Phi Beta Lambda Delta Sigma Chapter Bylaws Article l. Name The name of this organization shall be the Delta Sigma Chapter of Phi Beta Lambda and may be referred to as “PBL” or the “Chapter”. Article II. Purpose Section 1. The purpose of PBL is to provide opportunities for postsecondary students to develop vocational competencies for business and office occupations and business teacher education. PBL is an integral part of the instructional program and in addition promotes a sense of civic and personal responsibility. Section 2. The specific goals of PBL are to: • • • • • • • • • Develop competent, aggressive business leadership. Strengthen the confidence of students in themselves and their work. Create more interest in and understanding of American business enterprise. Encourage members in the development of individual projects, which contribute to the improvement of home, business and community. Develop character, prepare for useful citizenship and foster patriotism. Encourage and practice efficient money management. Encourage scholarship and promote school loyalty. Assist students in the awareness of occupational goals. Facilitate the transition from school to work. Article III. Membership Section 1. PBL membership shall consist of members of the chartered local chapter. These members shall also hold membership in the state and national chapters. Should no state chapter exist or it cease to exist, members shall be recognized by the national association. Section 2. Membership shall be open to: • • Active Members shall be postsecondary students enrolled in business and/or business-related fields, who accept the purpose of PBL, subscribe to its creed, demonstrate willingness to contribute to good school-community relations, and possess qualities for employment. Active members shall pay dues as established by PBL and may participate in national, state, or chapter events or conferences, serve as voting delegates to the National Leadership Conference, hold national office and otherwise represent their state and local chapters as approved by their respective state and local advisers. Honorary Life Members shall be elected by the Chapter by a majority vote. They shall be persons who are assisting in the advancement of business and office education and/or who are rendering outstanding service to PBL. Honorary life members shall not vote, hold office, or be required to pay dues. Revised 05/25/2010 PBL Bylaws Page 1 of 6 Section 3. Students who have not paid their dues shall not be considered members of the Chapter. A person who has not paid dues shall not be entitled to vote, run for office, or represent the Chapter at state or national events or conferences. Section 4. Voting delegates to state or national conferences shall be selected by a majority vote of the Chapter members attending the conference. Article IV. Dues and Finance Section 1. Dues. Chapter dues shall be 5$. This shall be in addition to the state and national dues as determined by the respective state and national bylaws. Membership is unified on the Chapter, state and national levels and is not available separately. Section 2. Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of the Chapter shall be July 1 through June 30. Section 3. Audit. An audit shall be made annually by the Administrative committee, which shall report at the annual meeting. Article V. Officers and Elections Section 1. Officers. The Officers of the Chapter shall be: President, Vice-President of Membership, VicePresident of Scholarship, Vice-President of Community Service, Vice-President of Fundraising, VicePresident of Corporate Funding, Vice-President of Fellowship, Public Relations Director, Historian, Student Government Association Liaison, Student Life Liaison, Phi Beta Lambda Liaison, Treasurer, Secretary, and Parliamentarian. These officers with the adviser as ex-officio member shall constitute the Executive Committee. Officers shall be elected at the annual meeting or appointed by the Executive Board. Section 2. Term of Office. Officers shall hold office for a term of one year or until their successors are elected, whichever occurs first. Officers shall assume their duties at the close of the meeting at which they are elected. Section 3. The Chapter shall have an Adviser who shall be a faculty member from the business department. Advisers shall be chosen by the Executive Committee. Article VI. Duties of PBL Officers Section 1. The President shall (a) preside over meetings of the Chapter, (b) appoint all committees and committee chairpersons, (c) serve as an ex-officio member of all chapter committees, (d) coordinate chapter activities by keeping in close touch with the other officers, the membership, and the advisors, and (e) promote the growth and development of PBL. Section 2. The Vice President of Membership shall (a) be responsible for membership recruitment, preparation of recruitment materials, and coordination, (b) handle the collection and distribution of membership applications, (c) keep an updated copy of the membership database including but not limited to member’s contact information, date of payment of membership dues and position held within the organization, and (d) assist with the Marketing Committee. Revised 05/25/2010 PBL Bylaws Page 2 of 6 Section 3. The Vice President of Scholarship shall (a) provide members with the information regarding the PBL District, State and National Conferences and competitive events, (b) organize and execute training sessions with competitors on a regular basis, (c) search for the availability of scholarship funds, (d) distribute applications and information regarding PBL scholarships, and (e) assist in preparation of Student Life Travel Packet for the PBL District, State and National Conferences and competitive events. Section 4. The Vice President of Community Service shall (a) develop community service projects, (b) oversee and coordinate all community service and volunteer involvement by Delta Sigma, (c) preside over the Community Involvement Committee, and (d) accurately report volunteer hours to Parliamentarian. Section 5. The Vice President of Fundraising shall (a) develop fundraising ideas and events, (b) oversee and coordinate all fundraising events and activities of Delta Sigma, (c) preside over the Fundraising Committee, and (d) recruit volunteers for fundraising. Section 6.The Vice President of Corporate Funding shall (a) find corporate sponsorship, (b) initiate communication with professional business leaders in the community, (c) coordinate professional business guest speaker involvement, and (d) work along with the Fundraising Committee. Section 7. The Vice President of Fellowship shall (a) oversee the coordination of fellowship events held by Delta Sigma, (b) represent the chapter in special events, and (c) preside over the Special Events committee to formulate event ideas. Events such as social activities, seminars, workshops, job and business fairs, off-campus events (outside seminars and workshops) and entertainment activities promoting camaraderie amongst members are to be handled by the Vice President of Fellowship and the Special Events committee. Section 8. The Public Relations Director shall (a) maintain the chapter's bulletin board at the North Campus, (b) prepare news releases and articles for publication in school and local newspapers, (c) assist with planning and arranging of chapter exhibits, (d) update the Chapter's web page, (e) develops media lists for chapter mailings, (f) prepare announcements to be distributed internally and externally concerning all club activities, and (g) preside over the Marketing Committee, advertising club activities and recruiting members. Section 9. The Historian shall (a) maintain records of the Chapter, including an annual report of its activities, awards, and publicity, (b) record all club events in pictures, words or other media, (c) store flyers, agendas and programs of all clubs events, (d) keep a chapter publicity and activity scrapbook and obtain copies of all necessary correspondence to place in the scrapbook, (e) ascertain that photographs are delivered to the school paper or other publications, and (f) be responsible for preparing the chapter's Fact Finder. Revised 05/25/2010 PBL Bylaws Page 3 of 6 Section 10. The Student Government Association Liaison shall (a) be the organization's representative to the Student Government Association meetings and other events, (b) maintain communication with SGA, and (c) keep an accurate record of the minutes of SGA meetings, promptly supplying a copy of the minutes after a meeting. Section 11. The Student Life Liaison shall (a) provide connection with student life department, (b) attend Inner Club council meetings once a month to represent PBL, (c) keep an accurate record of the minutes of Inner Club Council meetings, promptly supplying a copy of the minutes after a meeting, (d) prepare Student Life Organization Membership Packet for each semester, and (e) assist in preparation of a Student Life Travel Packet for the PBL District, State and National Conferences and competitive events. Section 12. The Phi Beta Lambda Liaison shall (a) maintain communication with district and state officers, (b) submit the required reports to the state chapter and the national center, (c) prepare a Student Life Travel Packet for the PBL District, State and National Conferences and competitive events, (d) prepare and collect news and feature stories of the chapter's activities for the state newsletter (if applicable) and for national publications (PBL Business Leader), and (e) ensure timely application for individual and chapter recognition awards. Section 13. The Treasurer shall (a) assist adviser as a custodian of the funds of the organization, (b) collect all state and national dues and be responsible for their disbursement by the appropriate deadlines, (c) give routine financial reports, (d) plan and record travel expenses of the chapter, (e) present an annual financial report to members at the annual meeting, (f) keep financial records neat and current, and (g) assist Administrative committee with preparation of necessary reports and paperwork. Section 14. The Secretary shall (a) keep an accurate record of the minutes of Membership and Executive Board meetings, promptly supplying a copy of the minutes after a meeting, (b) maintain organization files, (c) produce and distribute the organization’s calendar of events, and (d) preside over Administrative committee to prepare necessary reports and paperwork. Section 15. The Parliamentarian shall (a) serve in any capacity as directed by the President, (b) be prepared to advise the presiding officer and other chapter members on parliamentary procedure, (c) assist chapter members in understanding the basic purpose of parliamentary procedure, (d) have reference materials pertaining to parliamentary procedure available for each meeting, (e) count and record votes when taken, and (f) administer accurate account of points. The Parliamentarian shall be responsible for assuring that meetings and organization business is performed in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order. Revised 05/25/2010 PBL Bylaws Page 4 of 6 These officers shall serve on the Executive Board, and perform such duties as directed by the President and the Advisers and not inconsistent with these bylaws or other Rules adopted by the Chapter and assist the president in the promotion and development of PBL. The Chapter officers' duties include the above mentioned, but are not limited to the duties in the description. An officer may be removed from office by a quorum vote or immediately remove for unreasonable or unethical actions. Article VII. Meetings Section 1. There must be at least one membership meeting a month during the academic year. One of the regular April meetings shall be designated as the annual meeting for the purpose of electing officers, receiving reports of officers and committees, and for any other business which may arise. Meetings may be held as deemed necessary by the President with the approval of the Executive Board. Section 2. Special meetings of the Chapter may be called by the President, a majority vote of the Executive Committee, or by a written request from at least 10% of the membership. The purpose of the meeting shall be stated in the notice. Section 3. Quorum. Majority of members of the chapter shall constitute a quorum. Article VIII. Committees Section 1. The President, on consultation with the Executive Committee, shall appoint the following committees: (a) Marketing, (b) Administrative, (c) Fundraising, (d) Special Events, and (e) Community Involvement. The President shall appoint additional committees as authorized by the Executive Committee. Duties of committees shall be determined by the Executive Committee and the adopted parliamentary authority. Advisory committees to assist in the growth and development of PBL may be appointed as deemed necessary by the board of directors. Section 2. The Chapter may appoint additional committees to assist in the growth and development of the chapter. An officer screening committee composed of national officers and board members, shall be appointed by the PBL president in consultation with the association president and chief executive officer. The officer screening committee shall, after careful consideration of applicants for offices of PBL, approve candidates for nomination. Section 5. Committee Guidelines Committee business may be conducted by mail, teleconferencing, and/or electronic conferencing at the discretion of the chairman. The committee shall meet to plan and execute various events in agreement with Delta Sigma's goals and purpose. The committee will have an opportunity to meet outside of the general meeting and discuss the issues needed. The last 15 minutes of the meeting will be available to meet. The committee head shall report on behalf of the committee to the general members on the work in process and achievements. The committee shall decide on the amount of events they are planning per month, semester and academic year. The committee shall give the members at least a week's notice of the event before attendance is desired. The committee is responsible for submitting a final draft of plans for event that is being hosted and a list of items needed to carry out the event. The events shall be thoroughly planned and presented in a reasonable manner. Article IX. Emblems, Insignia & Colors Revised 05/25/2010 PBL Bylaws Page 5 of 6 Section 1. The Chapter emblems shall be the emblems of the national organization. Section 2. The official emblem and insignia items and designs are described and protected from infringement by registration in the U.S. Patent Office under the Trademark Act of 1946. The manufacture, reproduction, wearing, or display of the emblem shall be governed by the national board of directors. Section 3. Emblems and insignia of PBL shall be uniform within the chapter. Only members in good standing may use official emblems and insignia. A member is considered in good standing when they have completed the application, paid PBL dues and are not in any sort of debt to the organization. Section 4. The official colors of PBL shall be blue and gold. Article X. Parliamentary Authority The rules contained in Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the chapter in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the rules of FBLA-PBL, Inc., these Bylaws, or any special rules of order the chapter may adopt. Article XI. Amendments Section 1. Local Amendments. Amendments to the Bylaws shall be submitted in writing at a regular meeting and shall not be voted on until the following regular meeting. A two-thirds vote shall be required for adoption. Amendments shall take effect immediately unless otherwise stated in the proposed amendment. Section 2. Consistency. In areas inconsistent with the Bylaws or Rules of National PBL or the state chapter, these Bylaws may be amended by the Executive Committee to provide consistency. All members shall be informed of the exact changes within thirty (30) days in writing or electronically. Section 3. Minor Changes. The Executive Committee shall be authorized to revise these Bylaws to correct punctuation, grammar, cross-references, article and section designations, and to make such other technical changes as may be necessary, where these changes shall be minor in detail and shall not alter the meaning or intent of the Bylaws. Notice of changes made under this authority shall be communicated in writing or electronically to the membership within thirty (30) days. Revised 05/25/2010 PBL Bylaws Page 6 of 6