e.g., the Massachusetts Management Accounting and Reporting System) regarding the service and fund information Demonstrate how the system supports changes to services/funds over time (e.g., effective dates, fiscal years, etc.). EEC Financial Assistance Product and Implementation RFR Page 30 of 47 Unified System Proj ect Appendix B - Scenarios for Demonstration Scenario 12. M ANAGE C ONTRACTS The Unified System will facilitate the establishment and management of contracts with selected vendors. This includes contracts, such as UPK and Professional Development contracts, that have been awarded via a grant process as well direct child care service contracts, information and referral service contracts, and more. Users will be able to set-up contract and associated budget information in accordance with the business rules defined. This includes price agreement based contract budgets, that utilize a unit based compensation model, as well as cost based budgets, that include an overall cost for the entire project. Contract information maintained in the Unified System will be electronically shared with the Massachusetts Management Accounting and Reporting System (MMARS) via an automated exchange. Rights to change contract information will be controlled by user security, allowing vendors, EEC account specialists, EEC program managers, and others to have different update privileges. U SE C A SES S UPPORTED : POS-BP05-UC01: Create New Contract POS-BP05-UC02: Create Contract Budget POS-BP05-UC03: Finalize Contract POS-BP05-UC04: Manage Contract Assignments POS-BP05-UC05: Manage Contract Reminders POS-BP05-UC08: Manage Subcontractors for Contract 12.1. C REATE N EW C ONTRACT – P RICE A GREEMENT (U NIT B ASED ) Demonstrate how the system supports the creation of a price agreement contract whereby different rates can be established for different units of service (e.g., daily child care slot). For example, demonstrate how the system can be used to set-up an income eligible child care contract including how the system: Captures detailed contract information (e.g., vendor information, payment schedule information, term and condition information, renewal information, etc.) Captures detailed price-agreement budget information (e.g., services/funds, age groups, slots, rate, fees, etc. ) including contract line information for each type of service to be provided Supports different rates by different criteria (e.g., geography, age group, service type, quality rating, etc.) Calculates and displays total information (e.g., total contract amount, total service days, etc.) Assigns the contract for review and finalization based on configurable workflow rules Maintains and displays a history of status changes for a contract 12.2. C REATE N EW C ONTRACT – C OST A GREEMENT (P ROJECT B ASED ) Demonstrate how the system supports the creation of a cost agreement (line) contract that utilizes a project based compensation model whereby a single project cost is determined for the entire project. For example, demonstrate how the system can be used to set up an information and referral service contract including how the system: Captures detailed contract information Captures budget category (e.g., administration, salary, voucher management, etc.) and line information (e.g., director salary), including allowable spending level information 12.3. C REATE N EW C ONTRACT - C OST A GREEMENT C ONTRACT FOR G RANT Demonstrate how the system supports the creation of a cost agreement contract for a contracted awarded as part of a grant process. EEC Financial Assistance Product and Implementation RFR Page 31 of 47 Unified System Proj ect Appendix B - Scenarios for Demonstration 12.4. F INALIZE C ONTRACT Demonstrate how the system facilitates the review, approval, and finalization of a contract including how the system: Assigns contracts to user(s) for review and finalization based on configurable workflow rows Validates the contract against configurable contract rules Captures information about whether, by when, and by whom a contract and its associated budget was approved/not approved Captures information about the reasons for rejection, including information about any identified discrepancies Integrates with an external accounting system regarding the contract creation 12.5. M ANAGE S UBCONTRACTORS FOR C ONTRACT Demonstrate how the system supports the tracking of subcontractors associated with a contracted vendor including how the system: Captures detailed information about the association between the contractors and its subcontractors (e.g., dates, reasons, etc.) Provides a process to request and receive EEC approval of proposed subcontractor relationships The Unified System will allow users to amend or adjust contract information, including information about the contract as a whole as well as the details for the associated price-based (unit) or cost-based (project) contract budget. The system will support a variety of different types of amendments, including amendments that do and do not affect the overall compensation for a contract. The Unified System will maintain a comprehensive history of all contract amendments, including information about what was changed (before and after values), when the information was changed, and by whom a change was made. U SE C A SES S UPPORTED : POS-BP06-UC01: Amend Contract POS-BP06-UC02: Amend Budget Line Information – Redistribution POS-BP06-UC03: Finalize Contract Amendment POS-BP06-UC04: Renew Contract POS-BP06-UC05: Administer Contract POS-BP06-UC06: Process Underutilized Contracts POS-BP06-UC07: Process Universal Rate Change POS-BP06-UC08: Process One Time Stipend 12.6. A MEND C ONTRACT – P RICE A GREEMENT (U NIT B ASED ) Demonstrate how the system supports the process of amending a price agreement based contract, such as an income eligible child care contract. Demonstrate how the system: Supports the amendment of information, such as the terms and conditions, which do not affect the overall compensation Supports the amendment of information, such as rate and fee information, which impacts the overall compensation Tracks the reason(s) for the amendment EEC Financial Assistance Product and Implementation RFR Page 32 of 47 Unified System Proj ect Appendix B - Scenarios for Demonstration Assigns the contract amendment for review and finalization Maintains and displays a history of status changes for a contract amendment 12.7. A MEND C ONTRACT – C OST A GREEMENT (P ROJECT B ASED ) Demonstrate how the system supports the process of amending a cost agreement based contract, such as a contract for information and referral services. Demonstrate how the system supports the redistribution of funding between budget lines (e.g., move from salary line to administration line). 12.8. R ENEW C ONTRACT Demonstrate how the system facilitates the process of renewing or extending a contract that has or is scheduled to expire. 12.9. P ROCESS U NDERUTILIZED C ONTRACTS Demonstrate how the system facilitates the process of finding contracts that have not utilized awarded funding as expected including how the system: Identifies underutilized contracts using configurable rules (e.g., less than X % utilized) Notifies vendors and tracks vendor responses regarding contract utilization Supports the amendment of contract total and/or slot information Determines the amount of money to return to EEC, if applicable Facilitates the transfer of funds from underutilized contracts EEC Financial Assistance Product and Implementation RFR Page 33 of 47 Unified System Proj ect Appendix B - Scenarios for Demonstration Scenario 13. M ANAGE V OUCHERS The Unified System will include functionality to manage the availability and utilization of child care that is provided via vouchers. In accordance with EEC policies, authorized EEC users will be able to establish and monitor target income eligible voucher allocations for each region and/or intermediary agency. Authorized intermediaries will also be able to create and manage individual agreements with programs to provide services to families with child care vouchers. The system will maintain a listing of all programs with voucher agreements and will integrate this information with other information maintained about licensed and non-licensed programs. U SE C A SES S UPPORTED : CFA-BP04-UC01: Manage Voucher Allocation Information CFA-BP04-UC02: Manage Agreements with Voucher Programs 13.1. E STABLISH V OUCHER T ARGET A LLOCATION I NFORMATION Demonstrate how the system facilitates the process of maintaining information about the target income eligible child care vouchers statewide as well as targets for each region and/or intermediary. Demonstrate how the system: Captures voucher target allocation information including target slots and target spending Captures allowable over-allocation information (e.g., 5% over target) Tracks the utilization of the allocated vouchers Prevents a user from issuing a new child care voucher when the voucher allocation (or allowable over-allocation) has been exceeded 13.2. A DJUST V OUCHER T ARGET A LLOCATION I NFORMATION Demonstrate how the system supports changes to target voucher allocations including how the system: Captures detailed information about the allocation adjustment (e.g., amount, effective date, etc.) Tracks and displays a history of changes to voucher allocation information 13.3. M ANAGE A GREEMENTS WITH V OUCHER P ROVIDERS Demonstrate how an authorized intermediary, such as a Child Care Resource and Referral Agency, can maintain information about their agreements with various programs to provide subsidized child care services via the voucher process. Demonstrate how the system: Captures information about the programs, including in home/relative child care providers, who will be providing voucher care Captures information about the agreements between the programs and the intermediary (e.g., agreement date, programs, type, schedules, rates, etc.) 13.4. A NALYZE /R EPORT ON V OUCHERS Demonstrate the queries/reports available to analyze and report on voucher information including available queries/reports pertaining to: Voucher Allocation Information (e.g., statewide, by region, by intermediary, etc.) Voucher Utilization Information (e.g., statewide, by region, by intermediary, by program, by age group, etc.) EEC Financial Assistance Product and Implementation RFR Page 34 of 47 Unified System Proj ect Appendix B - Scenarios for Demonstration Scenario 14. M ANAGE R ATES The Unified System will facilitate the process of maintaining and changing rates, including rates that apply to contract and voucher providers. Users will be able to simulate the impact of rate changes, project the cost of rate changes made retroactively, and apply rate changes to one or more programs at once. U SE C A SES S UPPORTED : POS-BP06-UC07: Process Universal Rate Change POS-BP06-UC08: Process One Time Stipend 14.1. S IMULATE I MPACT OF R ATE C HANGE Demonstrate how the system can simulate the impact of a potential rate change including how the system: Simulates the impact a potential rate change would have on the total funding if it was applied Simulate the impact a potential change to the amount of total funding available (e.g., $1 million increase due to new funding) would have on individual providers (contracts and/or vouchers) 14.2. P ROCESS U NIVERSAL R ATE C HANGE Demonstrate how the system facilitates the process of applying a rate increase to multiple contracts and voucher programs at the same time including how the system: Facilitates the selection of one or more contracts/lines and voucher program groups to amend Captures rate change amendment information (e.g., type, amount, effective date, reason, etc.) Validates that rate change adheres to configurable contract amendment rules (e.g., allowable dates, maximum obligation, comparison to walk-in rate, etc.) Determines payment adjustments that result from the rate change in both vouchers and contracts 14.3. P ROCESS O NE T IME S TIPEND Demonstrate how the system facilitates the processing of a one-time stipend to a set of vendors to cover one-time expenses (e.g., summer funds) including how the system: Facilitates the selection of the vendor(s) to receive the stipend Captures stipend detail information (e.g., date, amount, reason, etc.) Processes the stipend payment EEC Financial Assistance Product and Implementation RFR Page 35 of 47 Unified System Proj ect Appendix B - Scenarios for Demonstration Scenario 15. M ANAGE P ROGRAM A VAILABILITY I NFORMATION The Unified System will facilitate the tracking and management of information about a program’s availability to provide child care. They system will calculate and display information about a program’s overall capacity, including where appropriate its licensed capacity as well as its contracted maximum slots for subsidized child care. Programs will be able to maintain information about their internal benchmarks or desired capacity for both subsidized and non-subsidized care. Programs will also be able to maintain up-to-date information about their current and projected availability online. The system will calculate and help manage the utilization of child care contract slots and vouchers, including underutilization, overutilization, and forecasting. U SE C A SES S UPPORTED : CFA-BP04-UC03: Manage Program Availability Information LMS-BP05-UC01: Find Programs 15.1. M ANAGE P ROGRAM A VAILABILITY I NFORMATION Demonstrate how the system facilitates the management of availability information including program capacity and utilization information. Demonstrate how the system: Displays license capacity information based on the program’s license Displays contracted capacity information based on the program’s contract(s) Allows a program to specify information about its desired enrollment capacity, including for subsidized and non-subsidized children Calculates the number of child care slots that are currently used/available for subsidized care Allows a program to specify the number of child care slots that are used/currently available for non-subsidized care Allows a program to specify information about the number of child care slots that are projected to be available for both subsidized and non-subsidized child care within a time period 15.2. F IND A VAILABLE P ROGRAMS Demonstrate how the system allows a user to find programs with availability to provide child care, including how the system: Enables system users and the public to find programs with current and/or projected availability Captures programs’ preferences concerning the visibility of their information on public child care searches 15.3. D ISPLAY P ROGRAM ( S ) ON M AP Demonstrate how a user can view and print a map of one or more child care program addresses (e.g., child care programs) using a Geographic Information System (GIS) service. 15.4. A NALYZE /R EPORT ON U TILIZATION /A VAILABILITY Demonstrate the queries/reports available to analyze and report on utilization/availability information including current and forecasted information. Demonstrate available queries/reports pertaining to: Service utilization (e.g., by funding stream, by program, by service, etc.) Voucher allocation/utilization (e.g., comparison to benchmarks) EEC Financial Assistance Product and Implementation RFR Page 36 of 47 Unified System Proj ect Appendix B - Scenarios for Demonstration Contract/line allocation/utilization Financial forecasting (e.g., service need projections, turnover rates, seasonal variations, etc.) Utilization exceptions (e.g., underutilization, over-utilization, difference from target, etc.) Caseload and spending trends (e.g., number of children by account type, contract expenditure by child care account, etc.) Caseload attrition (e.g., over selected time periods, by program type, age group, geography, etc.) Program capacity/availability Expenditures EEC Financial Assistance Product and Implementation RFR Page 37 of 47 Unified System Proj ect Appendix B - Scenarios for Demonstration Scenario 16. M ANAGE V ISITS OR M EETINGS The Unified System will support the scheduling and tracking of various visits and meetings involving EEC staff, intermediaries, programs, and families. Visits/meetings can be assigned, reassigned, rescheduled, and updated as needed. The system will facilitate the notification of attendees when changes are made to an upcoming visit or meeting. U SE C A SES S UPPORTED : LMS-BP04-UC01: Schedule Visit or Meeting LMS-BP04-UC02: Prepare for Visit or Meeting 16.1. S CHEDULE V ISITS OR M EETINGS – F AMILY M EETING Demonstrate how the system facilitates the process of scheduling a meeting with a family including how the system: Captures detailed meeting/information (e.g., time, location, attendees, etc.) Sends notifications of upcoming meetings Allows a user to cancel or reschedule the meeting Displays a list or calendar view of upcoming meetings Displays scheduled visit/meeting on a user’s personal calendar 16.2. S CHEDULE V ISIT OR M EETING – P ROGRAM M EETING Demonstrate how the system facilitates the process of scheduling a meeting with one or more programs/organizations. (see Scenario 16.1: Schedule Visits of Meetings –Family Meeting for additional information) 16.3. T RACK V ISIT /M EETING O UTCOME Demonstrate how the system facilitates the tracking of visit/meeting outcomes, including how the system tracks whether the event was held, who participated, and what occurred. EEC Financial Assistance Product and Implementation RFR Page 38 of 47 Unified System Proj ect Appendix B - Scenarios for Demonstration Scenario 17. M ANAGE S ECURE A CCESS The Unified System will manage access to information and functionality using Commonwealth and EEC standards for security. EEC administrators will be able to create new security roles and profiles and indicate which profiles apply to different groups of users. Programs and organizations will be able to help administer their own staff’s user accounts, and EEC administrators will be able to help establish, oversee, and change user accounts and privileges. The Unified System will also include many safeguards to protect against unauthorized access and will maintain detailed audit trails of user activity and changes to the information maintained in the Unified System. It will also protect the security and confidentiality of information as required by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Order 504. U SE C A SES S UPPORTED : CSP-SP01-UC01: Manage Application Security Groups CSP-SP01-UC02: Manage User Accounts CSP-SP01-UC03: Maintain Audit Trail 17.1. M ANAGE A PPLICATION S ECURITY G ROUPS Demonstrate how the system controls access to all non-public information and functionality by security privileges. Demonstrate how the system: Supports role based security for identity and access management Allows an authorized user to add or edit a permission (also known as a resource) which is a system level element that can be protected by the system Allows an authorized user to add or edit a role (also known as an atomic role) which aggregates related permissions for activities Allows an authorized user to add or edit a user profile (also known as a compound role) that is a collection of roles that together meet the business needs for a particular type or user 17.2. M ANAGE U SER A CCOUNTS Demonstrate how the system supports the creation and maintenance of user accounts to protect against unauthorized access. Demonstrate how the system: Supports single sign on to system functionality Supports different levels of user account administration including self administration, program/intermediary administration, and EEC administration Provides the ability to associate a user account with multiple organizations and programs and assign different security profiles for each organization/program with which the user is associated Controls access to system functionality/data based on the user’s security profile for the organization/program under which the user is logged in Validates that user names and passwords meet configurable rules (e.g., number and type of characters, reset timeframes, etc.) Supports lost user names and passwords Monitors user sessions 17.3. M AINTAIN A UDIT T RAIL – U SER A CTIVITY H ISTORY Demonstrate how the system maintains and displays a history of the different types of user activities (e.g., view, add, delete, update, print, etc.) performed by each user logged into the system. EEC Financial Assistance Product and Implementation RFR Page 39 of 47 Unified System Proj ect Appendix B - Scenarios for Demonstration 17.4. M AINTAIN A UDIT T RAIL – D ATA C HANGE H ISTORY Demonstrate how the system maintains and displays a history of changes to transactional data, including information about how the information was changed (before and after values), when the information was changed, and by whom a change was made. 17.5. M AINTAIN A UDIT T RAIL – R ECORD A CCESS H ISTORY Demonstrate how the system maintains and displays a history of who has accessed system information, including what was accessed, when, and by whom. EEC Financial Assistance Product and Implementation RFR Page 40 of 47 Unified System Proj ect Appendix B - Scenarios for Demonstration Scenario 18. P ROMOTE S YSTEM U SABILITY The Unified System will adhere to federal, Commonwealth, and EEC standards for accessibility and usability. It will include a variety of different tools and resources to promote the experience with and use of the system including online help, user preferences, and more. U SE C A SES S UPPORTED : CSP-SP02-UC01: Manage User Preferences CSP-SP02-UC02: Promote System Accessibility CSP-SP02-UC03: Manage User Help 18.1. P ROMOTE S YSTEM U SABILITY Demonstrate usability features and functions available within the system including how the system: Conforms to ADA standards (e.g., keyboard functionality, animation, color coding to convey information, accessibility features, timed responses, etc.) Promotes the quick access to frequently used records and queries (e.g., frequently accessed programs, last number X accessed families, etc.) Allows users to maintain certain preferences that apply only to their account Demonstrate other usability features available within the system. 18.2. M ANAGE U SER H ELP Demonstrate the online help features available within the system including available process, page, and field specific help functionality. Demonstrate how help information is maintained, including how the system supports a history of help information over time. EEC Financial Assistance Product and Implementation RFR Page 41 of 47 Unified System Proj ect Appendix B - Scenarios for Demonstration Scenario 19. C OMMUNICATE E LECTRONICALLY The Unified System will include a variety of common tools and services to promote communications among and between EEC staff and stakeholders. Users will be able to send and receive electronic communications in a secure and efficient manner via the Unified System. In addition to sending and receiving electronic correspondences, users will also be able to establish and share reminders about tasks and activities that require follow-up. The system will maintain a comprehensive history of all messages sent via the Unified System and can also send email notification to users about electronic communications if the user prefers. The Unified System will also allow users to share electronic documents such as enrollment related documents, contract documents, and more. This includes documents that were originally created in an electronic format (e.g., Word Document) as well as scanned versions of paper documents (e.g., JPEG document). Users will be able to upload one or more electronic document for viewing. The system will confirm that the document is virus free and meets the document upload thresholds established by EEC. U SE C A SES S UPPORTED : CSP-SP03-UC01: CSP-SP03-UC02: LMS-BP05-UC09: CSP-SP04-UC01: Manage Electronic Messages Manage Reminders Manage Program Reminders Manage Electronic Documents 19.1. M ANAGE M ESSAGE G ROUPS AND M EMBERS Demonstrate how an administrator can use the system to establish groups of users to whom to send electronic messages via the system. Demonstrate how the administrator indicates the users, or groups of users, that are part of the group currently and over time. 19.2. M ANAGE E LECTRONIC M ESSAGES AND I NBOX Demonstrate how the system can be used to send and receive electronic messages to a user and/or message group including how the system: Captures message content and recipient information Displays an inbox or queue of messages Tracks whether and when a message has been received and read Sends email notification of the electronic message 19.3. G ENERATE F OREIGN L ANGUAGE C ORRESPONDENCE Demonstrate how the system can be used to generate and print a notice in a language other than English. Demonstrate the various languages the system supports. 19.4. G ENERATE B ATCH C ORRESPONDENCE Demonstrate how the system is able to generate correspondences for multiple recipients (e.g., multiple programs, families, etc.) at the same time including how the system: Allows a user to specify which recipients to include in a batch of correspondences Allows a user to specify where/how to print the correspondences, including to an individual printer or to a centralized printing center (e.g., state mailing facility) EEC Financial Assistance Product and Implementation RFR Page 42 of 47 Unified System Proj ect Appendix B - Scenarios for Demonstration 19.5. M ANAGE R EMINDERS Demonstrate how the system supports the ability to establish, view, and track electronic reminders of upcoming tasks or activities to aid in the timely completion of those activities. 19.6. M ANAGE E LECTRONIC D OCUMENTS Demonstrate how the system supports the uploading and storage of electronic documents including how the system: Captures detailed metadata information (e.g., title, author, etc.) about each document Validates that the document meets configurable electronic document rules including rules based on file size and file type Confirms that the document is virus free Allows a user to view the document in a standard web browser Supports the removal and replacement of previously uploaded documents EEC Financial Assistance Product and Implementation RFR Page 43 of 47 Unified System Proj ect Appendix B - Scenarios for Demonstration Scenario 20. A NALYZE /R EPORT ON S YSTEM I NFORMATION In accordance with applicable State and Federal regulations and policies, information in the Unified System will be used as the basis of comprehensive research and reporting. The Unified System will support a variety of mechanisms for analysis and reporting of both aggregate (non-identifying) and detailed information. U SE C A SES S UPPORTED : CSP-SP11-UC01: Generate Online Queries/Reports CSP-SP11-UC02: Download Unified System Data CSP-SP11-UC03: Integrate with Data Warehouse 20.1. G ENERATE Q UERY /R EPORT – D ETAIL L IST R ESULTS Demonstrate an example of a report that is available in the system where the report results are formatted as a detailed list (e.g., list with column headers) including how a user can sort report results. 20.2. G ENERATE Q UERY /R EPORT – S UMMARY /D ETAIL R ESULTS Demonstrate an example of a report that is available in the system where the report results include summary or aggregate level information (e.g., totals) with the ability to navigate to additional supporting details. 20.3. G ENERATE Q UERY /R EPORT – G RAPHICAL R ESULTS Demonstrate an example of a report that is available in the system where report results include a graph, chart, or other graphical display. 20.4. G ENERATE Q UERY /R EPORT – D ASHBOARD I NDICATOR R ESULTS AND K EY P ERFORMANCE Demonstrate an example of a report that is available in the system where the report results are formatted into a dashboard and/or display key performance indicators. 20.5. E XPORT Q UERY /R EPORT R ESULTS TO F ILE Demonstrate how the system allows a user to export results of a query/report to Microsoft Excel or another standardized file format (e.g., comma separated, portable document format, html, etc.). 20.6. E XPORT D ATA TO D ATA W AREHOUSE Demonstrate how the system is integrated with a data warehouse for more advanced and complex analysis and reporting. EEC Financial Assistance Product and Implementation RFR Page 44 of 47 Unified System Proj ect Appendix B - Scenarios for Demonstration Scenario 21. A DMINISTER S YSTEM The Unified System will provide the ability to administer a wide variety of information. The system will utilize reference code and data validation tables whenever possible to facilitate the maintenance of and changes to system operations. System administrators will be able to perform a vast amount of configuration and administrative tasks without any programming, including maintaining business rules, financial information, and other reference data. Administrators will be able to change information and maintain a history of when the changes were effective. U SE C A SES S UPPORTED : CFA-BP12-UC01: Administer Child/Family Access and Assistance 21.1. M AINTAIN E LIGIBILITY R ULES Demonstrate how an administrator can maintain information about the business rules used to determine and re-determine whether a family is eligible to receive subsidized child care (e.g., which types of income, family members, and activities count towards eligibility). Demonstrate how the system supports different eligibility rules over time (e.g., effective date). 21.2. M AINTAIN SMI T HRESHOLD I NFORMATION Demonstrate how an administrator can maintain the State Median Income threshold including information pertaining to family size and income threshold. Demonstrate how the system supports different SMI thresholds over time (e.g., effective dates). 21.3. M AINTAIN P ARENT C O - PAY I NFORMATION Demonstrate how an administrator can maintain parent co-pay information based on a variety of criteria such as family size, income bracket, fee type, etc. Demonstrate how the system supports different parent co-pays over time (e.g., effective dates). 21.4. M AINTAIN E NROLLM ENT P RIORITY I NFORMATION Demonstrate how an administrator can maintain information about the different enrollment priorities for children and families on the income eligible waiting list (e.g., length of time on list, sibling enrollment, special needs, military service, child of a foster parent, etc.) including rules for the ordering and weighting of priorities. Demonstrate how the system supports different priorities over time (e.g., effective dates). 21.5. M ANAGE D UPLICATIVE R ECORDS Demonstrate how the system promotes the integrity and quality of information, including ensuring that there are not duplicative records. Demonstrate how the system: Attempts to prevent the creation of duplicative records, including determining potential likely person and organization matches using automated rules Helps identify and display potentially duplicate person and organizations for review and resolution Supports the merger of duplicative persons Supports the merger of duplicative organizations EEC Financial Assistance Product and Implementation RFR Page 45 of 47 Unified System Proj ect Appendix B - Scenarios for Demonstration 21.6. M AINTAIN W ORKFLOWS Demonstrate how an administrator can maintain information about the workflow path for a specific system task (e.g., approve override of eligibility rules, approve contract, etc.) including how the system: Supports the assignment of workflows to individual users or groups of users based on security profile Supports different workflows based on key criteria such as geography (e.g., different users are responsible for approving financial assistance applications submitted in different regions) Displays a list or inbox of activities assigned to user Supports scenarios where the user is not available (e.g., on vacation, no longer employed, etc.) to complete the task Demonstrate how the system supports different work flows over time. 21.7. M AINTAIN O THER R ULES AND R EFERENCE I NFORMATION Demonstrate other capabilities the system provides for administrators to perform configuration and administrative tasks without programming, including maintaining reference values and business rules. EEC Financial Assistance Product and Implementation RFR Page 46 of 47 Unified System Proj ect Appendix B - Scenarios for Demonstration Scenario 22. O THER P RODUCT F UNCTIONALITY Demonstrate other functionality available in the system that will be of high value to the Department of Early Education and Care. EEC Financial Assistance Product and Implementation RFR Page 47 of 47